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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    twist rate

    thanks 308nutjob. i read that whole thing and now my head hurts. owww. Lark.
  2. i hafta agree with bill, on both opinions. i think most hunters are intersted in the score, to see how it compares to their pals animal, but i think most guys don't much care after that. i have a half dozen heads around the house that will make b&c all time, several more that will make pope and young, but i've never entered anything. i did have a lion officially scored once, filled out the paper and the whole deal and then didn't ever send it in. and i to think that scores and books, in the big picture, have a detrimental affect on hunting overall. even tho i do agree with the concept that the record book is supposed to be in recognition of the animal, but in reality, it is in recognition of the guy that shot it, or at least the guy that owns it. the sorriest liar, poacher, rat b@$tard i ever knew has his name in all kindsa record books. and every one of em is illegal in one way or another. but he's still there. and i kinda doubt that he's the only one. but there are a lotta stand up guys and average joe's with stuff in there that are completely worthy too. so where you gonna draw the line? but i do think folks put too much emphasis on books and not enough on the experience. my octegenarian ol' man can get all twitterpated over a spike anymore. ii guess t's just how ya look at it. Lark.
  3. i gotta start readin' more o' these stories. that one is too good. i've had a lotta women talk to me that way, but i always figgerd it was just because they knew me. i'm guessin' now it's because i'm such a great hunter. Lark.
  4. you brand x'ers do things wierd. i've never heard of galvanic corosion in a weld. sometimes you get internal cavitation caused by the turbulence, chemistry and temperature of whatever the pipe is transporting. if you don't have a good smooth internal root weld it can cavitate on the downstream side of the weld along the heat affected area of the weld. i'm not sure if it causes an electric charge, which is what galvanic corrosion is, but i guess it could. galvanic corrosion is what happens when two pieces of metal are connected mechanically, like being bolted or clamped. the metals will cause an electric charge between them and can eventually corrode the area where they touch. it actually makes a simple battery. even like metals will do it, but on a lesser scale. depending on the type of metal and what kind of environment they have between them, like any kind of acid, the amount of reaction you get varies. alluminum and copper tear each other up in a hurry. usually the weaker metal corrodes a lot quicker than the other. even steel on steel will have some galvanic reaction, but it is very, very small and shouldn't ever be a big problem. same with stainless on carbon. they are quite stable together. i've seen a lot of titanium actions with steel and stainless barrels and they seem to be ok together too. i don't think you should ever have to worry about galvanic corrosion between your barrel and action. chrome moly will take 1000 degrees day in and day out, year after year. infinitely more than you'll every do to a rifle barrel. so will a lot of stainless steel. pendants and superheaters are usually some form of stainless more for the external heat and ash erosion they are blasted with, than for the amount of heat and pressure they have internally. read my post again and you'll see what kind of barrel i bought. it's a schnieder, made in payson. i don't know a lot about barrels, so i used the experience of some guys i figgerd did, like david tubb and the marines. they use schneider's exclusivley. and i had it installed by a real good smith. just the barrel and action work cost more than a new sendero. it'll do 3/4 inch at 200 regular as sunup with me shooting it. 1/2 inch sometimes at 200. mu kid shot several 1/2 inch groups at 300, but any good barrel with a good load will do real well too. if the shooter can make it do it. Lark.
  5. .270

    Bighorn Sheep

    i'm sick o' kickin' bighorns outta my way every year in deer season and not bein' able to shoot em. i'm a fifth generation Az native. that oughta count for something. a "kid' i know got his second sheep tag this year. i've been applying for longer than he has been alive and still haven't got my first one. i don't care what anybody says, there are some shenanagins going on with sheep permits in Az. congratulations again on yours. you did a good job. but i'm about tired of wating, while others don't seem to have to. Lark.
  6. the hits just keep on happenin'. but it doesn't have anything to do with obama tho. even tho all this crap is going down on his watch and i guarantee it is precondonded by him. little by little, bit by bit, we're being turned into slaves of the federal gov't. freedom and liberty are a thing of the past. entitlement for the lazy, the illegal, the criminals, that's where it's at. joe taxpayer is the fool here. first for letting them take all his money and giving it to somebody that won't work and then by letting this kinda thing happen. the obamaites file suit against Az for enforcing the law and lean on the judge to get the result they want, raise heck about tax cuts for the people that pay the taxes, mandate a health care system that will destroy health care, think they can pass a law that will change the weather, think if producers pay more taxes it will change the weather, and now they're gonna outlaw hunting on public land. just as well, all game animals are anymore is wolf food. guys, it ain't comin', it's here. folks have gotta wise up and take on the hard problems. get off the fence and get on one side or the other and fight for what's on that side. and be ready to hit the guys on the other side of the fence right in the mouth and then keep hittin' em. Lark.
  7. .270


