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Everything posted by crazyaboutcoues

  1. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23

    Brush busters right..it's OK to pick up sheds , but not skulls.
  2. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23

    I'm not much of a shed hunter I usually let them lay. Here lately i've kept a few. Why do you ask?
  3. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23

  4. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23

    Your chances of taking a three point in 23 is very realistic.
  5. crazyaboutcoues

    "Idiot" New Mexico Game and Fish

    They only give that code to applicants from Arizona ha ha I'm sure it was just random word selection.
  6. crazyaboutcoues

    Wanted: small bass boat

    Jeff...Pm sent
  7. crazyaboutcoues

    Wanted: small bass boat

    I'm looking to buy a bass boat. Anybody know of any for sale? between 16' and 18' 35-90 HP motor
  8. crazyaboutcoues

    Wanted: small bass boat

    Joe Your boat sounds like what I am looking for. If your wife gives you the green light, shoot me an e-mail. tpmaldonado@phelpsdodge.com Do you have any pictures of your boat? Doug...i'll check out craigs list. Thanks for the info
  9. crazyaboutcoues

    Wanted: small bass boat

    Fiber glass or Alum. doesn't matter. turn key foot engaged trolling motor Something like a Bass tracker or a small nitro or procraft. I'll be using it at San Carlos Lake for crappie and bass and smaller lakes where gas engines are not permitted.
  10. crazyaboutcoues

    birthday man

    Thanks Guys...one more year and i'll be the big 4-0
  11. crazyaboutcoues

    hunter safety 100%

    AG, tell your girl congrats...are you ready for baseball?
  12. crazyaboutcoues

    153" and change!!!!!!!

  13. crazyaboutcoues

    Whats In A Name

    My handle's not to hard to figure out.
  14. After wrapping up the last of my clients for 2006, I finally had time to scout for myself. Tito, Gabriel, and I set out on the morning of December 16th to set up a stand on my favorite spot in Unit 24. We actually were planning on setting up two stands but the water hole where the second stand was going up just happen to be a mud hole. So we just ended up carrying the second stand just to stay in shape. We set up a trail cam exactly 40 yards from my treestand facing a transition zone where four game trails meet. December 23, 2006 - I headed back up to check on my trail cam and locate two water holes. We got a pretty good snow in my area so I was pretty pumped this morning. It's a 10.8 mile drive on my fourwheeler to the trail head then another .75 miles to my stand. Here's a pic over looking the area I hunt.
  15. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Buck

    Thanks for the story...seemed like i was watching it on TV Congrats again!!!
  16. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Buck

    That's a great Burro buck..tell us a story congrats
  17. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    Thanks for all the replies!!! Very much appreciated . Someday I hope to achieve my goal of a 100" buck with a bow. Some how I think i'll have to spent alot more days like this before it happens. haha Kevin...I don't think it was the same buck. My bucks ears are rounded off. It looked like they were injured. The bucks left ear in the trail cam pic is pointed. My 12 year old son was the one that noticed it, I thought it was the same buck too.
  18. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    I was running about 30 minutes late this morning, the alarm didn't go off and listening to the wind outside almost made me stay in bed. About half way up the ridge I could see the road without the headlights. I still didn't feel an urgency to get to the stand because the wind was HOWLING!!! I got to the stand at 7:45am, the tree was swaying back and forth enough to where it started to make me dizzy. At 10:00am I couldn't stand it anymore it seem like the deer weren't going to cooperate. I decided to get off the tree and hit a flat where i've seen lots of scrapes in the past. It rained last night so the snow wasn't frozen and the pine needles were soak enough that they didn't crunch when you stepped on them. When I got to the flat, the wind was at my face and loud enough to muffle my steps. I scanned the ridge and saw movement about 100 yards away. At first I couldn't tell if it was a buck or a doe but it was definetly a coues deer. A couple more steps revealed a buck making a scrape. He was a small buck but this late in the game I decided that anything goes. I quietly got to about 50 yards of him. I realized that I couldn't get any closer so I waited for him to get broadside before I drew. Finally after about 5 minutes he stopped scrapeing and decided to be on his way. He stopped for a minute to scan the area giving me a perfect broadside shot. I started to draw and he immediately looked my way. At fifty yards I figured that he would probably jump the string. So I aimed 45 yards low on the kill zone. I touched it off. The buck dropped as expected. But this time the arrow hit the mark. I heard the "whack" that's music bowhunters ears. He ran down the ridge in a way that I knew he was hurt. I stood there a minute seeing if I could hear him crash. Nothing, to much wind. I waited 30 minutes before looking for blood. I found blood right where he was standing when I shot. It was just a few drops so I kept on the trail. Sure enough I found him piled up about 100 yards from where I hit him. For a moment I felt sorry for the buck, and I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to take him. Anyway here he is!!!!!!!!!! Not the buck I was looking for but I'm happy
  19. crazyaboutcoues

    Burro Coues Pics

    Jeff I heard thru the grapevine that you hammered a 4x3. Any pix
  20. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    I took the day off yesterday to hunt the stand before the storm hit. Unfortunately all that came in was a spike. Someone did take a buck close to my stand because there was hair on the trail that I use to get to the stand, hopefully it doesn't spook the deer away and hopefully it wasn't NEO. Both my hunting buddies are done Mike killed a small three point yesterday, so it's only me and J- now. We'll hit it again Saturday and Sunday.
  21. crazyaboutcoues

    Not a Coues, But Cool!

