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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270


    ok, are you the guy on them jack link's commercials? 14eee? that's right next to a size 2 1/2. 2 cowhides and a half o' keg o' nails. Lark.
  2. .270

    Natural Salt Deposits!

    there is a salty place in the desert where i hunt deer. i have started many a track there over the years. mainly i hike in to look at it just to see what is in the area as far as track size and numbers, because every buck in the country will wander in there on a regular basis. natural salt is hard to find, but if you do, keep an eye on it. Lark.
  3. .270

    Unit 27 Wallow Fire

    along with all of this years turkey babies. Lark.
  4. this fire won't kill a lot of adult large mammals. it will devistate the fawn/calf crop of the elk, deer and pronghorn. any calves or fawns already on the ground will be in real danger of not making it. either from stress, fire or the fact that most of the feed their mothers need to make milk has been burned up. you can bet almost every young turkey won't make it. the polts and nests in the path will all be burned. same with squirrels, rabbits, grouse, quail, songbirds, everything that nests. several years down the road, things might even get better. but there will be some real lean years until then. Lark.
  5. .270

    Wallow Fire

    i didn't say it was the "wolves" fault. i said it's the fault of the stupid @$#%^$&$*%^ that dream this crap up and their punk lackies that drink the koolaid. Lark.
  6. .270

    Wallow Fire

    i was thinking of the comment that the fire fighter made about them not fighting the fire at first because of the wolves that may have been affected. this is a real critical time for wildlife. elk should be calving now or will be shortly. the baby turkeys should be hatching any time. deer will be fawning shortly. same with pronghorn. that toll on small animals like squirrels, rabbits, weasels, mice, voles, all the tweety birds, grouse, etc will be devastating. the adult animals, especially the larger ones, don't have much trouble getting away from the fires and running to safe places, but the females that are heavy with young are going to be really distressed and when they do have their babies, there won't be a lot for the mamas to eat to make milk for the newborns. the turkeys are gonna just about disappear. the nests are gonna get fried and if they have hatched the polts can't get away from the flames. i hadn't thought a lot about it until just today, but this is going to really hurt the population of every critter up there. all for this mythical wolf/dog cross curr mongrel that is never gonna be able to make it on it's own. just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. but i'm a reasonable and apparantly the folks that figure this stuff out, ain't. reason never seems to enter the equation. Lark.
  7. .270

    ASU Softball

    rock and roll devils gals!!! but i'm sure who of a woulda been there if their best pitcher wasn't sick and if they wouldn't o' found out their center fielder was a guy and weren't such a crappy team and didn't have a braindead coach. but there is always next year............to lose again. Lark.
  8. .270

    Wallow Fire

    well that's just great. billion$ in damage. a forest that will be decades recovering. homes lost. lives distrupted. people terrorized and worried sick. all for a few wolf/dog currs that won't ever be a wild animal. thanks a lot. i sincerely hope the wolves got burned up and hope it was painful. Lark.
  9. that is one quite to write down brian. good one. are you out firefightin'? Lark.
  10. .270

    223 for Coues?

    .223 on a big shaggy? i'm impressed. that kids' gotta lotta hair on him. Lark.
  11. .270

    What woudl it take?

    the treehuggers will keep it held up in court for a year, the logs will "turn blue", which means they get a kind of mold inside of them, and then they are worthless for lumber, and it will all just rot, just like happened after rodeo/chediski. that is exacly what happened and i'm sure the treehuggers are already readying their case, if they haven't filed already. the apache tribe logged the h e l l outta what burned on the rez. made a lot of money and didn't let a lot of logs just rot. but on the national forest the treehuggers screwed it up. what you say makes a lot of sense. but unfortunately, i doubt it will take place. Lark.
  12. .270

    Wallow Fire

    bill, i'm happy you're out of there and safe. the firefighters are working their butts off to save your homes. they've closed ranks and are truly fighting this sorry thing. they'll keep the flames away. we've got a busload of folks who evacuated heading to our place here in creen queek to ride it out until they can go back. my son is getting married in oakland this weekend and as soon as i'm back i'll head to eagle creek to see what can be done to help out there. the fire is going down squirrel canyon toward saunders cabin now. they did send in a crew to try to keep it away. God bless everyone affected by this sad deal. Lark.
  13. .270

    Wallow Fire

    there is a real distinct rim that runs from around porter springs on the west end to alpine on the east. fires don't burn downhill as fast as they do uphill or across the flat. maybe with a little luck, wind lays down or the directions change, they can stop it along that rim. if the wind keeps blowing like it has tho, it can shower all kindsa sparks downhill and still take off. dang, this is a spooky deal. real hard to understand how it ever got to this. good luck and God bless to everyone affected. sad, sad deal. Lark.
  14. .270

    223 for Coues?

    any reasonable rifle is good enough for deer. the only variable is if you are good enough. i love my 223, but i'd rather have something with a little more thump to it for a deer. i think the 243 is perfect for kids. Lark.
  15. .270

