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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    Deadline EXTENDED

    The disclaimer/warning is pretty clear - don't wait until the last minute. The deadline should not have been extended. Even the best servers crash. Don't try to say the IT department at Game and Fish is not up to speed. Don't blame it on Government workers. Blame yourself for waiting. I work for one of the largest school districts in the state. At the end of each semester, 1000s of teachers wait until the last minute to post grades. While at the same time, 1000s of parents and kids are trying to check their grades. And guess what, the system crashes.
  2. Sam

    Online draw deadline?

    I was thinking the same thing. I think it is a great idea. Those who wait can drive them to Game and Fish. For those of us who have been around for awhile, may remember dropping off applications on Greenway......I did, not because I procrastinated, but because I often did not trust the mail. And that was when we applied for all species during one draw and had to have the money upfront.
  3. Sam

    I'm in . . .

    I'm in - online. Not a problem for the whole family. Game and Fish even updated our license numbers........App fees= $130.00.
  4. Sam

    AZ Antelope advice

    Good luck on the draw. I have 21 points also. Been hunting in AZ for 35 years, never been on an antelope hunt. Hoping it happens this year. I haven't decided yet on the unit for this year, but I feel like I will likely get another point - no bonus point round yet.
  5. Sam

    New Year, New Snow, Two Bucks

    Very nice. It is always cool to see the two species in the same area. I'm not sure if I have ever seen one of each harvested on the same day.
  6. Sam

    Alaska Moose Film

    Congratulations on a beautiful moose. Great footage.....I love Alaska. I can't wait to go back. Two years ago I shot a small 40 inch moose on DIY hunt. Next time I will hold out for a bigger one. Enjoy all that great meat, nothing better.
  7. Sam

    Glock 22 for sale

    Keith - I sent you a PM.
  8. Sam

    Brand New Dog Vest

    I bought this dog vest by mistake and do not feel like returning it to Cabela's. I thought it may be easier to sell it to someone on the website and save the gas or return shipping. I am losing a little money, but saving myself a drive. Asking $15. It is blaze orange with a black chest protector. It is made of 5mm Neoprene, great for duck hunting. I did not realize it was neoprene and I do not think I will use it. I thought just the chest protector was neoprene and the rest cloth. Size large....measure your dog in 3 spots - neck - 18.5", chest - 26.5" and 23.5". There is about 3 inches of velcro adjustment on the back. Located in north Phoenix/Scottsdale area.
  9. Introduce a senior only hunt for antelope, deer and elk to all those who have a pioneer hunting license. Many older folks are running out of time. Draw only for these folks. Mandatory harvest questionnaires. To cut down on postage - the username, password and permit number should be emailed to all those who applied online. Continue with the online version to complete the questionnaire. Waiting period of one year to all those who draw a bull elk tag or a premium deer tag (December whitetail/mule deer or Kaibab or strip tag).
  10. Sam

    G+F hunter survey

    Why wouldn't people fill out the survey? And why would hunters feel like they need to lie. Decisions have to be made on statistical data - that is kind of the basis for science. And last I checked, Wildlife Biology is a science and science is data driven. It is really too bad that some hunters feel like they need to lie on surveys to try and trick the Game and Fish one way or another. It would be great if those who applied online, would get an email with an online survey, no postage spent by Game and Fish. This would save quite a bit of money.
  11. Sam

    Ferguson, Missouri

    Ted Nugent on Ferguson.............now, how do we get the right people to read this? Here's the lessons from Ferguson America- Don't let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don't preach your racist bullshit "no justice no peace" as blabbered by Obama's racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him & don't attack him as brainwashed by the gangsta assholes you hang with & look up to. It's that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever. And dont claim that "black lives matter" when you ignore the millions you abort & slaughter each & every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as all lives matter. So quit killin each other you idiots. Drive safely.
  12. Sam

    Late Bull Archery Tag Soup 22N

    That's too bad. Tag soup for us too.....
  13. Sam

    Lost elk tag

    She has to be the one to get the duplicate tag. Definitely any license dealer has the ability to give her a duplicate tag. We had to get one at the store in Clints Well one year.
  14. Once again, the Cats rely on their kicking game to determine the game's outcome. Luckily it worked out in their favor. Not sure if they can win a Pac 12 Championship if their kicker has to score more than half of their points to win a game. Glad Skowron kept the faith.
  15. Sam

    first rifle coues

    Great camp site and even a better deer - congrats.
  16. Sam

    21 coues and lion

    Nice job. Great hunt.
  17. Sam

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    No, not a legit way to hunt. Nor is it ethical.
  18. Sam

