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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    ISO .270 Managed Recoil

    Thanks you guys - I wish I got into reloading. I just haven't put in the time to get proficient or comfortable with reloading rifle rounds. A friend of mine gave me the hand loads for her deer hunt last year. I have about 40 of them left. So, reloading my own isn't an option. Maybe I can find someone to work some up some rounds based on your suggestions. But, everyone seems so busy these days, I am hoping just to buy a box or two of the Managed Recoil. I appreciate the suggestions.
  2. Sam

    Teachers enjoy!

    Teaching is tough work, most people have no idea. I only lasted 5 years in the classroom. I spent more time setting up labs and grading lab reports every week than I ever imagined. I even graded papers around a camp fire more than once. As a counselor, the last 17 years has been a little easier. Especially when I take time off for hunting - no sub plans needed! College recs are all due in the fall, so it takes some planning. Missing a deadline is not good for the student. Summers are nice and calm - no letters of rec to write, no CPS reports to file, no disputes to settle between kids, parents or teachers, no hopeless stories to listen to about a kids' horrible home life and no bells going off every 54 minutes! Keith - I can relate to the sick leave saved up - I have 224 days! I work alot of summer days for comp days and have used these the last few years.
  3. Sam


    First hunted 36A in 1987 - saw illegals back then and have seen them on every trip since then. Back then, none of them had a gun, now-a-days, almost all of do. Getting away from hunters in 36A seems a little harder these days. I have also seen alot of illegal traffic in 34B. Maybe due to the numerous Highways in both of these units. From my experiences, 36A and 34B seem to have the most illegal traffic. But, with that said, I have seen illegals in 36C, 36B, 34A, 35B, and 30A.........I guess I have seen illegals in every unit I have hunted south of Tucson.
  4. This lawsuit started 5 years ago and here is where we are at. If Prop 123 gets voted down, the government has another 5 years to come up with another type of settlement. So, if it doesn't pass, that means we could potentially wait 10 years total to get money we should have had years ago. Many teachers who are close to retirement deserve to have their share now. A strike would be great, however, it is May and many of us are preparing students for AP and IB exams; not to mention graduation. I am not sure if I feel comfortable spoiling seniors last weeks of high school. We did strike prior to 301 passing and I do believe walking out had a major impact - class was canceled for 2 days at the high school I worked at. Unfortunately we have 2 weeks until election day - a strike will not happen in this time period. Sam That is BS smoke and mirrors ... Prop 123 is wanted by politicians because it is in essence getting them off the hook for the Millions they are to pay up that should have been going to schools period. Let me Dumb this Down for you Sam I steal $10,000 a year from your paycheck for 5 years You catch me and take me to court .. and the court says I have to pay you back all the money I took. Then I take you out , get you drunk and strike a deal to repay you the 50K by taking it from your own 401k and tell you it is the only way you can have it any time soon ... Now you are out 100K and none the smarter There is a reason why the governor is behind this , there is a reason that Millions have been put into the coffers By Land Developers and Builders to market the bill and push it as a good option ... READ THE dang THING ... There is no allocation of funds , the school administrations can do what they want with the $$$ , and trust me when it comes to raises it will be them and not teachers that get a raise .. Any person with a 3rd grade education, that actually reads the bill, can see how bad this is for schools, taxpayers , and those who want to preserve as much of our state trust land as possible. Str8shot - thanks for dumbing down the proposition for me. I only have a 2nd grade reading level, so no wonder why I was so confused (this is obviously sarcasm, just in case you get confused). When you say "trust me it will be administrators and not teachers that get the raise" - why should anyone trust you? Do you work for a school district, do you even know anyone that works for a school district? Have you seen the agreed upon salary increases that are in writing at most school districts across the state? These pay raises are for everyone in the district, not just for administrators. These pay raises have already been approved by the school boards on the contingency that 123 passes. You are 100% correct, the school districts have control over what they spend the money on; however, two-thirds of the funds are required to be spent on salaries. In the end this is not the best way to handle the issues with public education in the state of Arizona and the best way to fund the money owed to the school. But, voters are silly to think that the state will come up with an alternative plan anytime soon. How many more years do educators and students need to wait to get the additional funds needed to improve our public schools.
