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Everything posted by bbd1234

  1. bbd1234

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    Can't wait to tell my story tonight.This should keep this going. I welcome you all to criticize and talk sh!t.I shoot a 4x4 buck today at 104 yards with my bow.It only took one arrow and it died with in 60 yards and no I wasn't shooting a rage broadhead.So let keep this going like a bunch school girls. Thank you and I'll get more popcorn out:)
  2. bbd1234

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    it wasn't a rage broadhead
  3. bbd1234

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    This is getting good. So it's OK shoot a deer at a 1,000 yards with a rifle.
  4. bbd1234

    My Birthday Buck II

    imagine that nate gets it done again.your the man great job and happy birthday bro.
  5. bbd1234

    My Muzzy Muley

    Nice buck
  6. bbd1234

    "Heart Break Hotel"

    Its still a nice one
  7. bbd1234

    2013 Urban Pig! 8 year curse is broken!

    Nice pig
  8. bbd1234

    Check out this buck

    Wow nice buck
  9. bbd1234

    My late dec hunt

    Nice buck
  10. bbd1234

    awesome hunt in wilderness

    I love these bucks
  11. bbd1234

    Little Sisters Buck

    Nice buck young lady
  12. bbd1234

    Last Stand Double

    Great job nate
  13. bbd1234

    For Sale - Rifle Railz & Loc Jaw Combo

    Can you send me pics please 4805672344
  14. I have a 50 day old Hoyt g3 carbon bow with brand new vapor strings in red and all new red dampeners. This bow is 10 out of 10 it has about 50 or 60 arrows through it. I have it at 27.5 on the draw right now and be leave it will go from 26 to 28 on the cam. I'm looking to sell it for $1100 ooh ya it's in max 1 camo.If you need pics let me know my number is 480-567-2344.I'll try to post pic but having problems with the computer.
  15. bbd1234

    Bull down 6A

    Nice elk
  16. bbd1234

    2013 hoyt g3 carbon for sale

    $900 lets sell it