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Everything posted by .270

  1. i've never heard him say much that impressed me. he's better than obama, but so is lung cancer. i don't know who or what the answer is, but i know what it ain't, and it ain't ron paul. just saying you're against everything isn't a good answer. this mess is gonna take a sharp, hardnosed, creative, tough guy to fix. all ron paul says is no taxes and no gov't. you hafta have taxes and you hafta have gov't. we need a lot less than we have of both, at least those of us that have jobs and contribute. but to just say no ain't the answer. i'm afraid of him not getting the nomination and going 3rd party and drawing enough votes away from the GOP candidate and helping to keep obama in office. like that squirrel ross perot did when he helped elect clinton, twice. Lark.
  2. .270

    Optics Help

    between me and my boys we have every kind of decent glass there is. for the money, vortex is the way to go. easily 95% as good as the expensive stuff for 50% of the money. they make some great spotters too. Lark.
  3. .270

    east new mex goats

    just got back from east new mex on a goat hunt. 5 guys, 5 goats. all pretty decent. 2 could make b&c minimum. my eldest son Gunner, who has 2, count em, 2, broken legs and is on crutches, got the most impressive one, but he was real hard on his prongs. 2 friends from lubbock shot the biggest ones. oly shot a good one. but i made the most spangtakk'ler shot. ranged him at 455. couldn't get down in a shooting position because my knew nee don't bend that far yet, so i had to walk back to the truck and get a chair, cussin' the whole time about bein' a broked!cked ol' man, on video, then pack it back to where i could shoot from and rest Farkiller, my big .300 on a fence. ain't for sure how far he was then, but he had fed off a bit. anyway, made the appropriate adjustments, touched the hairy trigger and dumped him. got a neat video of it. i'll get some photos to somebody who knows how to post em and you can see for yourselves. maybe even the video, after it is edited. it is definitely for cable only as it is. i get a little wound up sometimes. it was also the littlest goat, but i didn't really care. next year when i can walk i'll bust a big one. somehow i never got a still photo of mine. my kid is gonna take some photos of the head with his and oly's and when i get it all rounded up you can see em. fun hunt. there are places to hunt out there fellers. just gotta find em. Lark.
  4. .270

    east new mex goats

    i sent some to antlerobsessed. maybe he can post em right side up so you don't hafta turn your computer on it's side. i'm outta here. colorado better look out. Lark.
  5. .270

    TAN CLAN got it done

    looks like a warthog found a dead elk. there's been a buncha stories about guys gettin' there elk stoled this year. tony musta stoled this one from somebody. at least he stoled a nice one. was it blind or did the stink just cornfuse it to where it didn't know where to run? now get your sorry butt back to work so you make that place some money so it can keep payin' my pension! that's the money they give me to stay home while you're out in that 110 degree stuff. Lark.
  6. .270

    east new mex goats

    that's my "dall" sheep i shot in new mex with my peestola. i'll send some goat photos soon. Lark.
  7. .270

    the boys 2011 bull !!!

    now that's a big bull. Lark.
  8. .270

    Sweet and sour 2011 archery elk hunt in unit 1

    izzat steve? dang, i thought i got old. and his poor kids look just like him. you guys had a sorta hard time on your hunt but you still brung home the backstraps. sure seems like a lotta folks had a hard time with other hunters this year. we had 3 bull tags in 1, 2 years ago. i archery and 2 late hunt. we didn't have any trouble with other hunters but we did with treehuggers. on both hunts and some of em were the same guys. dorks in a lexus suv with california plates. they screwed with us by greens peak and boardshack knoll on the archery hunt and then up on escudilla in the late hunt. what are the chances of that? they musta put a gps tracker on my truck. didn't do em any good tho. we got 3 nice bulls. Lark.
  9. .270