  5. I am pretty sure the land has already been sold and the money is already in the State Land Trust. The controversy is not who is buying the land and what the land will be used for; the controversy is that the State Land Trust may not be replenished as quickly as the money is used up. But, the obvious solution is to use the excess money that is currently in the State's Surplus Fund. This money is also available. I guess I look at like this - the money is already in the State Land Trust and the State Surplus Fund, so why not use it on education. Without improving education, where will this country be? And for those of you who don't want to support public education, you might as well get ready to support all of these uneducated folks who soon will be living off the government - on your dime. There's alot of good things being taught in the schools. Sadly the media always focuses on the negative crap, as do the parents and the public.
  6. This lawsuit started 5 years ago and here is where we are at. If Prop 123 gets voted down, the government has another 5 years to come up with another type of settlement. So, if it doesn't pass, that means we could potentially wait 10 years total to get money we should have had years ago. Many teachers who are close to retirement deserve to have their share now. A strike would be great, however, it is May and many of us are preparing students for AP and IB exams; not to mention graduation. I am not sure if I feel comfortable spoiling seniors last weeks of high school. We did strike prior to 301 passing and I do believe walking out had a major impact - class was canceled for 2 days at the high school I worked at. Unfortunately we have 2 weeks until election day - a strike will not happen in this time period.
  7. You don't have to send your kids to school - you have every right to keep them home and home school them. Then you can teach them whatever you want. And when they turn 16, you have no obligation to educate them at all. Actually, if you don't claim them on your taxes, no one will know you have kids and then you don't have to worry about educating them. So, you actually have some options........
  8. Prop 123 is somewhat of a band aid, but for the next 10 years, it is all we have in this state. Yes, the state owes alot of money to the schools and the state should legally come up with this money. Is prop 123 the best way to accomplish this, probably not. But, again it is the ONLY CHOICE right now. Voting no will not force the government to come up it with an alternative. A no vote will only prevent teachers, counselors and other school district employees from getting a raise. Two-thirds of this money will be used to increase salaries. It will also be used to hire more teachers, thus lowering class size. The remaining one-third will be used for building repairs and student spending. All districts have established a new salary schedule. Districts have also agreed to give current employees compensation for this year, which we were promised but never received.......maybe we should have all quit when we did not get what we were promised. Districts will also be increasing the salary of new hires. This may encourage more qualified people to go into teaching. This is my 22nd year in education. I have a master's degree, taught science, history, coached numerous sports and for the past 17 years been a counselor. The last raise I saw was 7 or 8 years ago. Insurance has gone up and so has my required contribution to state retirement, so my take home pay is less now. A YES VOTE will restore some of the money the employees are owed. A YES VOTE will not only benefit employees, but it will also help our students. The alternative is to vote no and sit back and hope the government comes up with another funding source. Good luck with that. A YES VOTE will also avoid raising taxes. This is the alternative, raise property taxes - how many people will like that? Sorry, but I will take the raise for the next 10 years and give the government 10 years to figure things out. VOTE YES - it is good for teachers and it is good for our students! VOTE YES
  9. Sam

    A Few Desert Muleys

    Congratulations on some very nice desert mulies. I can remember hunting 37B in the early 80s and seeing some incredible mule deer - generally during the javelina hunt or while quail hunting. Then the military started using a portion of the unit for training. My old areas were impacted. Based on your success, I guess there are still some good areas left.
  10. Sam

