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Everything posted by cactusjack

  1. cactusjack

    Leica Rangemaster 1600-B Rangefinder

    Dude, YOU TELL HIM THAT WE KNOW BETTER.... just busting your stones. I have the same rangefinder, that is a good deal for someone. TTT.
  2. cactusjack

    Youth model Mossberg 20 gauge

    I will take it.
  3. cactusjack

    Reloading dies

    I will take the 223 if the other one falls through.
  4. cactusjack

    Colt Match Target AR

    Is that a 10in barrel with a 6in flash hider pinned?
  5. cactusjack

    WTB A Pistol for the Little Lady

    I have a Ruger LCR 38+p that traded my Granddad for a SP101. He wanted something heavier for his night stand, he doesn't carry concealed. He was talked into it at the shop when he went in without me. He shot less then 50 rounds through it. If you are interested PM me.
  6. cactusjack

    Thompson Encore Barrels

    Sold both.
  7. cactusjack

    Thompson Encore Barrels

    I have a 50 cal barrel and a 25-06 barrel for sale. Sold the rifle a long time ago, these have been sitting, forgotten in the safe. 250 for the 50cal and 180 for the 25-06 both are Thompson barrels.
  8. cactusjack

    Thompson Encore Barrels

    25-06 is sold. The 50cal is still available.
  9. cactusjack

    Thompson Encore Barrels

    25-06 sold pending funds
  10. cactusjack

    Thompson Encore Barrels

    I have a possibles box I will include with the 50cal. Just found it. It has some powder and bullets in it with other items.
  11. cactusjack

    Checking interest

    if it doesnt go through, send picture. Thank you.
  12. cactusjack

    G5 broadheads

    Two years ago I bought the G5 Tekan 2s to get a combo fixed cut on impact and a 2 blade mechanical. They fly great. I have since started shooting other G5 fixed blades. They all seem to shoot great. Here's the rub, I tried to buy replacement blades for the Tekan 2's but they have been discontinued and they don't make the replacement blades anymore. I called G5 and asked if they had any old stock of blades or would let me switch the broadheads out with current ones. Nope and nope. I'm taking the 3 packs of unopened G5's back to Bass Pro this weekend. When spending 40 bucks on a set of 3 blades, I want to be able to get replacement blades longer then 2 years. Muzzys and Thunderheads are probably back on my arrows. No more Edsel, Yugo, Packard or De Soto for me, I will stick with dependable, time proven broadheads from now on. Just venting.
  13. Southwest Shooting Authority posted what some consider a controversial ad in the White Mountain Independent newspaper. The ad says. "If you voted for Barack Obama, your business is not welcome" Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_central_southern_az/other/election-2012-vote-for-obama-pinetop-gun-store-says-your-business-is-not-welcome#ixzz2CJJtcyAM
  14. cactusjack

    Rifle Railz and Lockjaw

    Call me. PM sent.
  15. cactusjack

    post your dinks

    He started out as a huge forkie with crab claw on the main beam. (some call it a 3x3) He now is a dink, thanks to my 300wsm and his turning and scratching.
  16. cactusjack

    Lost Camera

    Gotta love it when people work together! Awesome news, glad you got your camera back. Now lets work on the Government.
  17. cactusjack

    Lost Camera

    The finders keepers deal you speak of is a myth. If it isn't yours it isn't yours. I hope your property is returned.
  18. Is everybody forgetting; Fast and Furious, Open and Transparent, the open mic with Putin "this is my last election, after my reelection I will have more flexibility", Acorn, everything that happened in Chicago, Hope and Change then bringing in BIden and his 900 years on the beltway, No Lobbyists in my White House same day 6 or 7 were appointed, and ........................... ................. To quote Mugato "feel like I am taking crazy pills!" Am I the only one who remembers all of these?
  19. cactusjack


    I dont need another one, but I would take it. Pm offer inbound.
  20. cactusjack

    Card got hit today!

    Who else got excited when they saw a "News Alert" from Az Game and Fish yesterday? Great article about Brady Ellison, but I think G&F is messing with me!
  21. cactusjack

    OE4A Fundraiser Banquet

    The dinner was great! Best meal I have ever had at one of these dinners. Amanda, thank you for getting a table. My son and I had a great time. See you again next year.
  22. cactusjack

    Silver & Blue Landcruiser

    The Landcruiser belongs to me, I let a friend's daughter use it for a couple of months. Her grandmother lives in there.
  23. cactusjack

    WTB big eyes. Kowa or Doctor 30x or 40x

    I have a pair of Drs I bought from the same company that is listing those. It is Eurooptics. Great company, great service. I have purchased lots of optics from them. They are legit. Try their web site, or call them direct. I have the 20-50x80 hds and love them. I looked into getting the kowas but i didnt like the angled eyepieces for glassing hillsides.
  24. cactusjack

    Gorilla Silverback Treestand

    If things work out with the trip to Mesa, I will take it.
  25. cactusjack

    Gorilla Silverback Treestand

    If its the magnum Im interested.