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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Administration de-lists the grey wolves

    grey wolves and mexican wolf/dog crosses are 2 different things. Lark.
  2. .270

    Racism Question

    for decades irish were depicted as monkeys in cartoons in the papers. like was said earlier in this post, only white conservatives can be racists. it's all BS. do what you want to do and if you're ok with it, then it's ok. even if other folks want to pin some name on you. ethics are opinions. Lark.
  3. .270

    Lobsta from Lark

    the photo is on the balcony of my apartment on spring garden road in halifax, nova scotia. i plan on bringing home 10 live lobsters and 10 pounds of digby's. seafood is some fine stuff. fresh, right outta the water seafood is somethin' else all together. Lark.
  4. .270

    Got him...

    i think they should put his dead photo on billboards next to bacon advertisements all over the country. you can't inflame muslims anymore than they already are. as far as showing his dead carcass so much "respect" and making sure he got buried within 24 hours and all washed and prayed over, what is the one religion obama goes out of his way to never disrespect, while pissing on every other sect every chance he gets? muslims. what does that say about obama? Lark.
  5. .270

    Lobsta from Lark

    went in a seafood place in digby awhile back. they had a 15 pounder there. huge. they had the claws off a 40 pounder. i bet there was 5 pounds of meat in each one. when i come home i'm gonna bring some 3-4 pounders with me and have a boil for the family. it has been an interesting time. Lark.
  6. .270

    Got him...

    rest in pieces you muslim pile o' $h!t. how's them 70 virgins workin' out for ya? say hello to saddam and satan for me. i hope wherever they chunked his stinkin' goat rapin' corpse can overcome the pollution. i'm gonna go have some pork and bacon to celebrate. good on the military. God bless America. Lark.
  7. .270

    Lions, Snakes, Illegals, Oh My!

    looks like you guys had some real fun there. but you gotta get your nomenclature straight. lions leave scratches, not scrapes. i never seen a tuckered out humminbird before. poor little feller. the sky islands are wonderful places. Lark.
  8. .270

    binladin is dead.

    we're 4 hours ahead o' you guys here and it seems it is true. shot him in the head. checked his dna and chunked him in the ocean. good riddance you muslim pile o' $h!t. i'm gonna eat me a buncha pork to celebrate. good on the military. God bless America. Lark.
  9. .270

    Hunting Related Tattoos

    thong? amanda, if you can make anything of my antics, i want half. all they've ever done in the past wast cost money. i saw where folks were sellin' advertising space on theirself with tattoos. how much for a little cw advertisin'? you oughta get one too. heck, we all oughta get one. in fact, that should be the next contest. Lark.
  10. .270

    Hunting Related Tattoos

    i been thinkin' about gettin' me a cw.com tramp stamp. would i hafta get the little r with the circle around it too, because of the trademark laws? i'm pretty sure amanda said she had a cw.com tattoo somewhere. a javelina or a cooter monday would be cool too. i do know a dude that has a big nontypical muley on his arm. Lark.
  11. .270


    you need a little history lesson. ranchers didn't kill off all the wolves. the federal gov't did. intentionally with plans and programs and everything. not just here either. gov't trappers and even forest rangers were put to work to kill "ALL" predators. coyotes, foxes, lions, bears, grizzlys, jags, bobcats, wolves, etc, were all marked for extinction by the federal gov't. it worked on the wolves and the grizzlys. the other critters wised up and survived. the last yellowstone wolves were a female and her pups. they shot the female and took the pups back to the ranger station and let some kids play with em for awhile and then they took em down to the creek and drowned em. there are photos and everthing of the kids with the pups. granted, most ranchers killed every wolf they could, but it was a gov't program that did em in. the same outfit that is trying to bring em back from extinction now. Lark.
  12. .270


    yeah but who of a didn't have their really good girl pitcher in, so they weren't up to full strength, so this one doesn't really count. i heard that who of a was really gonna gear up to beat asu in track. this time they're gonna win javelin catchin' for sure. Lark.
  13. .270

    Hunting Coues on Horseback

    where this incident took place was a fair piece from there. it was over near reserve new mex. i don't recall anyone getting shot down in that area in recent years. maybe something took place and i didn't hear about it. when this kid got shot, some old guy shot a bull and wasn't in good enough shape to cross the canyon so the guide and some other guides went to retrieve it and the guide picked up the head and was talking to the other guys when a bullet hit him in the head. the hunter claimed he was looking at the elk with his scope and accidently touched the trigger. which sounds pretty plausible. no reason what so ever for him to shoot the kid. but then the hunter got to his truck and hauled outta the country and they caught him someplace else. he got charged with manslaughter but i never heard what happened after that. but the country you're talking about is prime real estate, horses or no. deer, elk, bears and lions. later, Lark.
  14. .270

