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Everything posted by shylopolito

  1. shylopolito

    What do yall think?

    How big do yall think this guy is? You have to look closely.
  2. shylopolito

    What do yall think?

    This was the only pic we could get before he got up
  3. shylopolito

    Nocturnal Buck

    huge buck!
  4. shylopolito

    What do yall think?

    I'm trying to get this buck for my dad, who has hunted for thirty plus years, taken over fifteen coues, but his biggest is a mid sixties three point and he has never harvested a buck with a bow, so this is a big change.
  5. shylopolito

    A couple bucks

    The first two bucks are from 8/23/09. The last two are from 7/18/09. What do yall think?
  6. What does bighorn sheep scat look like? Any pictures would be wonderful.
  7. shylopolito

    Where is all the archery deer pics ?

    I'm wondering the same thing lonshshooter. Though I did see about nine bucks today, I wasn't able to close the gap on any of them. The biggest being a mid 80's low 90's three.
  8. I would greatly appreciated that GameHauler. And no, I didn't not draw a tag, and no, I do not have a scat fettish
  9. shylopolito

    Big mule deer

    I also believe this is a different buck. The main frame on the live buck looks a lot bigger than the dead bucks frame, and who knows? You may have more than just one stud buck in that area?
  10. shylopolito

    Coues Buck Contest

    Thank you Red Rabbit.
  11. shylopolito

    Coues Buck Contest

    Red Rabbit, I already sent my info to you, but i was wondering if i could enter in the youth category? I'm only fourteen.
  12. shylopolito

    Biggest i've ever found.

    Found this guy yesterday. Measures out at a whopping inch and a half!
  13. shylopolito

    Biggest i've ever found.

    my cousin bought them a while back and only wore them a couple times. he gave them to me and those are the only shoes i wear now. no matter where i go.
  14. shylopolito

    Biggest i've ever found.

    Yes sir, jordan 11's my favorite pair of shoes.
  15. shylopolito

    When & Why?

    When and why did yall start bow huntin? When did you take your first buck? What were some of your memories from then?
  16. shylopolito

    Does anyone else......

    i am still pouting about not getting drawn haha
  17. shylopolito

    Left Over Tags "WOW" Lots left!!!

    im pretty sure you just feel out another application with that hunt number. also this year you can purchase the tags about a week after just as a non permit tag.
  18. shylopolito

    Another Draw Question

    lets say, you weren't too familiar with one of the leftover tag areas, but you know that certain area produces large amounts of deer, this being only if you didn't get drawn. would you take a chance of getting a leftover tag with little scouting, for an area you didn't know, in hopes of tagging out, or would you stay with the area you know very well and just wait till August 21st rolls around?
  19. shylopolito

    Another Draw Question

    I am fourteen years old, but this was the first time i've put in and didn't get drawn but after finding the news out, i went to sportsmans warehouse and bought myself some rage broadheads, and plan to throw down a ground blind
  20. shylopolito

    Draw result contest?

    Great idea.
  21. shylopolito

    First piggy.

    First big game animal. Got this guy the third day of the general season. About a fifty yard shot across canyon. This was my first ever hunt that i had a tag. After not seeing any the first day or so i was disappointed but just realized this was hunting and being out there was what it was all about. Wasted about twelve .270 shells on one pig from about four hundred yards away, connecting on nothing. Started late the next day, as my dad didn't realize he wasn't doing to well. So my dad and my little brother stayed atop the 'grand canyon' as i hiked down it. Got to the same exact tree i shot at the pigs the night before, and no blood. As soon as i was about to make the hurrendous hike back, i noticed some movement at the bottom of the canyon and that movement was two or three piggies! Took one shot and nailed him. Sorry about the picture quality, all we had was my dad's cell phone.
  22. shylopolito

    Draw results

    She also told me they would be out by friday.
  23. shylopolito

    Horn growth update

    I too took some photos of some nice bucks today, but i went to post the pics and it was saying some kinda error. I was expecting much more length on the antlers, but it looks like they are gonna be growing for a while to come. Saw one that already was a three point.
  24. shylopolito

    A couple sheds.

    new to the posting, so sorry if they're real big.