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Everything posted by cactusjack

  1. cactusjack

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I dont think its a traffic ticket. It says Traffic Tckt & Compl. Im thinking it is just the citation number they used. I have been wrong before.
  2. cactusjack

    Calf Killer Down

  3. cactusjack


    I have several 22 suppressors. Surprised? I know! I have a several Silencerco Sparrows and 2 Silencerco Specter2s and 1 Silencerco Warlock. Im waiting for a Innovative Arms Slingshot Ti. I rarely shoot the Warlock, only because it is not stainless steel and cleaning the baffle stack is a lot of work. Stainless ones you can put into an ultrasonic cleaner, aluminum you can not.
  4. cactusjack


    it is ridiculous, but Im glad I did it. Buy a 22 suppressor. Its a gateway drug.
  5. cactusjack

    looking for savage m99 22/250

    I have one you could look at. I'm not selling it but since you are just looking
  6. cactusjack


    some are. Depends on a few things. Barrel length, altitude, caliber, suppressor volume. A good suppressor can make Supersonic rounds hearing safe, even though the sonic crack/boom is still there. That happens far enough away to not hurt your ears.
  7. cactusjack


    I wear my Walker Game Ears, or some Surefire plugs with baffles in them. My hearing is already extremely damaged. I've invested in suppressors to save what I have left and to keep my kids from going down the spiral. 2 customer service stories. I have a friend that took some friends of his daughter's out shooting. They were shooting his AAC Tyrant 45 on a Sig 220. One of the fellas loaded a mag with 40S&W. It loaded and fired. The guts of the can sprayed all over the desert. He sent in in to AAC. They told him, "Sorry, but the most they could do is give him 50% of of MSRP on a replacement." He would have to wait the year and spend the additional 200 on the stamp. He bought 3 SilencerCo cans and walked away from AAC forever. I have had 2 baffle strikes on my Silencerco Specwar 762, both being fired on my Black Hole Weaponry 6x45 rifle. They welded new pieces in place and recoated them and had them returned in under 10 days. I checked with Black Hole after the 2nd strike and they checked the barrel for me. It had a problem and sent a flier randomly. They sent me a new barrel and Im back in business. SilencerCo made the decision on which cans to by pretty easy. I talked to them after the second one and told them about the barrel problem, they said, "It happens, but we have your back!" TBAC makes good stuff, quality shouldn't be a problem. Good luck and me the silence be with you.
  8. cactusjack


    I was about to pull the trigger and buy an Archangel on a group buy years ago. Bruce talked me off the ledge and I went with a Silencerco. What won me over was the reviews about their customer service. I dont mind the extra length. and the supersonic crack is about the same on any suppressor. It is difficult to hear a difference of a decibel or 2. I just worry about it being hearing safe. I have 3 suppressors from HTG, a company that closed its doors, I haven't had a problem with them yet, but Im screwed if they go boom. T
  9. cactusjack

    WTS Thunder Beast Suppressor certificate

    the Hybrid will not take 338. If that is your goal. I have a Hybrid you could shoot, let me know.
  10. cactusjack

    Left Hand T-Bolt 22 Mag

    Left eye dominate and both my sons are lefties.
  11. cactusjack

    Left Hand T-Bolt 22 Mag

    I need this rifle like I need a hole in my head, however, I will take it. Pm sent.
  12. cactusjack

    Tundra Sequoia wheels and tires big price drop

    looking at a 2016 Tundra, I might be in the market.
  13. cactusjack

    Tundra Sequoia wheels and tires big price drop

    Did you sell these? I know it's an old post
  14. cactusjack


    Its a great deal. I wish my situation allowed me to jump on it. Good luck selling a great rifle
  15. cactusjack

    KT Tape for hunting?

    duct tape does the same thing.
  16. cactusjack

    KT Tape for hunting?

    https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/826355-athletic-kt-tape-false-advertising-class-action-settlement/ just sayin. snake oil is snake oil.
  17. cactusjack

    FS NIB Vortex Razor HD 10X50 SOLD

    great price. Must sell a kidney then we can talk. TTT
  18. cactusjack

    Youth Turkey Camp(Unit 23)

    We had a great hunt. Unfortunately the turkey gods didn't favor us, however it was an awesome time. Great people and to top it off my 14yo daughter won the Savage 22 rifle that the Ad Elk Society gave away. She is on cloud 9.
  19. cactusjack


    You are killing me. I'm up turkey hunting/freezing and now wanting to buy this. Where are you located?
  20. cactusjack


    Is it threaded?
  21. I will post pics this afternoon, but its in great shape. I never fired it. Got it in a deal, but I don't need a new caliber. Its not threaded so I wont use it. I have one magazine for it and I think I have the rings. Im in Chandler, but headed up to Unit 23 this weekend.
  22. You can have it for 550.00 and I will throw in the rifle and other stuff. What a deal!
  23. cactusjack

    Lets talk battery operated led lanterns

    I have had one in a pack for a month and took it out and it worked just fine. 7 hours in the sun gives you 12 hours of light. When I backpack in I try to remember to put it on the outside of my pack then when I set up camp I leave it out so It charges during the day. Are there brighter lanterns, yes. But lighter, more compact and doesn't need xtra batteries, its tough to beat.