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Everything posted by cactusjack

  1. cactusjack

    my L.A. essay about coues deer

    It took me a moment to figure out that L.A. meant Language Arts. At first I thought "this isn't that long of an essay". Nice job. Let us know what the teacher thinks.
  2. cactusjack

    SB1070 Editorial

    did you hear the interview with Caldaron and Blitzer on CNN. Here is a link to it on Rush's show. http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/2010/0...blitzes-cl.html
  3. " bullwidgeon, casey, chef and folks that shoot 7mm/08's were really looking forward to it" Now, thats funny stuff right there!!!
  4. cactusjack

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    I spoke with Derek about the transplant some, if I understand correctly, they have to go to California for the transplant, to a pediatric transplant center. ( I dont remember the hospital) The funds raised are going to help the family live since they will be displaced and taking time off work for about a year. I just wish I had more to give, things are tight. I have an eleven year old daughter myself, and this whole thing breaks my heart. That smile on Sadie's face is just burned into my mind. She must be a great kid.
  5. cactusjack


    That would have been awesome! Do you think you might give her a call and explain the awesomness! Thanks in advance.
  6. cactusjack


    Great mount. I tried to convince my wife to let me do a similar mount with my mountain lion and have it right as you entered my front door on a plant shelf. She said no!
  7. cactusjack

    Poacher Of the 2 Bighorns caught.

    I think I remember reading somewhere that the State can then sue him in Civil courts for loss of revenue.
  8. cactusjack

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Thank you for posting this. I will contact them today. How could I not, just look at that kid's smile!!!!!!
  9. cactusjack

    Outfitter Killed

    good point, or car jacked in Iraq or Afghanistan. I stay out of those war zones too.
  10. cactusjack

    San Diego School District

    For the last 10 years my family has vacationed at least once a year in California, sometimes 3 times. Every time we have been there we have been amazed at the number of Arizona plates we have seen at the beaches and parks (ie Disneyland, Lego Land, Sea World,.....) I would make an uneducated guess that Arizonans visit California probably 20 times more than Cali-idiots come here. That being said, why would you start a boycott fight with one of your customers. I kinda see it like starting a rock fight with your neighbor when you have a house full of picture windows and he lives in a mud adobe. Just sayin
  11. cactusjack

    Recovered bullets

    I recovered a 300 wsm 180 grn Win Silver Ballistic tip from a Coues in Dec 08. It was licking its side, the bullet passed thru its throat, expanded and entered its rib cage on the right side then lodged itself in its left hip socket. He dropped like a sack of spuds. I shot him from 300 yards. My son shot his first deer last Oct with his 243. He double lunged it but the bullet was stuck between the skin and ribs on the other side. That buck went 15 yards and dumped over.
  12. cactusjack

    Outfitter Killed

    One of the kids on my son's baseball team, goes down to his family's ranch 2 hours south of Douglas and hunts, they invited us to tag along and hunt with them. I was thinking about going, but the War Department put the big hammer down on that idea. I knew I married her for a good reason.
  13. cactusjack


    The people who should be the maddest about this bill are all the Law Enforcement Officers who are being "Profiled" as racists. People seem to forget that many of our officers are brown, black, ...... Are they out to get the Brown Man? Or are they good officers/citizens looking to enforce the law and then go home to their family. Just sayin.
  14. cactusjack

    Do Javies shed in the spring?

    i was going for more of the waxing idea.
  15. cactusjack

    Do Javies shed in the spring?

    maybe she made her way up her from Brazil.
  16. cactusjack

    Sierrita Mtn's 1950

    Great photo. Bill there is a group here in Chandler that restores old 30's and 40's cars and trucks. I could get you the info if you are interested.
  17. cactusjack


    pm sent
  18. cactusjack

    Havalon Knives - Check these out!

    ok, I will get one. Here I go. Thanks alot peer pressure!
  19. cactusjack


    Even if it gets stuck down, this bill has done a good job at bringing the much needed national attention to our situation, and maybe things will start to be corrected. I hope it stands and the other states that are looking at following our lead make their own laws. Remember we are the UNITED STATES, State rights were very important to our forefathers.
  20. cactusjack

    Scents, Licks & Minerals

    CactusJack, Where do you hunt? I want to make sure I stay out of your area In units 33,34,22,23 but only in Dec. Anyone else wanna not put in for those hunts it would be ok too.
  21. cactusjack

    delete delete

    this is a hunting link, however the issue you are referring is in a section marked Political Discussions. So I would say it is both, but each in its own place.
  22. What makes me angry is that people have turned this into a racial/hate thing, rather than the legal issue that we should be discussing.
  23. cactusjack

    Scents, Licks & Minerals

    I've found that where ever I sit, they go somewhere else. So you should go there. Sorry about that.
  24. I'm gonna say photoshopped. The "give us Free" part is where I lose faith, most illegal aliens are willing to work hard and are not looking for a hand out. On my screen it looks like there is something blurred out under "you owe"