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Everything posted by AntlerObsession

  1. AntlerObsession

    Colorado deer hunt

    Eastman's Bowhunting Journal had good info on trophy potential in CO and NM. 2 Units had excellent potential for trophies in the early hunts: 43 and 74. I am headed up next weekend to Unit 74 and 65 to scout for hunts we are doing this fall. I'll send you pics of all the bucks I see. There are some of the 15 - 20 alpine bucks I've been watching that approach 200", maybe exceeding it! Won't know for sure until we get them on the ground!
  2. AntlerObsession

    Changing a username?

    Or you could roll with 3 usernames like me and see what fits you best. AntlerObsession, BikerRN and .270 have served their purposes for me throughout the years.
  3. AntlerObsession

    thought i'd share a couple highlights off my cams today

    Sweet tine! Looks like you've got all the tine in the world! Tine is of the essence! Excuse me deer, do you have the tine? But seriously, when you do have that buck in the crosshairs, take your sweet tine! I hope you have the tine of your life! Alright, I'm done!
  4. AntlerObsession

    AR500 steel

    Young Buck, If I got you the money ahead of time, would you do a couple plates for me as well? I've been interested in getting a Target set up. Let me know! Thanks!
  5. AntlerObsession

    what type of scent control do you guys use

    My fallback had always been bathing, but my wife says its not working...
  6. AntlerObsession

    Bighorns on the way to work!

    I was on my way to work and saw this group of rams on a ridge 200 yds or so from the highway. The first pic was as close as my Droid would zoom in. I was tempted to walk out there and see how close I could get when I thought I should try me 10x Leupolds. I was pleased with how they came out: free hand, cell phone camera, 200 yds. Hope you enjoy!
  7. AntlerObsession

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 21st @ 2pm.
  8. AntlerObsession


    I was bow hunting in 27, making my way to the edge of a small clearing, and decided to sit down and take a rest. As I was sitting there, with my bow held in my hand, a hummingbird decided it wanted to take a rest as well. He first tried to land on my riser, but due to its bigger radius and smooth surface, that poor bird kept losing its balance and sliding off. It was like he had a few too many drinks! He finally gave up on the riser, and landed on one of my carbon arrows. It must have been "just right" because he stayed there and preened for like 10 min. Very cool to see him at such close proximity!
  9. AntlerObsession

    Sunrise 3d shoot happening this weekend!

    We have a cabin in Greer that we rent out if anybody is interested in a place to stay.
  10. AntlerObsession


    That's what we need: a few light rains, maybe get a little green on the ground, before the heavy monsoons hit. Unlikely, but we can hope!
  11. AntlerObsession

    Nikon Window Mount

    Pm sent.
  12. Kenny, What approximate distance are those photos taken at? They look really good and I would love to be able to shoot animals that clearly. I'm just concerned about how close I have to get to make the video worth watching were I to buy that same camera.
  13. AntlerObsession

    Free Hounds

    Is the Aussie a legitimiate Aussie? Does it have papers? Maybe I should have read more closely... ...
  14. AntlerObsession

    Free Hounds

    Is the Aussie a legitimiate Aussie? Does it have papers?
  15. AntlerObsession

    OTC Colorado elk advice

    I am going to be up there for the 2nd Rifle hunt for Elk and Mule Deer, strongly considering Unit 65, South of Montrose to Red Mountain Pass, but love Unit 74, Red Mt. Pass South to Durango. Call me and we can talk about plans, maybe meeting up. Adam (480)204-2326
  16. AntlerObsession

    Wallow Fire

    My in-laws live just east of the rodeo grounds on the way out towards Alpine. They just called and said the fire that had topped out and slowed on Sipes just south of the highway has picked up again! Mostly sparse juniper and grassland, but serious enough they closed the highway east of the rodeo grounds. Our cousin was at Cal's glass in town, and got blocked off from going home. The inlaws, who have already moved back in, are getting all the water hoses they have, and spraying like crazy! Let's pray it dies down before it gets any closer to town! 6'-8' flames within 300 yds of their house!
  17. AntlerObsession

    Draw results?

    111, The fact that you know those exact days and dates is cool... but a little OC!
  18. AntlerObsession

    WTS Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x50

    What reticle does it have?
  19. AntlerObsession

    Tree stand hunting

    Draw yourself a diagram of a deer, broadside and head on, and draw where the lungs and heart are going to be, bottom half of the chest, centered behind the shoulder. Start drawing arrow paths through where you would hit the most lung. Change your elevation angle, the orientation if your deer, etc., and you'll begin to notice all your lines going through one spot in the chest cavity, generally near the heart. I personally won't take shots with the deer quartered towards me at all. That's just me... if he's quartered away, one good rule of thumb is to shoot at the opposite shoulder. You'll get him down! It was probably just bad odds that your arrow stuck in the bone. But, then again, hunting is about odds, and doing everything you can to improve them! Good luck on him, and make sure you write up the story for the Buck Contest when you do get him!
  20. AntlerObsession

    Guns for sale

    Pm sent.
  21. AntlerObsession

    Natural Salt Deposits!

    Very funny! No its not the Salt River! The location of the salt deposits I saw would be too hard to get to unless the deer had gills or rappelling equipment, but I was wondering if the salt deposits would be worth looking into a few hundred yards up hill. Could salt run all through that hill side? Any geologists out there with any idea? I think the answer to your question about salt deposits being elsewhere is pretty obvious. Just climb up the hill side licking the ground and rocks every 5 yards or so. Oh yeah, and if you would post the coordinates and the time of your experiment, I am sure you get a bunch of CWTer's to help! Heck I bet a bunch of them would even offer to document your experiment with video cameras! I couldn't resist. Lee You don't think I wont?! I would lick that whole freakin' mountain side if it meant I could take a 100" buck this next season! No J/K, no LOL, no winking smiley face! I am obsessed, and proud of it!
  22. AntlerObsession

    Natural Salt Deposits!

    Very funny! No its not the Salt River! The location of the salt deposits I saw would be too hard to get to unless the deer had gills or rappelling equipment, but I was wondering if the salt deposits would be worth looking into a few hundred yards up hill. Could salt run all through that hill side? Any geologists out there with any idea?
  23. AntlerObsession

    straight fletching or helical?

    Does it matter if you shoot a whiskers biscuit vs a dropdown rest?
  24. AntlerObsession

    Night Hunting proposal

    No, but its about time!
  25. AntlerObsession

    Wallow Fire

    Pull back from Greer? What does that mean? Are they not going to be able to protect homes?