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Everything posted by crazyaboutcoues

  1. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 27

    www.swhighdeserthunt.com Sorry about that
  2. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 27

    Check out www.swhighdeserthunts.com They might be able to help. I run the same kind of business but Fortunatly I'm already over-booked. Tell Mike that Tommy sent you.
  3. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro mountain Bucks

    http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v310/c...deer1_71704.jpg Looks like it's going to be a good year.
  4. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro mountain Bucks

    Jonathons has another shed that's bigger than this one. I'll try to get a pic and post it soon.
  5. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro mountain Bucks

    Here's a shed Jonathon found this last year. http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v310/c...ed_2004_002.jpg
  6. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro mountain Bucks

    Would that happen to be Justin Otero?
  7. crazyaboutcoues

    Draw Results?

    CB, e-mail me at gilawildernesshunts@hotmail.com Are you looking for a fully guided hunt or a Do it yourself hunt?
  8. crazyaboutcoues


    I talked with Wayne on Friday. He asked if you could call him 505-388-0220. He might be interested
  9. crazyaboutcoues


    Hey AZ, I know a good outfitter that might pick it up. His name is Wayne Billings. I'll shoot him an e-mail today to see if he would be interested.
  10. crazyaboutcoues

    gonhntn's Burro Buck

    Here's the pic of Gonhntn's buck. Lets hear the story! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid1...4c/f9cdd3ee.jpg. Good job!
  11. crazyaboutcoues

    archery javelina

    Ata'baby there 300 I'm probably going to help out my buddys son here in NM. He has a youth hunt. I'm still recovering from that little hike you took me on for the deer hunt. he he By the way I still have your mag-lite.
  12. I've got a client hunting this Unit right now. Does anyone know anyone else that drew this tag? The Opportunity to take a 120"+ Coues is well within reach in this Unit.
  13. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountains Unit 23

    Can you e-mail the pic to me also gilawildernesshunts@hotmail.com I will post it for you. Yeah baby 116" that's a super buck can't wait to see it. What's the story behind it?
  14. crazyaboutcoues


    Sorry to hear about your hunt falling through Scott, maybe next year.
  15. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountains Unit 23

    I haven't got around to talk to the locals that drew. I'm sure they will have plenty of stories I'll let you know when I find out and hopefully I can get some pix.
  16. crazyaboutcoues


    You guys need to quit buttering up ol' Bura nuts. He's going to get a big head. he he
  17. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    Nice pix as usual Scott!! I'll be there Friday for sure. Good Luck Today
  18. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    Man this is killing me. Just can't get over this sickness Scott I'm taking the 25th through the 1st off. Hopefully by then this thing will pass. Good luck
  19. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    Hey Amanda, What's up with the "post times"? 2:51 pm? and yours at 3:14pm.
  20. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    Glad to hear that Bill had an opportunity. Wish I was there. Scott, Give me a call when you get back today. If you get back before three, i'll be at work. 538-7259
  21. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    I broke down and went to see the Doc. Got some new horse pills that hopefully will help. I doubt i'll be able to hunt with Scott this weekend I really need to get well before I make it worse. It looks like Scott has plenty of "energetic" help anyway. he he Allen ...if I knew Scott was going to take my pic I would have turned to my good side. . I bet they drew blood today.
  22. crazyaboutcoues

    december hunters

    Hey Scott, That short one in the bottom looks familiar. he he I'm having a terrible time trying to get rid of this cold or flu whatever it is that's kicking my butt . As you can see in Scott's pic I didn't make much for hunting partner. Hopefully I can get better by the weekend. Nice pix Scotty!!!
  23. crazyaboutcoues

    SWNM Coues pic

    Red rabbit i'll see if I can conger up some more pic of our KS hunt. Jason - I think that buck would gross closer to 170. My buddy who is also named Jason is 6'4" and about 230. If it was me behind that buck he would look like a 200" If you guys are interested in hunting the same area. Pheasent or Whitetail Give Dan Pletcher a call at 785-346-9495 later
  24. crazyaboutcoues

    SWNM Coues pic

    Another good Coues buck taken during our Public hunt. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid8...53/fa7782b2.jpg
  25. crazyaboutcoues

    SWNM Coues pic

    Jason, Your not kidding about Scotts set up. Uor hunt in KS was great we all managed to take a decent Eastern but one of my buddys scored on a 13 point Bruiser. Hree's the pic http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid9...07/fa59b175.jpg Here's a pic of the Pheasent we took http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid9...93/fa59b184.jpg Enjoy