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Everything posted by cactusjack

  1. cactusjack

    My New Super Simple Green Chili Jerky Recipe

    you had me at green chile
  2. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Retired military can enter if they submit the forms.
  3. cactusjack

    Remington model 600

    I will take it.
  4. cactusjack


    270wsm if it's still available
  5. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Now I need to see if I can work it, if I really want it.
  6. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    I wasn't able to watch the meeting. Anyone have the results?
  7. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    I don't think anything shady is happening in my situation. Was told some out of state unplanned training is taking place. I was in the service, I understand last minute changes, I just don't like them. The lost $ and all the wasted prehunt planning and $ makes it difficult to want to plan on ever hunting there again. I'm grateful the Capt up there is trying to change the date, but she doesn't understand how difficult an archery hunt is on Camp Navajo when you can't go inside the limited area. An October archery elk hunt is way better then a late November hunt. I don't do cold very well anymore, 3 shoulder surgeries and a bad back take their toll on me. Even if they change the date, I'm unlikely to go on it.
  8. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Even if it is rescheduled, it is an archery cow hunt. October is way better then a late November hunt. I had my schedule fixed for this weekend too. It's not always easy to get time set up when you have a big family.
  9. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

  10. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Rage, I agree. However it is on their hunting website. Says the same thing on AZGFD site. Im pretty sure the same thing applies to all hunts all over the state. If a forest is closed, so is your hunt. No butts, no cuts, no coconuts. or refunds or replacement of points. Looking for the ARS right now. Looking for the part of the cancellation without compensation. I had a tag in Unit 27 the year of the Wallow Fire. We were unsure if we would be allowed to hunt. We were allowed to in limited areas. ( I should have canceled due to how awful the hunt was.) R12-4-801 - The Department may restrict public access to and public use of wildlife areas and the resources of wildlife areas for up to 90 days when necessary to protect property, ensure public safety, or to ensure maximum benefits to wildlife. Closures or restric- tions exceeding 90 days shall require Commission approval.
  11. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    No bonus points will be returned. Game and Fish policy. However this isnt an issue on this hunt. I learned my lesson years ago when my hunt was torn up by 6 tornadoes up there. And they kinda did the same thing. I only buy from the Left Over tags. And depending on what happens with rescheduling it, possibly never again.
  12. cactusjack

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Right off their site "Due to mission requirements, hunting dates may be canceled, hunting areas may be minimized and/or hunting may be closed temporarily with little, to no notice. In the event a hunt is canceled, hunters drawn for these permits shall not be reimbursed or otherwise compensated by the Arizona Game and Fish Department or Camp Navajo." Buyer beware! 148.00 AZGFD 55.00 Elk tag on Navajo 5.00 extra fee all gone. Over the counter Colorado is looking cheaper by the day.
  13. cactusjack

    ***raffle to win a Leica 1600b rangefinder*** $5

    when is the drawing?
  14. Unit 1 cow hunt. Hunter stuck it out, and kept charging forward and finally sealed the deal on Sunday morning. 29 yards, Remington Mod Seven 308, 168gr Winchester Ballistic Silvertip, suppressed, dropped an awesome cow. Lots of range time trying to get ready for the 200 yard shot paid off. He didnt need 171 of those yards, but its nice to know they were there if needed.
  15. cactusjack

    Hunter, My nephew takes first elk

    Three of my nephews connected with their tags this fall. Puts some pressure on me with my kids on the 23rd!
  16. cactusjack

    Suppressors for hunting rifles

    200 yards. second shot is his. 6in gong. You hear it hit. This is my 17yo son, Parker, shooting my Tikka T3 lite in 243 Win with a Harvester suppressor. http://vid1355.photobucket.com/albums/q704/sdking35/Tikka%20243%20parker_002_zpszxs19teq.mp4
  17. It is too late for this year, but never too late to get it rolling for next year. At Merchant Firearms they have in stock 2 of the best hunting suppressors to come out, in my opinion. Silencerco 30cal Harvester and the Silencerco 30cal Omega. They both weigh under a pound (11.3 oz and 14oz) and reduce the sound to a hearing safe level and the recoil to pleasant. They also improve accuracy by stopping the vibration at the barrel and helping to eliminate the flinch many of us develop from the noise and the beating our shoulders take. This is a Rem Mod Seven in 308 that I had threaded. It weighs 8lbs 4 oz with scope(vortex 2.5-10x32ffp), rings, Harvester30 suppressor, sling and mount I put on it. My now 12 year old daughter loves shooting it. It kicks about the same as a 223 bolt rifle. These suppressors are rated for 300Win Mag down to 17hm2/22lr. Im glad we can now use them hunting, supersonic ammo still cracks the sound barrier but the shooter and spotters don't get that nice ringing that gets worse. Owning suppressors is easy. It just takes time and $. In my opinion it is so worth the time and $.
  18. cactusjack

    Suppressors for hunting rifles

    Only deer were harmed on this hunt. No shooters shoulders or eardrums were damaged.
  19. cactusjack

    Suppressors for hunting rifles

    As to who can shoot it. If a lawful possessor is present, they are in control of the item and they can have others shoot it. It is that was for all NFA items.
  20. cactusjack

    Suppressors for hunting rifles

    That is not a question anyone but the Suppressor owner and ATF can honestly answer. Whether you may posses the suppressor depends entirely on how the owner has the tax stamp licensed for the item. Some trusts will allow the ability to name beneficiaries (maybe wrong term?) that have full rights to possess and use the NFA items registered thru the trust, others do not. One registered directly to the person and not thru a trust I do not believe can be loaned, borrowed, used, etc by others. But again I am not a NFA attorney so you need to contact ATF to get a realist answer. Pretty much nailed.
  21. cactusjack

    Suppressors for hunting rifles

    Yesterday, in Unit 33, 2 of my nephews killed their first deer. They used my Remington 600 in 243 with a Silencerco Harvester on it. One of them is 12 and his little brother is 10. They both shoot lights out with a 22 but were having trouble grouping their 243. The 12 year old hated the noise more then the recoil. The 10 year old hated both. With the suppressor and my tripod (shooting in tall grass) they both sealed the deal on deer yesterday. 12 year old from 175 yards and the 10 year old 280 yards. Pictures will follow.
  22. cactusjack

    Worth the chase ??

    Size doesn't matter! or so I've been told
  23. cactusjack

    Meat Slicers

    Pm sent
  24. cactusjack


    Called. Sending pm
  25. cactusjack


    Called. Sending pm