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Everything posted by crazyaboutcoues

  1. crazyaboutcoues

    Freezer in Tucson

    The hunt is in NM December 3-11 don't know if or when he will need one. Send me a phone number and address. Thanks for the help...
  2. crazyaboutcoues

    Freezer in Tucson

    Is there a place in Tucson that will freeze a de-boned deer? Have a friend that's flying in and wants to be able to take the meat back on an airplane... thanks
  3. Just to let everyone know my website is having some technical difficulties. Been getting a lot of e-mails and text messages if I'm still in Business. The answer is yes the website should be up soon I hope... Thanks Tommy Gilawildernesshunting.com
  4. crazyaboutcoues

    burro mt. tags

    Deo I sent you an e-mail but it came back as undelivered... Shoot me an e-mail when you get a chance: gilawildernesshunts@yahoo.com Thanks Tommy
  5. crazyaboutcoues

    Unit 23 coues - not Burro's Mtns

    There are plenty of Coues in the whiterocks and Harden cienega area... Just gotta keep looking
  6. crazyaboutcoues

    New Mexico Maps

    Shoot me an e-mail gilawildernesshunts@yahoo.com. I've been printing maps for over 13 years
  7. crazyaboutcoues

    Country bars

    Thinking about fishing Rosey this weekend are there any good country dancin bars in Globe?
  8. crazyaboutcoues

    Country bars

    Well even though i'm a 25 year miner and can hold my own, i'll take your advise and not go the the bars in Globe... Headed to the Butte instead.
  9. crazyaboutcoues

    Elkman's NM Coues Hunt

    I was wondering how Josh did...Tell him congrats for me. Do you have any field photos?
  10. crazyaboutcoues

    new mexico buck

    Very nice buck...congrats
  11. crazyaboutcoues

    NM Muzz hunt success

    Had a good hunt with good friends, found this guy in his bed at about 400 yards Got within 226 yards and dropped him in his bed... In a way i'm glad stickers didn't come out, I wanna see what he looks like next year...
  12. crazyaboutcoues

    NM Muzz hunt success

    Here is stickers...
  13. crazyaboutcoues

    Any guesses on size?

    I have him in the mid 90's, put him on the ground and find out!!! Good Luck
  14. crazyaboutcoues

    NM Muzz hunt success

    Thanks Guys!!!
  15. crazyaboutcoues

    Mule deer or Coues deer?

    I haven't seen this buck or been able to take another picture of him. He lives in a very brushy area so I just need to do more work in finding out his habits... I took this buck on my muzz hunt...
  16. crazyaboutcoues

    Birthday Muzzy Coues... Again!

    Congrats on your buck Travis!!!
  17. crazyaboutcoues

    Here they are rubbed off

    +1 Kinda hard to let him walk if I see him...especially where he lives... I guess i'll have to make that decision this weekend if I can find him during the hunt... This tank is on private ground, I have permission to set up a camera but I don't have permission to hunt. The forest is near by though...
  18. crazyaboutcoues

    Here they are rubbed off

    They look different out of velvet, what do you think they score now?
  19. crazyaboutcoues

    Score #2

    This one has the trash I have side pix of him too, will post later. What do ya think?
  20. crazyaboutcoues


    What do you think this guy scores?
  21. crazyaboutcoues

    Mule deer or Coues deer?

    I definetly have a coues tag!!!!! late October muzz hunt
  22. crazyaboutcoues


    Could be the trail cams are about 2 miles apart
  23. crazyaboutcoues

    Score #2

    side view