    Hunting Coues on Horseback

    snapshot, i remember the story about the kid that got killed, but it happened in new mex. the guides name was michael najar. the guy that shot him was from alabama and somehow affiliated with that buckmasters outfit. he went back to camp and tried to pull the big runner, but they caught him somewhere. pretty said deal. the guys that were with him said it was pretty rough. hit him in the head with a .338 or some deal. i don't recall anything like that in Az. but back on the subject, Az has lotsa country to hunt horseback. 27 is great horseback country. one place i would like to get before i'm too old is the galliuro wilderness. that is one big rough remote place. Lark.
  15. .270

    Sparky getting bounced?

    i thought bear down had somethin' to do with eatin' too much cheese? Lark.
  16. .270

    Virgin needs some breaking in

    all i ever used were hornady xtp's. 240 gr .44's in a .50 and 250 gr .45's in a .54. they are a high velocity pistol bullet. they work great. Lark.
  17. .270

    Virgin needs some breaking in

    i've shot a muzzleloader a lot. killed several elk with one. lotsa deer. with these newer inlines, using the pyrodex pellets and sabots, you can shoot an elk that is in range from any angle you want with great success. 200 yards is a reasonable shot for most modern muzzleloaders that are loaded for it. if you are having to use a traditional rifle, like in colorado, i'd suggest a conical bullet over a round ball and keep your shots to 125 yards or so. a straight on shot, even with a bow, ain't a bad shot. killed a couple bulls that way. with a muzzleloader, in range, you ain't gonna have much trouble killing him. you just have to get the bullet between the ribs on both sides. solid lead bullets in a traditional muzzlelaoder don't seem to cause a lot of tissue damage and the elk just sorta bleed to death. seen a bunch of em that don't even act hit, until they run outta blood. there doesn't seem to be a lot of deflection of the bullets when they hit an animal, but they will turn some when they hit big bones and when they hit the skin on the offside. shot one with a almost 90 degree side shot in the lungs. the maxiball ended up where the white rump patch starts on his hip. it hit the skin and went down it to where it stopped. that was a tc hawken using blackpowder. Lark,
  18. .270

    golfers beware

    this is too cool. i knew snottsdale had a lotta cougars, but this is nuts. Lark, http://www.azcentral.com/community/scottsdale/articles/2011/03/25/20110325scottsdale-mountain-lions-desert-mountain-golf-course.html
  19. .270

    What was your favorite hunt?

    the last one. it will be until the next one. Lark.
  20. .270

    Sick of the Arrogance

    ungulates all have 4 stomachs and barf up a cud and re-eat it. cows, the deer family, buffalos, goats, sheep, etc. i don't know about the african antelope. horses and pigs are not ungulates. Lark.
  21. .270

    Sick of the Arrogance

    i'm still tryin' to figger out what this arguement is all about? Lark.
  22. .270

    Amanda relocating.

    i was mad when i found out it wernt true.............. Lark.
  23. .270

    elk vs woves

    well, if you thought that closing the pronghorn hunt in 19 is a controversy, wait'll ya get to read this one. i tried to download the pdf file, but i'm not very good with computers and couldn't get it to happen. so i'll just explain what is going to happen either today or tomorrow. as most folks know, i'm quite anti wolf, mostly it's anti stupid, but the wolf deal falls in that category. i get a lot of things sent to me, some in confidence, concerning the wolf controversy. i guess that the powers that be have decided that there ain't enough elk for us to hunt and for the wolves to eat. supposed to be a request soon, maybe today, trying to stop elk hunting, until more "surveys" can be done, in unit 27, 1 and 2b in Az and 15, 22, 21 and 17 in new mex. from what i gather, it may impact the 2011 seasons. it mentions deer, but doesn't say they were going to try anything with them. i can send you the file on a pm if you want to see it, but i can't for the life of me get it to load on here. anyway, it's gonna be interesting. sorry for the rotten news. Lark.
  24. .270

    elk vs woves

    hunterlee really screwed up my scam. you're sposeta just roll with it if ya figger it out. crap. at least one guy bit on it. i really wanted allen and amanda to get twisted off. Lark.
  25. .270

    Unit 1 & 27

    hey burro nuts, quit your braggin'. here i am tagless and it's like you're rubbin' it in. good luck dude. if you're nice i'll tell a secret or 2 about that place. Lark.