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Everything posted by jdub

  1. jdub

    Got My Goat

  2. jdub

    Got My Goat

    Having trouble with the photos Another
  3. jdub

    Big bull contests?

    In. thx
  4. jdub

    Some scouting pics

    I didn't have a spotting scope, just a little camera and my 10x. We had a nice day out there and I think there's a keeper or 2.... (poor guy in the collar looked really hot)
  5. You think the little dude made it out alive? Check out the time stamps. I was just going thru my pics and saw these for the first time in a year and thought it was worth sharing..
  6. jdub

    Think the little guy made it?

    Yeah Amanda, sorry to post something from last year, just purging my pictures off my computer and wanted to share. I can't get enough of everone else's pics. I looked around for the carcass the next week but found nothing. I saw a couple skinny lions last year early on but they anded up putting on some lbs though.
  7. jdub

    Unit 8 Archery

    Yes, lucky. Drew a tag this year and last. I probably won't sniff any more tags for a dozen years or so. Thanks for the input.
  8. 2001 - 11M Early Archery Bull 2004 - 4B Early Archery Bull 2009 - 3A/3C Early Archery Bull 2010 - 8 Early Archery Bull Luck. Plain and simple (along with some marginal units).
  9. jdub

    **Draw Results**

    Unit 8 early archery bull (wife drawn too!) Unit 19A arcehry goat. Unreal! jw
  10. I took this pic last year on the strip. Let me know how long it took you to get it. I'll post the close-in pic later. He was a big 4x5 with a 3x4 frame. THROW SOME MORE SPOTTING SCOPE PICS IF YOU GOT EM
  11. jdub

    I think I found my deer

    Just got back from the mountains. Whatcha think? I put another pic of other deer as well
  12. jdub

    Bloody Mess

    Good luck guys
  13. jdub

    a couple elk

    pretty nice. they are from 2-4 weeks ago. not world records, but nice
  14. I have the moultrie m60 and it is taking 'white-out' pics. After reading some reciews it is an easy fix with their firmware update. Problem is that Moultrie pulled all software updates off of their site because "people were messing up their cameras". You now have to send them back to Moultrie. Does anyone have the latest update (#2) for the m60? THis blows!
  15. jdub


    Kwikee, sent you a message.
  16. jdub

    More trail camera pics

    I got this guy on camera while scouting for elk. What do you guys think?
  17. jdub

    More trail camera pics

    Sorry, just learning how to upload pics