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Everything posted by bbd1234

  1. Very nice shoot, I guess we did alright can't wait for you to post the pics.one bada$$ buck
  2. bbd1234

    2nd chance Bear

    Nice bear bud
  3. bbd1234

    Finally broke the 100" mark.

    Nice buck and good job
  4. bbd1234

    Archery buck down!

    I want one!!!!!!
  5. bbd1234

    opening day buck

    Nice buck
  6. bbd1234

    Bowtech Insanity CPX...

    I Love my bow it's a great shooting bow so now I have 2 of them.I got mine at broken arrow archery.The strings on my look and shoot good.
  7. bbd1234

    It Must Be!!!!

    I understand what your saying because I was in the same area and had five guys around me and only saw a few does. I did alot of scouting also but seen about 50 hunter in the area.Yes, Im a city boy but I did my home work also.So I will seen you up there on wed.
  8. bbd1234

    What would you do?

    Im not throwing a fist just trying to get the point across. As for the first post I was saveing it for a good topic . so hi to every one on coueswhitetail.
  9. bbd1234

    What would you do?

    I also say first come first serve for a water hole.So if a guy put up a tree stand up and a 100 pound feeder all year long.And knows you are right above him and been hunting the same spot for 10 year or more I have the right to his spot. if im the first one to his spot.the reason why I say this is because a guy that posted on this topic is a hipocrit and you know who you are.