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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Exclusive Hunt Club

    I wasn't badmouthing Scalia. He's a hero to me. I'm very concerned about finding someone to take over for him. I just don't get the hunt club thing. Any of em. I guess in states with little public land there are a lotta informal clubs. it's a way to pool resources so they can afford a lease. But I don't get the fancy lodge, gourmet meal, servants, rich guy braggin' to other rich guy style. As long as I have my rifle and some ammo, I'm good to go. I can figger out the rest. If my boys or a friend or 2 are along, even better. Lark
  2. .270

    Exclusive Hunt Club

    Never understood clubs. Hunting is about hunting. Maybe with family and friends. But not with a buncha smarmyassed robe wearin' guys that need somebody to pick their birds up for em and that need to stay at a lodge. Lark
  3. .270

    Exclusive Hunt Club

    I belong to the NNWW. No Name Weekend Warrior. A couple o' the names the elites have called me lately. Lark
  4. .270

    Turkey Talk

    Actually this is when the strut really starts. About 25 years ago the forest circus complained that turkey hunters were tearing up the roads so our wonderful azgfd moved the season back a month so that now we have a summer hunt, instead of a spring hunt. Strut is purty much done when the season starts. Used to always start in late March or early April. Lark
  5. .270

    Turkey Talk

    They are struttin' like rain dancers right now in 27. 'Course they always do this time o' year. They'll be about done by the time the season comes around tho. Lark
  6. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    The bo ain't rez. It is a ranch owned by the tribe. Lark
  7. .270

    Just in case you were wondering

    It's called enlightenment. Go to the light, who of a fan. Lark
  8. .270

    Just in case you were wondering

    Problem with bein' a who of a fan is that you're a who of a fan. BwaHahahahahahah. Lark
  9. .270

    Ruger .45 LC - $350

    Great gun. In a strong gun like this, you can equal .44 mag balistics with reloads. I love the .45 LC. Whoever gets it is gonna get a good pistola. Lark
  10. That's the ones up by yellow stone. And they never were endangered. They brought some from a perfectly healthy canadien herd down here. Then listed em as endangered. Even tho they weren't a native animal. It's all a joke. Lark
  11. .270

    Thawing, grinding, and refreezing?

    Thaw it all the way. Grind it up. You can thaw and re freeze meat as much as you want. As long as you don't let it spoil. The myth about throwing away meat that has been frozen and thawed is just that. A myth. Thaw it out completely, and while it is still cold grind it up. Then package and re freeze. Lark
  12. .270

    Just in case you were wondering

    Hahahahahaha. You lost. Hahahahaha. U of a douche. Lark
  13. .270

    Just in case you were wondering

    Who won last night in Colorado? Lark
  14. Maybe they accidently put an L in flaggery. Lark
  15. Ain't wolf/dogs color blind? Lark.
  16. It's called censorship. Get used to it around here. Lark
  17. Once again, remember that the wolf/dogs ain't the problem. The problem is the semi-humans that want to return to the cromagnon period. Ain't it funny how the folks that wanna go backwards are the guys that call us cave men? Every day is a new day with small changes from the day before. Always been that way. These clowns want to stop the evolution that they say us cave men don't believe in. Lark
  18. Rubio/Cruz supporters made em move it? Lark
  19. .270

    Antler repos

    Stayner, where have I heard that name before? Lark
  20. Problem is, they did learn from it and now they're gonna use what they learned on us. If you know anyone involved in this, you need to light em up whenever you can. Let em know what kinda liar trash they are. Lark
  21. Anyone that is for this program or who works for the usfws is trash and can't be trusted. The entire program is a lie. But then again, everyone knows that. Just thought I'd reaffirm my opinion. Oh yeah, they are fairly decent to eat. Lark
  22. .270

    World Record Mule Deer

    Yeah, hel l, we oughta be havin' depredation hunts ever couple weeks because the habitat has been improved so much. Again, deer can't eat money, and you can't by rain. And rain is the only thing that will raise the natural carrying capacity of the "habitat", that folks keep talkin' about. Lark
  23. .270

    World Record Mule Deer

    antelope island doesn't look like a real hard place to hunt. The volunteer I talked to said there are a certain number of springs. They are all mapped. You hunt around the springs. The deer cant get away. They're on an island. Not for sure how many sq miles it is. Nothing like a unit in Az. Some decent mountains, but he said the deer stayed in the flatter country. Be a great horseback hunt. It ain't no cakewalk, but it's a real huntable place for a guy with some callouses on his feet and hands. There are some ugly rough mountains on it, but according to him that's where the sheep lived. It's covered with bufs and some big goats. The times I was there I saw some good Bucks from the pavement. The road ends at Garr ranch and its a fair piece to rest of it, but it looks like a cool place to hunt. Lark
  24. .270

    World Record Mule Deer

    Nope. I'd love to see bob with a tag like that. It would piss off mossjack. Lark
  25. .270


    When I saw the title I figgerd it was about casey. Don't feel too bad. You just made the odds for the rest of us a little better. I know 2 guys that got elk tags and thought the season was later than it was. No calendar I guess. Both of em were out hunting and got checked. Told em go home. Season was over. At least you didn't do that. Lark