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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    guns etc

    wow, not one positive experience? i had a model 70 trigger giving me fits and i couldn't figure it out a few years back. they were close to work so i took it to them and they did a good job and got it back fairly quick. i figgerd they could drill and tap one hole in good fashion. the whole deal was pretty crummy. didn't act like they could care less if it ever got done. a ramp is maybe $20, and sight is about $5. so i paid $90-$95 to have one hole drilled and tapped. i asked them if they got any repeat business and nobody wanted to act like they heard me. i ain't in any shape for a fistfight right now. at least in any shape to where i have a chance to win, or i woulda made a lot more racket. seesm like most gunsmiths are like a lot of taxidermists anymore, they are really good at taking the work in, but don't worry to much about getting it done. and the guys that are good and get the work done get so covered up they can't keep up anymore. dang, if you're gonna hang out a shingle, do the work. man, they are high priced on everything too. but they seem to have a good business. i guess they ain't got through the "you can fool everbody once" list. Lark.
  2. .270


    the CWT village now officially has an idiot. Lark.
  3. .270

    2 week hunt -

    h e l l, if a guys uses all these tricks he'll have a hard time keeping everything from freezing up. lotsa info here. Lark.
  4. .270

    2011 buck

    excellent buck. fine job. Lark.
  5. .270

    2 week hunt -

    if you go the canned bean way, you'll need to open some windows too. Lark.
  6. .270

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    try a pine cone one time. you'll be happy to go back to one ply. Lark.
  7. .270


    i'm drawin' a pitcher my hand with one finger up for casey right now. Lark.
  8. .270

    2 week hunt -

    use everything these guys listed. and maybe invest in some good ice chests. i don't mean a $700 yeti either. coleman and the other guys make some pretty good ones that aren't stupid priced. what casey said about making sure they are in the shade is an excellent tip. just cuz they're in the shade tho, they can still get hot. keep em in the shade and where the air moves a little. i usually take an extra ice chest with nothing but ice blocks or frozen jugs. frozen jugs are great. when they thaw, you can drink it. and dry ice is good stuff. and lotsa canned food. good advice guys. have fun. Lark.
  9. .270

    What GPS does everyone use?

    me and my boys all have rhinos. i have one mostly for the radio. the gps deal and me don't get along real good. my kids say the work real well. Lark.
  10. .270

    Locked up pair

    when i was in high school there were 2 lumberjacks from tucson that were working at point of pines. they would stop to get gas friday afternoon on their way home every weekend. every week they would have a truck load of gigantic coues heads and sheds. almost every week they would have at least one locked set. some weeks they might have several. they found a bunch of em. i remember they were trying real hard to get the tribe to let em hunt whitetail up there. that was the most impressive buncha coues racks i ever saw. they found some truly gigantic bucks every week. another pal of mine was punching cows on the rez and came across to exceptional 5x5 muleys that were locked. both 5x5's and both still alive. he has em mounted in the corner of a room with their horns still locked up. Lark.
  11. i hafta agree with casey. that's a heckuva buck. Lark.
  12. .270

    lion on trail cam

    what the h e l l is this all about? all the sudden hound men don't BS anymore? i don't even have a dog, i'm in bed, and i shot 2 yesterday. with a recurve. in the words o' henry frapp, "what the h e l l? don't ya like to have fun anymore?" Lark.
  13. .270

    Pete Shepley's 408 2/8 elk! wow!

    it sure is a lot more interesting thread when we can be negative. that's a big bull. i think if i owned the biggest archery outfit on planet earth i'da had to use one o' my own bows tho. Lark.
  14. .270

    Good Luck Archers

    yeah, good luck. bring back photos to show us bedridden invalids. Lark
  15. .270

    Almost GO time

    good luck everbody. i'll keep the tv while you're gone. be sure and check back in with news and info for us bedridden invalids. Lark.
  16. .270

    coues deer weight

    14 pounds. just take a fryin' pan and eat it where ya shoot it. Lark.
  17. .270

    SC Apache Rangers bust Marijuana Farm

    so much for fat, happy deer. Lark.
  18. .270

    Bears hot spot?

    figger it out. i can't do everthing for you guys. Lark.
  19. .270

    Robert Kay's amazing NT Muley! 283 5/8

    tory brock is the guy that did all the work on that buck. what a big buck. Lark.
  20. .270


    i only like 2 kindsa backpacks, the ones my boys use and the sawbuck pack saddle i put on my mule. personally, i don't own one. them things get heavy. i let my kids and my mule do all the packin'. if you don't have any big strong boys, get some. or buy a mule. backpacks are for those that ain't figgerd out how to git others to pack stuff for em. hope my kids don't read this. or my mule for that matter. Lark.
  21. .270

    Are these bragging hunting forums?

    here's a visual aid for ya'll, visualize me givin' ya all theeee fanger. Lark.
  22. .270

    Are these bragging hunting forums?

    is it braggin' if i say i'm better lookin' and smarter than alla o' you flatlanders? no, it's just the truth. Lark.
  23. .270


    it might just be the hillbilly heroin, or it mighta really happened. probly take rehab to figger it out. me and the ol' lady and kids were drivin' down a backroad over by whiting sawmill and we come across this man eater tom. you can tell the maneaters right off because they can stand flatfooted and look ya eye to eye. so i figgerd i best pertect my family and i decided to kill it. best time to kill maneaters is by the road so's ya don't hafta quarter em up to pack em out. it mighta been season. somewhere. anyway i git out and this thing attacked. he come at me with the wing flap, a famous turkey move, and i ducked and slugged him in the gizzard. he started staggerin' around and up and stuck his pecker in my eye. man that hurt. he come at me again and i bit his pecker and hung on. it was kinda funny because he started makin' these muffled turkey noises. goombfell, gobmmful, gooberflom. got me to laughin and i lost my grip on his pecker and he stuck it in my other eye. man my eyes waterin bad so i said heck with it pulled my .45 and kilt him dead. and i saved my family and ridded the country o' one o' them sorry maneaters. then cut a big load a wood to cover him up with, that i'm kinda sure i mighta had a permit for. anyway, that's the way it happened. or i could really be out of it again. Lark
  24. .270

    New State Record Goulds Turkey.

    yeah, i'm stayin' pretty well stoneded. that is about the prettiest turkey i've ever seen. my dad shot a big ol' tom in u1 years ago that was real copper colored like that. hope he gets it mounted. are the goulds known for that kinda color? i'm gonna hafta shoot one o' them sometime. Lark.
  25. .270

    stoen cameras

    yeah, but it was fun. Lark.