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Everything posted by cactusjack

  1. Decibels are not on a linear scale, they are on a logarithmic scale. On a ruler, a distance of 20cm is twice as long as a distance of 10cm and 30cm is three times as long. But the logarithmic decibel scale goes up in powers of ten: every increase of 10dB on the scale is equivalent to a 10-fold increase in sound intensity (which broadly corresponds with a doubling in loudness) Normal conversation is about 60 dB, a lawn mower is about 90 dB, and a loud rock concert is about 120 dB. In general, sounds above 85 are harmful, depending on how long and how often you are exposed to them and whether you wear hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs. 120db is painful, and about 32 times as loud as 70db. A high powered rifle (300winmag, 243.....) is about 155db.. add a muzzle-brake and it goes up to 165db. I either have my kids shoot suppressed or with plugs and sometimes muffs too. I dont want them hearing crickets 24/7 like I do. Mine is from jet engines.
  2. My 2 daughters killed cow elk last fall with suppressed rifles. 3 of my nephews killed deer and elk the year before. Shooting suppressed is the way to go. Recoil reduction like a muzzle brake plus you get 25-35dbl sound reduction. Accuracy improves, and improves situational awareness over wearing plugs.
  3. Up for sale, a gently used Swarovski Habicht 6-24x50 with one sun shade and the see-through scope caps. I do not have the box or paperwork, I got the scope on a custom rifle. It is Second Focal Plane with the TDS-4 reticle with a 30mm tube I found this data for the The TDS-4 on www.swarovskioptik.com I put in my info for a 7mm Rem Mag with 140gr Winchester Silver Ballistic Tips and here is the reticle with it at 24power. 1st bar = 100 2nd bar =225 3rd bar = 355 4th bar = 477 5th bar = 616 It was mounted but I dont see any ring marks. The optics are pristine. 1000.00 obo no trades at this time.
  4. cactusjack

    what kind of gun is this

    I have taken 2 of these beauties that were sporterized and converted them to .45ACP. Sort of like the De Lisle Carbine. 1 is a SBR with a suppressor and the other has an integral suppressor built on to it. They both are stupid quiet, with the integral being much quieter then the SBR.
  5. cactusjack

    what kind of gun is this

    its a Glock. All firearms are Glocks
  6. you could have said, "Oh, I watch you sleep." Stalker alert.
  7. It's preferable however I have a Tacoma and many times all 5 seats are full. Mule tape and cargo nets and tarps serve me well
  8. yikes. The word of the day is Cargo nets! Pass it on.
  9. cactusjack

    Glock 17 9mm

    are those 10rd magazines?
  10. cactusjack

    Women's Danner boots

    How much? Interested for my daughter
  11. cactusjack

    Ox-tail Stew

    Making this right now
  12. cactusjack

    FS Winchester model 42

    410 right?
  13. cactusjack

    Ray Evridge legacy ...

    So sad. What a great guy. I had the privilege of meeting him at a youth turkey hunt that he cooked for. He will be missed.
  14. cactusjack

    Looking for a 22 mag

    I have a marlin , a savage mk2 and a CZ in 22mag. The CZ is the best with the savage a close second.
  15. These need new homes 30S 475.00 Sold 21C 425.00 drop to 400.00 sold
  16. The scope, sling and rings do not convey.
  17. cactusjack

    Remington 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 375.00

    BUMP 1 more time, then on to Gunbroker
  18. This Laser will fit any Glock. It was purchased on May 10, 2016. Still almost 2 years on warranty. Comes with all it came with new, except the plastic blister pack.
  19. no longer need this laser/light combo, but someone on here does. Its about a year old. I have everything that came with it.