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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    BLACKBERRIES ripe yet???

    We were just north of Payson on Thursday. They aren't ripe yet. Some bushes had a few ripe ones, most were still green or slightly red. I picked about 20 of them and less than half were sweet. I thought more would be ready. I would say 2 more weeks.
  2. Sam

    My sons sheep video

    Beautiful ram. Congratulations.
  3. Sam

    Free dog

    ^^ Awesome.
  4. Sam

    Free dog

    This was a great story, but I got lost a little bit towards the end. Does the puppy still need a home? If so, is she still up here in the Valley or back down south?
  5. Sam

    any webpage builders on here?

    A former student of mine, who will be going to MIT in September, does webpages. She is a great kid and very reasonable. She can use the money for college - MIT is not cheap! She is smart, but not so smart that you can't have a normal conversation with her. She did alot of webpage stuff for our school. Her name is Nina and here is her website with information. If you contact her, tell her you got her name from her high school counselor........ nerdlynet.com and can be reached there or at nerdlynet1@gmail.com.
  6. Sam

    Powder, Shot, and Primers - Sold

    ^^^ Prices Reduced - Someone should be getting ready for dove season......
  7. So true - 35 years ago when I took the class we had to drive into central Phoenix and take it at an old grade school. I wonder how my Dad even found out about the class - no computers or internet. I still have my books. Not sure why I have two of them.....black and white, written with a typewriter.
  8. Absolutely! And I also think it should be mandatory for kids over 14 and adults. Everyone should go through the class at least once.
  9. This is hard to watch, as i always want to see the deer or elk survive. But, if my dog was lost and out in the wild and had to survive, I would be happy if she could take down a deer.
  10. Sam

    Not bad for a 14 year old!

    How true. I've been a counselor for 20 plus years. I have never had a kid not qualify, but, then again, I have been on top of things. Rules have changed for the class of 2016 and beyond as to what it takes to get cleared for Div 1. See this link - http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Quick_Reference_Sheet.pdf Check the 48H form at your son's high school. It will list all of the approved courses offered at his high school. If the class is on the 48H form it is approved, there is nothing to worry about. But, not every course offered by a high school is on their approved list of classes. Ten of the 16 classes have to be completed before senior year starts. Plan early, he'll be fine. Good luck!
  11. Sam

    Amandas dog Julie

    So sorry for your loss. To lose a dog is very hard, I can only imagine how hard it was to see this happen in the outdoors - a place we all love and feel safe in.
  12. Sam

    WTB Youth 22 rifle

    I'm just checking to see if anyone has a youth 22 rifle they would like to sell. I am looking to buy one for my nephew for his birthday. I would prefer a bolt action, but a semi auto is ok. I do not want a single shot as he would likely get frustrated squirrel hunting......... Thanks so much, Sam
  13. Sam

    WTB Youth 22 rifle

    I agree, I think that a single shot will teach good shooting habits. But, his dad and I have talked about it and we would rather get him a bolt action or a semi auto. Thanks for the offers on the guns - I sent everyone a pm.
  14. Sam

    Monday Hits only thread.

    I cut up an elk roast, browned the meat in olive oil and garlic. Then added it to homemade pasta sauce. Delicious, feeling stuffed right now. Oh, and still waiting for a credit card hit w/ 21 points for antelope and numerous elk applications for the family.
  15. Very sad, so sorry.......We always look back on these things and think "If I had only known, I could have helped." you are so right, don't keep these things bottled up. As a high school counselor, I see it all the time - more than most people know. Last week, at one of our feeder schools, we just had a 6th grader hang himself. Talk about a tragedy.
  16. Sam

    Game meat choice?

    I agree I was surprised at all the high rankings for caribou - I did not grow up in Alaska, but I would not put caribou above elk, deer, moose or musk ox.
  17. Sam

    Game meat choice?

    It has been about 30 years since I have had antelope, I have clearly forgotten what it tastes like. 1. Coues - any cut 2. Musk Ox - Ground. The meat has alot of veins, so steaks tend to be tough. 3. Elk - any cut 4. Moose - any cut 5. Mule deer - backstraps Favorite small game - squirrels in a crock-pot.
  18. Sam

    Looking for a 30-06

    A 30-06 would be fine for a 15 year old if you use Managed Recoil Bullets made by Remington. They are about 50% less recoil than a regular round. They use to make them in 125 grain. This type of round would be fine out to 150 or 200 yards. My daughter used this round on her .270 when starting off - it felt less than a .243. I shoot 180 grain out of my 06 and would not wish that on a 15 year old.
  19. Sam

    Washing Machine Repair Tech/Advice

    Thanks. You guys are right. I found a nice video on You Tube. It looks pretty straight forward. I'll order the parts and dive into it.
  20. I have never been thrilled with our Front Load washing machine. It is an LG and is 5 or 6 years old. This week, it has been vibrating really bad on the spin cycle. It is level and the feet are locked into place. I was thinking it could be a bad shock, I think there are two of them. Or I was also thinking it may be the tub pulley. Anyway, I have no experience working on these and I am not so sure I want to dive into it and make matters worse......Anyone ever made this type of repair or does anyone know someone who works on these type of washing machines? I hate spending money on these types of things. Especially after paying for multiple elk and antelope applications for the family - 10 in all. But, with 3 women in the house, I can not wait too long...... Thanks.
  21. Sam

    Tessa'S Javelina Success

    Nice job - Congratulations to your daughter.