    Testing Time of Year

    Ummm....actually the school board sets policy. The vast majority of school board members are not former teachers. Take a look at who is on the school board at any of the school districts in Arizona and you may be surprised as to how these members could possibly know what is going on in the classroom. But, every principal who is hired and every superintendent or assistant superintendent who is hired has to be approved by the board. Actually, parents and school board members are generally on the hiring committee. Trust me, teachers are about the last ones to blame when they have a max class size of 40 kids and almost every kid in the class has had a different educational background than the kid sitting next to them. When a kid is socially promoted and can barely read at a 5th grade level, but he is sitting in your Biology class or American History class there is not much a teacher can do. But, they are expected to differentiate their instruction to address these educational differences - that is like teaching 5 or 6 lessons to one class at the same time!
  11. Sam

    Monday hits

    Two separate charges from AzGFD showed up on my Cabela's card today - one for $90 and one for $270.
  12. Sam

    help Cooking Elk Roast

    Not a new method, but a good one........season roast and brown it in olive oil and garlic. Then put in crock pot for 4 or 5 hours or until it shreds. Or take out before it shreds and then slice.
  13. Sam

    2016 Pronghorn tags..........

    In the same situation......we drew one tag. I had 22 points, my dad had 16 and my daughter had 9. I am hoping my 80 year old dad drew the tag. His last antelope tag was 1977.
  14. Sam

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    Cabela's Hit - Available credit just went down by $360. This means one of two things - 2 elk tags and 1 antelope tag for the family OR 4 antelope tags (we all applied separately, so not likely).
  15. Sam

    What Banks/Cards Are Showing Hits???

    I think you are right......But, it could also be 4 antelope tags.......Now I have to check my notes and see what combination I used when me and my family applied. So much for working right now!
  16. Sam

    What Banks/Cards Are Showing Hits???

    Cabela's - My available credit just went down by $360.......now I have to try and figure out what tag combination adds up to $360!
  17. Sam

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Yea, the grass always does seem greener somewhere else.......I have a great friend that lives in a small village out in the bush. And most of September seems to be rainy and moose hunting is tough. Wearing rain gear and rubber boots all day does get old. Especially motoring up river in an open boat during a rain storm. My flight to his village takes two days and about $1000. Out of state moose tags are $400. Thankfully, my friend has all the gear and weapons, and all I have to bring up is my personal gear. It is much more expensive for him to come to AZ and hunt elk. But, the odds of good weather in AZ is much better and he always says that you can't put a price tag on sunshine!
  18. Thanks for the information......Comments submitted.
  19. Sam

    Where were you this day, 1986?

    Senior year - English class with Fr. Rena. Watching on a TV rolled in on a cart. I think it was the only thing we ever watched in high school, unlike today.......most classes watch a video a week!
  20. Congratulations to a new beginning for you and your wife and for making a little boy very happy. Every child deserves to be loved and cared for.....best of luck!
  21. Hi all - I am looking to buy some seasoned oak or similar hard wood for some heat. Granted it is not that cold in Phoenix, but I am out of wood and our compressor blew up last night. Heater is out of commission for a while. So, if anyone would be willing to sell some oak or even juniper, please let me know. I can pick up, load and split myself. It just has to be seasoned and ready to burn inside. We have a 7 year old 5 ton American Standard unit. The coils had to replaced two times, once after 4 years and then again this past May. And now the compressor blew. Count yourself lucky if you have never smelt burning freon and oil. Hate to think of the long term health effects. Another example of "they just don't make things the way they used to". Thanks!
  22. Sam

    Heat Out - Looking to Buy Oak

    Thanks....got it taken care of. I appreciate the help!
  23. Sam

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    Well since you're headed that way and coming back...can I place an order for 3 Doz fresh tamales from Robertos in Las Cruces? Oh... on topic for the OP, I have a brick I can sell you for $30.00 Staying off topic, my wife was talking to her sister about getting the tamales going when we get there. I could probably hook you up with a 6-12 homemade El Paso tamales! Are you taking orders? If so, how much for a dozen? You may need an extra cooler for the ride home .
  24. Sam

    This one's for you Grandpa!

    Congratulations! I'm sure your grandpa was watching over you.
  25. These are still available for $70. Great for a cabin.