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Chukar Plucker

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Everything posted by Chukar Plucker

  1. Chukar Plucker

    3rd desert mulie in a row

    Congrats... Great Buck
  2. Chukar Plucker


    cool mount looks like he is going to fall asleep and fall off that log... and congrats also on the first harvest with your new bow.
  3. Chukar Plucker

    Thumbs Up for Santana Outdoors

    Just wanted to give kuddos to a sponsor of the site. I have ordered from Eric twice now and both times my items were shipped very prompt. His prices are very competitive and with free shipping on everything you can't go wrong. Thank you Eric, and everyone else check out his store. James
  4. Chukar Plucker

    15D Sheep Tag

    How did it turn out... lets hear the story...
  5. Chukar Plucker

    Lion hunt

  6. Chukar Plucker

    Awesome dall ram!!

    Mother nature and her camo skills could teach Kings and Sitka a thing or two... amazing
  7. Chukar Plucker

    10x42 EL Swarovski Binos

    Just put a call into him...
  8. Chukar Plucker

    Badland Packs

    I got the same discontinued message on Tuesday of this week. I called yesterday and it went right through. They had some wicked weather up that way the last couple of days, maybe that had something to do with it. I sent my pack in and i am beyond pleased with the outcome. James
  9. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    I got my nelson tag drawn this year for a great area down here. Have been out scouting 4 time already, what a gift having an areal only 20 minutes from the house... Really looking forward to the hunt November 20th cant get here fast enough.
  10. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    Thank you to everyone for your nice comments... it really was a great hunt filled with a lifetime of memories
  11. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    After 11 days of hunting and countless hours behing the binoculars I finally pulled the trigger on my 2010 Desert Bighorn. He is great old ram the Department of Wildlife put him at 10 years old, his left side goes 36 inches, right sided is broomed to 33 1/2, with 14.5 inches bases on both for a total score of 166 4/8. I sure thought he was bigger in the scope but i would have pulled the trigger even if i knew what his final score would have been, my wife was really understanding through the whole process but with a 4 year old and 19 month old at home the understanding was turning just a bit and i didnt want to push it to far. I had a great time, learned so much, and met a ton of great people over the last 8 months since i learned i drew my tag. It is funny with all the volunteer help that i did have i ended up harvesting the ram on the the only day i went out by myself. I put a single shot in the ram at 315 yards, and after i got over to him and asked myself "now what" i was able to get a few guys from my office to come out and take some photos and help my carry him off the hill. One of the benefits of having the area 30 minutes out of las vegas. Hope you enjoy the pics... i can start to apply again in 10 years... until then i have alot of repayment help to hand / glass out.
  12. Chukar Plucker

    spotting scope or 15X binos

    i was in a very similar situation this year with my Bighorn hunt. I went with the Swaro 15's, luckily i was able to borrow a spotting scope as well a swaro 80 hd, both are great but i have to say i am very pleased with my decision. The binos are much better (for me) for long periods of time, and when you need to the spotter brings them right into you lap. If you can only do one i would go binos.
  13. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    Needles 3 and 4... I was with a biologist on this scouting trip so they went home with him, but still pretty neat finds...
  14. Chukar Plucker

    Lion spotted in Gilbert???

    That is funny... crazy cougars
  15. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    Found my second needle... picked these up this past weekend, they were with a full ewe skull, might have been a lion stash area. Dont have a score on them yet
  16. Chukar Plucker

    range finder

    congrats on the new gear... good luck and lets see some pics of the set up once you get it.
  17. Chukar Plucker

    good luck scotty!

    Some people cringe when you talk about harvesting giraffes but if i ever am lucky enough to get the chance to i sure would not pass it up. I think it would make a awesome rug... down the hallway into a living room or great room... good luck.
  18. Chukar Plucker

    Leica 1600 Rangefinder?

    I got my Leica 1600 this week and i think it is amazing. I am getting good and consistant ranges. The hold over program that is built in and good to 500 yards is pretty accurate when compairing to my ballistics program. The holdover is good quick information, and it gives you temp, angle, and pressure after that so you can plug in the information to your PDA. Can't say enough good about the product clear glass and fast response. Was also able to pick up a holder for the unit for my tripod, Jim White is making a few. Homerun product
  19. Chukar Plucker

    Blacks Creek Canadian/Badlands Bino system

    I am interested in the bino system... shoot me with an pm with contact info and we can talk about how to arrange a purchase i am in Las Vegas.
  20. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada 263

    Found these off of a dead ram this past weekend, no skull and bones were picked clean, they score 152.
  21. Chukar Plucker

    Blacks Creek Canadian/Badlands Bino system

    Sent you a PM about the bino case.
  22. Went out this weekend to do a little Sage Grouse Hunting with a friend of mine and my dad. We went to Belmont, NV and hunted for two days. We had a great time a thanks to some good dog work, and some inside local information, which i was sworn to by threat of death, we were able to get some good birds. The limit is two a day i got one the first day and my dad and i both limited the next. Had a great time went home tired with smiles.
  23. Chukar Plucker

    Nevada Sage Grouse

    Thanks you for the compliments the German Shorthair is mine and my buddy has the Setter. They both ran really well especially for the first hunt of the season. I posted the picture of his dog because that is the first time i have ever been given the finger by a dog.
  24. Chukar Plucker

    C'mon Friday!!!!

    good luck... it would be cool to have pics of him walking and on your wall
  25. Chukar Plucker

    Some Cool Cam Pics....

    Great pics... the sunset one is awesome...