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Everything posted by crazyaboutcoues

  1. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    Hey Louis, Does AZOD mean Arizona Outdoors? What are you filming for? Tommy
  2. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    The Sherridan area is a good place remember you are hunting the second hunt. so you will have to get deeper into the country to take a "decent' buck, I would hunt as far NE as I could walk. The foot hills behind the Moon ranch hold large numbers of deer, they are just hard to hunt because of the brush. I would find the water and hunt close to it. It hasn't rained in a long time. I'll be up there checking in on my client on Saturday night. Good Luck AZOD- If you hunt NE across the Frisco river you will not be in 23 you'll be in 16a. And if you plan on going NW of Glenwood to Roberts park, Smoothing Iron, Goat basin, Sun Flower mesa,Whiterock area, be prepared to see hundreds of hunters. Those areas are loaded with AZ hunters that didn't get drawn in AZ, plus numerous hunters from NM,TX. Those areas are well known. You will have to go over more than one canyon to get away from the crowd. This year they shortened our hunts to two hunts, this means more people on each hunt. Then you add the factor that the first hunt is WED, Thur, Fri. So the second hunt is going to be loaded with people. Don't want to bring you down just letting you know what i've seen in the past. I took my son into Goat Basin last year and i'll never do that again. Good Luck
  3. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    I've hunted 22 most of my young life when I hunted with a rifle. Know the area very well. I have a client hunting that unit the 12-16. The area is more inaccessable with motor vehicles than 23.
  4. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    Sorry for the mix up, Harden Cinega is West of mule creek. Brushy Mountain has been a good place to hunt for many years, although I prefer hunting where there is less pressure and I hunt with a bow. There are other areas in the SW that makes it a little easier to put a stick in 'em Buddy Johnsons place has been leased out the last couple of years, and has produced some serious muledeer. The majority of the coues deer in that area, at least what I have seen during the off season, are more west in the brushier oakbrush Ponerosa pine. There is also some good state land within the ranches that have good deer in them.
  5. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    If your wanting to take a coues deer, try hunting Harden Cinega. It is just east of Mule Creek, near the AZ NM border.
  6. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 next week

    South of Mule creek? Your not on Monzingos place by any chance are you? Most of the land South of mule creek is private except for black mountain. Just curious Tommy
  7. crazyaboutcoues

    Sooo, How did it go on opening weeked?

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  8. crazyaboutcoues

    Draw results

    My boys pretty happy. I think it's a blessing in disguise that I didn't draw. I can focus most of my time to my boy. I know of some areas that hold some huge muleys. But I think Tito(my boy) wants a Coues. First I have to find him an Elk in 16A, should be pretty easy to find a cow.
  9. crazyaboutcoues

    Draw results

    I went 0-2 on my hunts but my boy drew Burro Mountains youth deer hunt and 16A elk.
  10. crazyaboutcoues

    AZ unit 27

    See, what did I tell you! My man Scott is ready to rock!! I guess I have no choice now but to put in for 27.
  11. crazyaboutcoues

    AZ unit 27

    That's alright Doug, Scott knows that unit real well, I scouted with him last year in that unit and saw a couple of nice bucks. If I end up drawing that unit i'm sure Scott will help out.
  12. crazyaboutcoues

    AZ unit 27

    I'm thinking about it! I'll probably hit Kansas again this year but that's early Dec. I got to have something to do in late Dec. When is the dealine for AZ? Tommy gilawildernesshunting.com
  13. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountauns

    Yeah I put in for the archery hunt and my son for the youth hunt. My buddy Jason took a good gobbler in the wilderness Sunday. We're going to try to get my boy a turkey this weekend hopefully. Tommy www.gilawildernesshunting.com
  14. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountauns

    We've been in and out of the Burros here lately looking for turkeys. I'll tell you what. The people lucky enough to get a tag this year are going to have the opportunity of a life time. There is more than one buck running around that will break the archery world record. I doubt there's a 180" coues but I know there are some 130-140 class bucks there.
  15. crazyaboutcoues

    AZ unit 27

    How's it going Scott? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Did you guys get your turkey? Jason took a nine inch beard on Sunday. We might go out this weekend and see if we can find one for Tito. Later, Tommy www.gilawildernesshunting.com
  16. crazyaboutcoues

    Need Help!!

    NM has alot of untouched country for coues. Our terrain for coues is different than AZ though. It suits the bowhunter more than the rifle hunter. There are some areas where you can use 15x nocks. I personally hunt out of a tree stand or carry a small chair and sit next to rubs and scrapes. My buddy took a nice three point using the chair method this year. Most of the coues deer are in higher elevations during the rut, so 9 times out of 10 there is snow on the ground and you can hear them coming. The trick is scent control. There are other methods to get them closer, grunting and some light rattling works. I used a doe bleep this year and had very good response. I had seven bucks within bow range but couldn't get a clear shot. I'm looking foward to this year. Tommy
  17. crazyaboutcoues

    Hunt with a .243?

    My son used a .243 this year and took a forked muledeer at 326 yards. We used a 100gr sierra spizer boattail. I would say a .243 will do the job with good shot placement.