    our granddaughter, Lark, got to go home from the hospital today. after 10 weeks and 2 days, 7 major surgeries, countless other "procedures" and about a dozen real scary times. they gave her a neckless made of beads that represent all the things she had done to her while she was there. 2 of the beads represent 100 such procedures each and there are almost another 100 after that. this little kid has been through a lot. but it's a happy day at our camp. got to go elk hunting over the weekend with my 73 year old aunt and she got a nice 6x7. cut me a Christmas tree today and cruised back to creen queek. it's a good day here. if any of ya ever want to donate to a good outfit, the Phoenix Childrens Hospital is a good place. later, Lark.
  8. .270

    Is tihs a Big Black Bear?

    that looks like a pretty good bear to me. he ain't a 400 pounder, but he has big feet and fair sized head. pretty broad across the butt and across the shoulders. most of the big old bears i've seen in Az are built a lot like that. the seem to have a lot of air under em, long legged and sorta lanky. they are the ones that wear your hounds out because they never stop runnin'. i haven't seen a lot of Alaska bears, but the ones i have seen are built a little different than these southern cousins. bears are built a lot like man. they have a sorta flat chest, instead of a deep chest like deer and other ungulates. their front legs are fairly far apart. picture a man on has hands and knees, and that's about how a bear is, only with more hair. it's hard to say about big his skull is, which is what matters for the book, but he looks like a good sized bear. a friend of mine shot one of the biggest bears i've ever seen a couple years ago up on the navajo rez. definitley over 400. i mean it was big. and it didn't make the book. but it was a giant of a bear. Lark.
  9. .270

    Bighorn Sheep

    great job. good to see someone that has been trying forever to get a tag. maybe i'll get drawn while i can still walk. i've only been trying for 36 years. congratulations. Lark.
  10. .270

    Bobcat catches squirrel

    when i was a kid we didn't have trail cameras. they had cameras, but the woodpecker in em would always roost when it was dark. i caught some weird deal once that looked sorta like a spotted skunk but it didn't have a bushy tail, just skinny furry tail, and the spots were yellow and the rest of it was brown. real weasely looking critter, but not a weasel. i was told it was some sort of civet. didn't know that civets weren't actually in north america then, but it was goofy lookin' critter. stunk pretty bad too. Lark.
  11. .270

    Bobcat catches squirrel

    i'm most impressed that you got a photo of a civet. i don't think i've seen a live one that wasn't in a trap. that's pretty cool. Lark.
  12. who told you that? chrome-moly steel is what the tubes in the highest temperature areas of a powerplant boiler are made of because they can handle extreme heat and pressure better than anything else. there's nothing wrong with stainless, if it's the right kind. but it will still corode, erode, burn out, gall, foul, collect copper, anything bad a steel barrel will do. but chrome-moly will take heat and a lot of it. much more than you can ever induce into one by shooting it. and every bit as much as any stainless steel made. i had a stainless schnieder barrel installed on my .300. i forget the compound tho. they make the barrels in payson and they are without peer in my opinion. they have an excellent reputation and are used exclusively by some pretty discriminating shooters. like david tubb and every military sniper in the country. take a look at them before you decide. stainless is pretty neat because it doesn't get rusty, that you can see, and they stay nice and shiny, but they are susceptable to the same problems as carbon steel, and in some cases more so. some stainless steels get tore plum up by salt. they have these new stainless steels really figured out. used to be stainless had little or no carbon in it, but now they've developed these new high carbon stainless compounds that give it more stiffness, improve the machinability dramatically, and make it more heat resistant. stainless is good stuff, if you take care of it, just like a carbon steel barrel. if you abuse it, it is gonna give you heck, just like carbon steel. there are a lot of really well made barrels. i really like the old douglas premiums and have never had one that i wasn't satisfied with. but they are way down on the scale of barrels these days. most barrels are capable of shooting better than most shooters are capable of making them shoot. if you put it on a rifle with a crummy action or trigger, don't do good a job of chambering and installing it and can't figure out what kind of ammo it likes best, you'll probably have run of the mill success at best. do everything right, and just about any barrel you choose will do very well. Lark.
  13. .270