    TAN CLAN got it done

    is that tony ville-GAS in that photo? my eyes are gettin' sorta bad so i just reco'nize hime by the smell. that's a nice bull. even for a stud like tony. Lark.
  10. some geese and ducks decide they like it here and just stay. i don't know if they just stay forever or if they just stay for one season, but they find a nice place and say h e l l with canada and stick around for awhile. i watched some mallards build a nest and raise a litter o' little ones on the edge of a cement ditch a couple years ago. golf courses are a real waterfowl magnet. same for elk and deer in elk and deer country. but we don't get too many geese through here anymore. nobody raises grain like they use to for feed. when i was a kid in the gila valley we would see thousands every year. i had a blast chasin' them things. used to carry my shotgun on the tractor during Christmas vacation on the farm. Lark.
  11. .270

    What is this?????

    that's a lion. but you might see bears anywhere in Az. in the lowest, driest, nastiest deserts you might run into a bear. they just take off and go walkabout and there ain't no tellin' where you'll see one. Lark.
  12. .270

    east new mex goats

    if anybody knows how to post photos i'll send em to ya. we're headed to colorado thursday to see if we can shoot some more goats. Lark.
  13. .270

    Early Season Muzzy Bull

    chalk up another one for the geezers! Lark.
  14. .270

    stoen cameras

    he was into card tricks and then poker. Lark.
  15. .270

    Wild Pig gores man

    i guess there are still folks that still just don't heed to the fact that "OINK" means "OINK". Lark.
  16. .270

    First Squirrel with a bow

    great to see guys starting their kids out right. good job all the way around. when my youngest son was about 8 he saved up his money and bought a little compound aat walmart. we went up to our camp by big lake and with the first arrow he shot a squirrel. he's shot a lot of stuff with a bow since then but he'll never forget that first squirrel. Lark
  17. .270

    stoen cameras

    i don't think i was talkin' about card playin'. i hate splainin' jokes. Lark.
  18. i live way east. florence. when you're goin' south on the main drag, i'm on the left. the big place with all the lights and fancy fencin'. Lark.
  19. .270

    Dads Antelope Hunt

    allright, good to see another geezer score on a goat. Lark.
  20. .270

    Pork Fat

    i worked in a butcher shop when i was in high school. i'd take our deer necks and cut the spine out. i was pretty good with a butcher knife in them days. (i almost said i was a good boner, but my brain kicked in) then i would cut a piece o' beef fat about the same size as the spine and put it in the neck and tie it back up with string. put that sucker in the oven for a few hours till it gets real done and tender with some taters, carrots and onions and i've seen some near fist fights over the last stuff in the pan. gooooooooooood stuff. try it sometime. it is really, really good.
  21. .270

    Pork Fat

    anymore, we don't add any fat to the HB we make. in fact we trim every bit of fat and sinew and gristle we can off it before it hits the grinder. a lot better for you and it is great for most of what we use it for. mexican food, like tacos and enchiladas stuff and it makes real good meatballs for sketty and is great in lasagnia too. excellent in stuffed bell peppers. anything like that, it works great. makes a great burger if you fry it. don't work too good on the grill. another thing we started doing too is the stuff that is hard to bone and has a lotta sinew and stuff, like skinny little lower legs and necks and ribs and stuff it to take it all and stuff it in a big pan and stick it in the oven for 12 hours or so. you can shake the meat off the bone and you get every bit of it and the sinew and stuff just cooks away and makes it real juicy. then take it and put it in the vacuum sealer in bunches of however much you want to use and freeze it. my wife usually makes some of into green chili and the rest she just seasons with salt, pepper and minced onions. you really realize a lot more meat and it is really good stuff. the necks have become one of our favorite chunks off anything. Lark.
  22. .270

    Wild Pig gores man

    did they say it was an actual pig? i have a buddy named Ferrell Hogg. he has some purty bad teeth. it coulda been him. Lark.
  23. .270

    Bear Calling in AZ

    i've called in quite a few bears over the years. some even when i was trying to call in a bear. outside of one that came to a cow call while i was trying to call in a bull elk, i always used a circe magnum with a jackrabbit reed. i really think that being in fairly close proximity to a hungry bear has more to do with success than what sound you use. they all sound pretty much the same to me anyway. Lark.
  24. .270

    Wild Pig gores man

    that talkin' javelina i seen walked on it's hind legs. Lark.
  25. .270

    Mexican Wolf

    nature took it's course once. the wolf lost. wolf/dog cur crosses ain't a real animal. Lark.