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Everything posted by crazyaboutcoues

  1. crazyaboutcoues

    My 10 min Opening Morn. Hunt

    Outstanding!!!!!!! Congrats
  2. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    Can't beat them western sunsets, enjoy http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/cra...birthday001.jpg
  3. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    Nathine...Yeah I figured you had the same view coming back from the Loper hunt. Pretty sweet huh Just about everyone at work has it as a background. Are you gonna guide for the rifle hunt too?
  4. crazyaboutcoues

    Little guy

    I had some time yesterday after church, so I headed to the Burro's for a quick recon adventure. This guy was bedded down near a water source. I was just easying my way to the water, when he made his presence known. He didn't seem to concerned about me looking at him at 40 yards. I did see two other bucks that were alot bigger than this guy, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera. This is going to be a great year for antler growth.
  5. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    That was an awesome sunset. I was trying to get a lightning bolt with the sunset but I wasn't fast enough. I love this time of year. Mike...it's just a matter of time.
  6. crazyaboutcoues

    Scouting NM

    You should try keeping up with him on a deer hunt. "So Scott, we have to be on top of that mountain in one hour?" Can't we just glass from here? hehe I feel like Frodo trying to keep up with Gandalf
  7. crazyaboutcoues

    Scouting NM

    Scott...did you hit the areas we talked about?
  8. crazyaboutcoues


    You should have put in NM Elk with Scott and Ted! Look what your going to be missing. We glassed 15 different bulls. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/crazyaboutcoues/2.jpg
  9. crazyaboutcoues

    Left over NM tags

    FINALLY...got both boys in for 23. AZPack...there's no Muledeer in 16... Good Luck guys keep trying
  10. crazyaboutcoues

    Left over NM tags

    I was on-line at 15 till 8 this morning. As soon as the link came up I was in. BUT, when I went to the receipt page(last page) it booted me out. SOOOO no tag for my boys yet. There are a few guys that got in. I'll keep trying, I owe it to the Boys.
  11. crazyaboutcoues


    I don't think Sally will sleep for a few weeks.
  12. crazyaboutcoues

    Hi guys,my fellow members??

    Ernesto, I wouldn't sweat it Bud. I love Jesus Christ and proud of it. Those who feel threatened if some asks God to bless them, need it the most. Heck I need blessings every day God bless you Friend
  13. crazyaboutcoues

    Left over NM tags

    Maybe I can get a tag for my boys, they went 0 for 2005.
  14. crazyaboutcoues

    NM unit 23 Burro Mtns

    I'm back.........daberry let me know if you need some help. Tommy
  15. crazyaboutcoues

    Get back to me!

    I sent you an e-mail My address is gilawildernesshunts@hotmail.com
  16. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 24

    I hunted Unit 24 for the last 4 years for coues deer. All the areas you mentioned have a population of coues deer. Looks like your on the right track. Good Luck
  17. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 24

    unit 24 is exactly that terrain.
  18. crazyaboutcoues

    Where to hunt in unit 23 for carp

    Redman...I run a do-it-yourself hunting consulting business and unit 23 is my back yard if your interested. www.gilawildernesshunting.com
  19. crazyaboutcoues

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Burro Mountains Archery Coues hunt Jan 1-15th We gowin Sizzla we gowin Sizzla
  20. crazyaboutcoues

    Credit Card Hit Yet?

    Congrats to those of you who have drawn so far. Looks like were staying home again J-. No hits on the CC yet.
  21. crazyaboutcoues

    Credit Card Hit Yet?

    J- Sorry to hear that you have to keep the midget chipindales on hold. until you find out if you draw. Bwahahahahaah
  22. crazyaboutcoues

    I gotta bad feeling

    Brett shoot me an e-mail, i'll give you a couple of good areas. gilawildernesshunts@hotmail.com
  23. crazyaboutcoues


    Definetly a saddle
  24. crazyaboutcoues

    any body been out fishin

    Thanks Amanda i'll probably hit San carlos again this Saturday. These fish have to wake up soon.
  25. crazyaboutcoues

    Opening weekend

    Congrats NMT...looks like negrito creek behind you.