    Looking to buy a Rimfire

    if you want a plinker, get a henry lever .22. less than $300 at walmart. very well made, very accurate, fun to shoot. Lark.
  14. .270

    Christmas Gifts under 50 bucks

    a huntin' license. Lark.
  15. .270

    May you still be around to hunt at 86 yrs old.

    that ol geezer has a good kid to take care of him anyway. i love to see these old guy shoot stuff. Lark.
  16. .270

    My dads nt kiabab buck from 1975

    he shot that buck too! now i'm pissed. that ain't fair. buncha deer hogs, shootin' all the big bucks. Lark.
  17. .270

    Please pray for the Webb family

    having first hand experience with this sorta thing, i really feel for Tray and his family. it's harder on pop because he has to be a man and take care of the rest of his family, while he's dealing with his own feelings. just a rotten deal all the way around. God bless and hang in there. keep a close eye the rest of your bunch, it gets to where it doesn't hurt quite so bad after awhile. i'm truly sorry for your loss and pray you guys get through it ok. Lark.
  18. farkiller has a stainless barrel and blue action. well, some of the blue is left on it, but i have a skinny barrel which means i don't know anything, so i guess i don't know if it's ok or not. the gunsmith says it's ok, but he might be a moron too. so i guess i ain't much help. Lark.
  19. sounds like a great deal to me. but i kinda wonder how much action they're gonna get from that commie baucus? but then again, harry ried did save our bacon on the uso deal. who'da thunkit? do you know what is really in the bill? is is gonna just say just shoot all the wolves and forget about it or is it gonna make recovery a state problem? i completely agree with everything pete said about what the program has done to paralyze the outdoors in the areas affected by this bs. one thing that sorta worries me is that i really feel the biggest problem these so called wolves have are the morons that are trying to make it work, absolute idiots, and if they just walk away from em and leave the "wolves" on their own and just let nature take place, they might have a chance of making it. sure be interesting to see how this plays out. i don't have a clue which way it'll swing in dc. them jokers don't seem to have much of a grasp on reality. but if they slide a buncha pork into the bill, it might have a chance. folks really need to quit being so dang nice and quit turning the cheek. this whole wolf deal is like some jerk that walks up and slaps ya every once in awhile and you don't do anything about it and think, well that wasn't that bad. then a little later he starts kickin' ya and ya get used to that too and think it wasn't too bad. then he starts gut punchin' ya every once in awhile and after you get your breath back you sorta think well, after it quit hurtin' it wasn't too bad, when if you woulda broke the sob's jaw the first time slapped ya it woulda all been over. we need to start breakin' jaws. figuratively and literally if it comes to that. i think it's time. Lark.
  20. .270

    "Medical" pot

    go back east to the mountains of kentucky, west virginia, tennesee, just about anywhere. runnin' shine is still big business. i gotta a buncha kin that still do it. a bunch of em grow dope too. officially, the biggest agricultural cash crop in kentucky is dope. Lark.
  21. .270

    "Medical" pot

    moonshine is still big business. guess when they legalized booze again, it didn't put them outta business. dope is dope. just a crutch for any punk that can't handle reality. there is nothing medicinal about weed, booze, coke, opium, none of it. there are times that drugs are essential for pain relief and anesthesia and things like that, but smokin' dope has no medicinal value what so ever. it's been proven time and time again in all kindsa studies. even totally legalizing it won't stop the flood from the south. there was a really good documentary about his very subject awhile back on tv. the show is called south park. one of the best explanations of it i've seen so far. Lark.
  22. .270

    Wolves moving West

    Amanda, make them things wolf samwiches too. Lark.
  23. .270

    Coues deer life span

    around these vegitarians on this site, it's quite awhile. ya see, it ain't that coues are all that shifty, it's that the guys that like to hunt em are a little "challenged". they say they are really smart and wary and stuff so's as to make themselves not look so ignernt. Lark.
  24. .270

    My dads nt kiabab buck from 1975

    you need to get it rescored too. 240 was the non typical minmum for a long time. that buck looks a lot bigger than that. good night what buck. take some new photos of it. if your ol' man is still kickin', get some o' him so we can make fun of his current hair style. Lark.