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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    Application Anxiety

    My kitchen table is full of notes, old stats and draw odds. My wife thinks I'm crazy to put this much time into it......little does she know I have a plan:). I write all my hunt numbers and hunt dates out on scratch paper way before I even touch an application. It is a challenge making sure my hunts don't conflict with my wife's or my daughter's. All I need is for us all to get drawn in different areas at the same time.......... By the way, I noticed a huge decline in applications after the Game and Fish did away with on-line credit card apps. There were way too many people applying when they didn't have to front the money. We can not let the GFD bring that back. NO ON LINE APPS! Now, if they have on line apps and also charge your credit card, that may work. But, I still think more people will apply. Writing out a check deters some people who just want to gamble........
  2. Sam

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    A friend of mine used to hunt feral pigs alot in CA. The ranchers and farmers really wanted hunters to help control the population. The land destruction was really bad. But, he said they didn't taste very good and he doesn't hunt them anymore....... Are these pigs any good to eat??? I know I have to be careful on how I cook javelina.......
  3. Sam

    tagged out!

    Nice Muley - Way to get it done before the New Year sets in.....
  4. Congrats to DK. That is a great deer at any age!
  5. What a hunt! Two great deer and a very cool story to go with the pictures. Congrats. Hope you got the sprinkler pipes fixed.........
  6. Sam

    A great Northern AZ buck

    Boy, I'm not so sure I would have passed him up on Saturday. You have alot of patience. Congrats on a fine deer.
  7. Great hunt - especially this year. Not alot of quail out there. I did manage a mixed bag a few weeks ago, with some gambles and scalies.
  8. Love to watch them. One hunt, after a heavy rain, I got within a few yards of one and watched it lift up various types of roots and eat the bugs. It was really tugging on these roots. I've seen them up high in Mexican Blue oaks and Cottonwoods too. And packs with 20 plus animals in them. Very cool. Not sure if I would eat one???
  9. Sam

    2010 Elk & Pronghorn Regs

    Thanks. Boy, that is pretty lucky draw odds. That's good that you are sitting out this year. A friend of mine got his first tag this year - 31 years later!
  10. Sam

    My December Buck

    This is truly a monster. Congratulations on the best deer I have seen in a long, long time. Great write up, something I'm sure you will always remember.
  11. About 20 years ago while in college at NAU, my buddy shot a cow outside of Flag in similar conditions. After gutting the elk, he hiked out to a road and flagged someone down. This was before cell phones and he asked the person to call me when they got to a phone. They were very nice and actually called me to let me know he had an elk down. I knew exactly where he was. After driving out to the spot, I hiked in with my wooden toboggan in tow and the two off us pulled this cow out. I could not believe how easy it was. So, if you see a guy with a toboggan on a late elk hunt, don't laugh - it can make life easier...... Sam
  12. Sam

    My late archery bull 360 3/8

    Wow! Great bull on a tough hunt. It sounds like you know the unit and spent alot of time out there. Good job and yes most of understand the tears associated with joy! Boy, to be 25 again.......
  13. Sam

    Courtney's story

    You are a stud - yes girls can be studs too! Congrats on a job well done the hard way. Great deer and great trip with your dad. Ok, so when can I introduce you to my daughters. They complain when I say we're going up Camelback Mt. Sam
  14. Sam

    sad story

    My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Looking at my own kids, I can only imagine the heartache. Seeing terminally ill kids is the hardest thing. I'm glad he was able to have a hunt that many people can only dream about. As for the burglars that broke into their home - I agree with CMC! Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up. But, then again, I think big brother should lay down heavy hands on all those who steal from others.
  15. I'm thinking of a few other words besides "jerk hunter". That's really a shame that things like this have to happen.......
  16. Sam

    2010 Elk & Pronghorn Regs

    I have 15 BP for Antelope this year. Been putting in on and off since 1985. Hoping for my first tag this year! If I get drawn, I don't know what I'll do?? I think I'm too young to have a heart attack. Five points going in for elk. Good luck everyone.
  17. Sam

    Why do you apply...

    I would have to say I always put in for units that I am most familiar with. This is my deciding factor. However, draw odds are also factoring in now a days. Seems like it is best to play the odds on the 2nd choice, because they most likely won't get to your 3rd, 4th , or 5th choices. Years ago, a guy could save his less desirable units for choice number 4 or 5 - not anymore, almost every unit is desirable for someone.
  18. I was in 36A for 5 days. To our surprise, we didn't see any illegals or drug runners. I agree, I think the crossings slow down in the colder weather. There seemed to be less trash and water bottles around. In years past, I remember seeing alot more trash. Of course the BP helicopter flew over twice a day and the trucks were on the main dirt road - they never ventured down the 4 track we were on. We decided to keep our coolers and personal gear locked in the truck - kind of a pain, and this was the first time I chose to do this. Less deer too......
  19. Sam

    rejected application

    Yes - I already got my license in the mail - even though my turkey app was rejected once again....
  20. Sam

    Ezras first Bull

    Congrats to a great season - a whitetail and a bull elk! Wow! Looks like Christmas may have come early this year.....
  21. Sam

    November 27th Coues

    Tough weekend to be hunting - great job!
  22. I think your set-up sounds great Travis. I'm just reluctant to change. Not that I'm a great hunter, I could use every advantage around. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways. Heck, I don't even have a cell phone. I never realized that 175 grain sabbot would only drop about 3 inches at 200 yards. One of these days, I would love to go on a primitive elk hunt. I just need to work less........especially in the fall. Sam
  23. Sam

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    Good point......I think the gene pool is diminishing in many species, including our own.
  24. Sam

    Arizona Wolves in the News

    This is a tough subject - it has always caused heated debates. This artlicle is a bit bias and one sided. The cattle industry has always had a big influence on management decisions within AZ. Sometimes too much. The ranchers deserve the opportunity to continue with their lively hood; however, a big portion of their grazing lands are leased from the government - state trust land and National forest lands. We can't manage them just for one group. This is just one more conflict that ranchers have to deal with - just like the drought and lower beef prices. It is unfortunate that cows are killed by wolves, but there are funds set aside to reimburse ranchers. However, AZ's deer and elk populations are also affected by the reintroduction of the Mexican Grey Wolf. Just look at the deer population in Unit 27 - this unit has wolves roaming through it and killing deer. Maybe we should we have left things up to Mother Nature and accepted things for what they are - no more wolves in AZ?? After all, mom's know best...........