    Replacing a Radiator

    Looks like I need to replace the radiator on my 1994 Toyota truck. Are there any tricks? It looks pretty basic - drain the fluid, take off the fan shroud, disconnect the hoses, undue four bolts on the radiator. I've done quite a bit of work on my toyota, jeep and blazer, but never had to replace a radiator. I thought about trying to repair it. It has a very tiny hole. Actually, the only reason I know it is leaking is because I saw the discoloration in the top of the radiator and smelt coolant. You can see from the picture, there is some paint that has been worn off from the fluid. But, this was weeks ago and I took a trip up north and did not loose any fluid and there was no increase in the temperature. But, I hate to have it get worse on the deer hunt in 2 weeks. So, it can't be leaking much. I talked to a welder who said i would have to solder it and it may not hold. He also advised against using JB weld. Should I just replace it or try to patch it somehow. Thanks for any advice you guys have.
  19. Sam

    Shiras Moose - Utah - Part 2 -

    Great moose. What great luck to be able to drive your truck to it. I packed a moose out and it is alot of work. But, every time I ate a steak, roast or burger it made that hike out so much better. Lots of nice meat - enjoy!
  20. Sam

    Help a college student with his class

    46 Male 2 Photo radar About 15 mph over the posted limit Threw them both away. Maybe $100 or $150
  21. Sam

    Border Stories

    34B - Four or five different hunts - saw groups of illegals on three of the hunts. One group of 10 behind my camp when I was alone, 5 males and 5 females being led by 2 coyotes w/ weapons. I watched them until dark. They went up over a saddle and the next day I went to check it out and found a full camp w/ a shelter, water, food. Other times groups were moving through the mountains. 36A - At least 5 hunts - saw illegals twice. But, I will have to say this is by far the dirtiest unit I have hunted. Trash and clothes in almost every wash. The most interesting find were some caves that were used by illegals. There were ocotillo branches piled up at each entrance. The branches were likely to hind them from choppers or maybe to keep lions out? I have had more than one hunt ruined by choppers flying low to get a better look at us. Way too much border patrol activity, but it is needed. 33 and 32 - Maybe 10 hunts - have not seen illegals yet. Very little trash. 36B - 5 or 6 hunts - have not seen illegals. But I haven't hunted this unit in over 15 years. 36C - 3 hunts - no illegals during the day. But alot of traffic at night. Voices, people walking. Never felt comfortable there. Haven't hunted there in over 15 years. 35B - Three hunts - Tons of trash and illegals. Lots of automatic gun fire. I won't go back 30A - A few hunts in the 80s - Saw illegals everytime. They were always running away from us. Lots of drop camps with tons of supplies. Way back then, we never felt threatened or thought much of it. I liked this unit, but it was a long drive. 34A - Maybe 8 hunts - A few illegals here and there on almost every hunt. Over the years we have seen alot of illegals moving around, but have never had anything stolen or any personal encounters. I have the early November hunt this year in 34A w/ my daughter and dad. Three generations of hunters! My dad is almost 80. I haven't hunted this unit in about 10 years. Boy has it changed! Seems like a lot more illegal activity. I am a bit concerned having my 16 years old daughter down there. I am still trying to figure out a somewhat safe place to camp - any suggestions???
  22. Sam

    Replacing a Radiator

    Thanks for the comments everyone. If I try to fix it, I will use some type of application to the outside of the radiator. I never liked the idea of adding stuff to the inside of anything to stop a leak. Even though I have. I may end up getting a new one, but it is hard to find one without plastic.
  23. Sam

    kinda ticked off

    Years ago, I use to shoot both 100 grain Remington and Federals out of my .243. I am pretty sure both rounds shot the same or else I wouldn't have used both brands. Now a days, I stick with one brand of ammo because they all seem to fly different. But, you may get lucky and Federal may shoot the same as Remington. It has been alot of years since I owned a box of federals. I'm not even sure if they still sell 100 grain Federals. Hornady shoots much different than Corelokt out of my BDL .270.
  24. Sam

    My girls first elk and my boys second

    So great! Congratulations to the young hunters and to you.