    Lab stud?

    man, just when i'm tryin' hard to turn over a new leaf and quit havin' such a sick sense o' humor. Lark.
  16. .270

    Wallow Fire

    amybody hear how bill quimby is makin' out in this mess? did he get evacuated ok? Lark.
  17. .270

    Wallow Fire

    i read the other day that they have thinned 20,000 acres in Az since the new thinning mandates started. 20,000 in the entire state. what's this thing burned? over 200,000. the reason the treehuggers have so much success is because the forest circus is lined up with them. the usfs NEVER does anything that isn't detrimental to someone. their own decisions contradict their own rules. yeah, someone was stupid and lazy and started this fire. but the forest circus intentionally let it get outta control. what they did was worse than the what the morons that started it did. like i say, i really hope none of the guys fighting this thing get hurt. but if they do, the blame will be squarely on the the guys that made the decision to let it burn. right along with all the destruction of the timber, wildlife and private property. and then when the fire is out and it does rain, the ash will kill every fish in every creek that gets choked up with it. this fire is gonna clear out a lotta stuff and eventually things will get back to where they need to be. but the forest should never have been allowed to get in the condition it was in and the decision to let this thing burn was criminal and whoever made that decision, well i hope they burn in heck. like i've said before, that mountain is about the best friend i ever had and it makes me sick to see this happen. and if the forest circus is going to insist on managing the forest, then they need to quit being so stupid about the way they do it. Lark.
  18. .270


    a friend of mine's kid makes these things called a razorenew. it's basically like an old style razor strop. but try to find a razor strop these days. and if ya do they're several hunnerd bucks. he made it for sharpening your own razors. the regular throw away razors all you male pattern baldness guys use to shine up your head every mornin'. and he makes a longer one for knives and scissors and stuff. anyway i bought a bunch of em for my kids and me. i never shave so i don't need to sharpen razors, but they all use em and say they work great. you can get about 5 or 10 times as many shaves out of a razor i guess. anyway, i tried mine out today on my ol' switchblade. put it on the stone and then the steel and got it good and sharp. then i put the razorenew to it. it shaves the hair offa my arm like a new razor. i mean smooth. anyway, you guys that like a sharp knife or shave a lot oughta look into em. i think they have a website. they make in chandler or tempe i think. only like 25 bucks or so. makes 2 sizes. i like a really sharp knife and man it is sharp now. i wanna go cut somethin'. Lark.
  19. .270

    Wallow Fire

    i guess they were right, but i don't think they meant for it to burn to utah, before it burned itself out. it's time to get real mean with the forest circus. this BS has gone on way too long, with no accountability or responsibility by the forest circus. they are either burning things up by starting "prescribed" burns when it is completely stupid to do it, or letting things get so brushed up and not allowing logging and other things that will improve things, to sitting on their sorry asses when a fire starts. i honestly believe the united states forest service does these things intentionally to cause as much destruction as they can in order to force folks off of the land. i really hope none of the fire fighters get hurt. but it wouldn't bother me one bit if some their decision makers got turned to ashes. this is pure bull$h!t. and mark my words, they won't allow one board foot of lumber to be salvaged from this fiasco either. they'll let a couple anti outfits, that they are in bed with, hold it up in court for a year and logs get blue and can't be used. Lark.
  20. .270


    desertbull is a !$@#% and a (*&%@# and his knife ain't the only thing that's dull. and amanda ain't no better, laughin' at them kinda jokes. sheesh. i never tease nobody that way. i'm so hurt. Lark.
  21. .270

    Wallow Fire

    this is sickening. someone correct me if i'm wrong, when i was up in nover skosher i read somewhere that when this fire started the forest circus elected to just watch it for a couple days because they said they thought it would burn itself out. is that a true statement? i know they ain't ever gonna own up to it, even if it is true. but did they actually make that statement? talked to my cousin's wife last night. the fire has started going south now too, and has come over the rim and is going down the canyons into dry prong, warren canyon and onto the rez. Lark.
  22. .270

    Sick of the Arrogance

    again, oh boy is this great! and, casey finally made a point that makes sense, or since, if you're from aj. these guys even tired out mizz amanda, and she has really got some patience. or patients, depending on where you're from. Lark.
  23. .270

    Sick of the Arrogance

    so where in the h e l l is caltclaw's rebuttal? that joker ain't never missed a chance to call me a liar. i really like this post. it might be my favorite ever. for several reasons. this is just too good. c'mon catclaw, don't quit just cuz you're down and gettin' your teeth kicked in. fight back. Lark.
  24. .270


    in the words of curly bill, "well..., bye". maybe you can find chris darnell and you guys can sit around and talk about how you don't care about anyone else or their property and livelihood and opinions and about how you are the only ones that count, and fondle yourselves. seriously, get a clue. Lark.