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Everything posted by shylopolito

  1. I really like all the shirts, but i do not like the writing on them, it just kinda seems out of place and sticks out a little too much for me, but nice shirts!
  2. shylopolito

    My first lion kill

    Been meaning to post this one for awhile, found this little guy right on the trail while bow hunting on the last weekend of December.
  3. shylopolito

    150" WMAT Coues

    +1 ha ha. I cannot get over how big this buck is! Congrats on an amazing buck!
  4. shylopolito

    2010 January archery successes!

    That last buck is an absolute brute! Can i please get a story on him and how you got him
  5. shylopolito

    3 Weeks In Coues Heaven.......

    Massive bucks! Congrats to all involved!
  6. Took these pics through my phone from a ways away through some 10x32's.
  7. shylopolito

    My first lion kill

    Yeah he was the freshest my dad has ever found, probably from the night before.
  8. shylopolito

    I really really like Mexico...

    Great bucks! Love the character on your buck, a real bruiser.
  9. shylopolito

    Another great Mexico year

    Great bucks, congrats to all yall!
  10. shylopolito


    +1, i'm surprised that buck stayed around so long!
  11. shylopolito

    Gage's 124 7/8 gross AZ Coues

    Whopper buck!
  12. shylopolito

    Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

    Amazing buck, what a find! 139 5/8
  13. shylopolito

    January 2010... another one to remember!

    Awesome bucks & congrats to all!
  14. shylopolito

    What do you guys think?

    This was a pretty nice 5 by in unit 1. Taken through some 10x42's The next pictures are from a different bull, a 6 by, also in unit 1. Just some different angles. He was pretty far out.
  15. shylopolito

    The 2009 100" post

    I will hopefully be fortuante enough to add a picture to this post before the end of this january bow season. Great topic, and good lookin bucks!
  16. shylopolito

    New Mexico sheds

    We found these on our last trip up to New Mexico in unit 34. The matching elk set was a first for all of us, and also the mass on those antlers is unbelievable! The muley shed in the middle also has the most mass i've seen in a while. Pictures dont do it justice!
  17. shylopolito


    From the beginning you could tell Arizona was gonna play with no emotion, and they did just that. Just like the game against Asu, we played with no emotion, fortunate for the team, they pulled out a W that game. I have been a lifetime UofA fan, and it really did hurt me to watch this. This wasn't the same team who won 8 games in the regular season. And to all Asu fans who wanna talk trash because we lost, just compare UofA's and Asu's regulars seasons. This Arizona team was picked to finish eigth in the pac 10 this year. They ended up finishing second in one of the best pac 10 leagues in years. Arizona will be playing in a BCS game in two or three years. Better luck next year though.
  18. shylopolito

    Mule and coues pics

    Those are two nice bucks!
  19. shylopolito

    unit 31 late

    Great buck, welcome to a great site!
  20. shylopolito

    The Ones that Don't Make the Trophy Room

    Awesome congrats on some great trophies over the years! Many more to come!
  21. shylopolito


    Here are the pics. 3 more
  22. shylopolito


    Just saw about 12 of them right off the side of the freeway my last trip to New Mexico. It was pretty neat to see them again, also saw 2 young ones in the little herd. I'll try and post the pics.
  23. shylopolito

    New Mexico Eastern Whitetail?

    I've made the trip through Cloudcroft many times, seeing whitetail many of the times. I always wondered what kind of whitetail they could be? Saw a huge 4 by there once, but wasn't lucky enough to snap a picture. Made the trip through there this past weekend, and saw four whitetail does.