    Can't wait to see the pic Slayer Congrats
  22. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    Scott I was planning on heading out again tomorrow but the wind is supposed to be pretty bad. I don't mined hunting in snow or even cold but wind is a different story . I'll probably hit it this weekend and Monday. Mike...thanks for the "pick me up" I think i'm due also hehe
  23. crazyaboutcoues

    God is testing me.... dang mulies

    J- I'm planning on heading out on Wednesday. Are you game? You can hunt the DC blind.
  24. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    Blasterman that picture is the one Deerslam posted he hunted over the same place in 2005. Saturday morning was eventful to say the least. I left the house at 4:40am, about half way up the mountain it started snowing and the roads were very slick. I arrived at my buddies camp at 5:30am and loaded the bike for the 45 minute trek up the ridge. I got to the top at 6:26, the snow was coming down even harder. I figured I was going to freeze my cojones off again I started down the ridge to my treestand and a 1/4 mile in I noticed there was something missing. Can you believe I left my quiver of arrows in my bowcase back at the wheeler So I turn back up the mountain in a brisk walk to get the quiver. Of course now my chances of getting to the stand before light were pretty slim and I was such in a hurry that i started to sweat which is not good when sitting in a tree in the snow. Finally I make to the stand, my treestand seat had about an inch of snow but it wasn't frozen. It started getting light and the snow was slowing down the good thing was there was no wind. The scenery was actually breath taking, I felt good about that morning. At 8:00 the sun broke thru the clouds and I had a steady wind hitting the right side of my face, it was the wind I needed for my stand location. Then it began!!! A doe walks into my field of view and I knew there would be a buck close behind. It was a small two point with eyeguards. He was at 32 yards broadside, man I had to really think about not shooting this guy. He was not what I was looking for but this could mean that i didn't have to freeze my butt off anymore . AAHH I decided not to shoot. The doe took off and the small buck went along with her. The same doe and buck came thru three different times tempting me to let the air out of him. Suddenly three does come thru and "Neo" was right behind them. Neo is a 95" class three point that came thru earlier in the week. You'll later understand why I call him Neo. The three does were stand in the opening 35 yards from my stand and Neo was behind that same tree from earlier in the week. But this time he stepped out at 45 yards broadside. As before my heart had almost stopped. I started to draw and this time came to full draw without being seen. My heart started pounding even harder now. Here I am at full draw, the buck i've waited for for six years was in my sights "BROADSIDE" I put my 40yard pin low on his vitals knowing that i'll hit dead on at 45 from my tree. Then I told myself settle and squeeze settle and squeeze. SHOOM the arrow is gone, I see the arrow flying true perfect to it's mark. Then "NEO" decides to do his Matix debut and ducks almost going prostrate to the snow. I see the arrow deflect off his back and Neo's gone. I'm thinking that I still hit him enough to maybe expire him. Things happen so fast that the only way to find out was to check the arrow. I stayed in the tree for an hour to be sure that if he is hit hard, I wouldn't push him. Now in this hour of waiting the young buck comes thru again and poses for me at 25 yards. The young buck walks thru the spot where I hit Neo, he puts his nose to the ground and bolts off as if being chased by something. Hmmm he must of smelled blood. That's a good sign. Finally I got off the tree and headed to the spot where the Neo was standing. I find my arrow stuck in the snow and mud. Sadly the arrow hit him just enough to take the hair off his back. There was no blood on the arrow but there was plenty off hair on the snow. I followed his track about 100 yards to see if he bled at all. No Dice just gave him a hair cut. So back to the drawing board Hopefully I can head back Wednesday. This is what i'll be doing until then.
  25. crazyaboutcoues

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    Doug...I'm using the hand warmers, it's more my feet that get cold. Bill...i've grunted amd rattled and used the can, none are working right now. But i keep trying. I took today off as well, after looking at the weather report night before last I figured the wind would not be good especially at 20-30 mph. I did talk with my hunting buddy that's hunting in the same area. I guess i picked the wrong day to take a day off. They took two bucks off the mountain on Thursday. One was a two point with eye guards and the other was a 80 class buck. Both hunters were hunting on the ground, on scrapes. It's raining outside right now, hopefully tomorrow is good.