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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Horse slaughter houses to open again

    in truth, if it wasn't cost effective farmers wouldn't do it. period. their profit margine is so slim that even a small dip in the price of cotton or feed or an increase in costs like fuel and equipment or a bad crop will cause em to go in the hole in hurry. i have mixed feelings about geneticaly altered stuff, but for now, it's the only way to go. i come from a family o' farmers and cowboys. all the farmers use the boll guard, roundup ready seed and love it. they'd cry if they had to go back. alfalfa is high because of a lotta reasons. beef is high in demand for one. they put over a million head on the market in texas in the matter of a few weeks because of the drought. and the price still went up and is still climbing. now the lack of those million head will cause it to go up higher. high cotton prices have led farmers into planting more cotton and less feed, here in Az. another factor. a lot of dairy farmers sold out to developers and it took em a few years to get back into production with bigger, more modern dairies and that had a lot to do with the deep dip in alfalfa prices a c ooule years ago. now they are back in production and need all they can get. 2 years ago alfalfa farmers had a hard time getting $100 a ton. now it's $300. it's called supply and demand. a rancher i talked to in colorado said he bought basically bailed weeds for $150 a ton for winter feed and was glad to get it. everything is high. grain, sudan grass, bermuda. if livestock will eat it, it's high right now. and i'm glad. some folks i know real well can make up for what they lost the past few years. i buy a lotta feed every year. and it pay to irrigate my pasture. but i ain't gonna let my critters starve because the price is high. i think eating horses is a sin. i can't imagine it. but at the same time, there needs to be someway to take care of the problem. 99% of the slaughtered horses will be pet food. few folks like it. i've buried a lotta horses. no way i'd ever send one to the kill floor. but that's me. other folks aren't that nostalgic. and folks that just turn em loose are sorry people. if you're gonna have an animal, take care of it. one thing i would love to see tho, is round up all these herds of wild horses and pack them off to the slaughter house. they don't do anything but hurt the country. them and the donkeys. have one big round up. get em all and solve that part of the problem. this BS of trying to adopt em out is stupid. i hate to see horses slaughtered. but what else are you gonna do? take care of your animals your way, and let others do what they may. and don't blame farmers because the price of feed is up. it's a blue whale deal all over again, that's the way it is. Lark.
  2. .270

    Boycott Coca-Cola Products

    when the heck were you born anyway? all she did was consorted with the viet cong among other things. she's a commie. Lark.
  3. .270

    Anyone Bucket Truck Owners?

    i figgerd ya'd just tarzan it up and get it done that way. or get some o' them screw in tree stairs. you oughta put a tree stand up there with a santa clause in it. Lark.
  4. .270

    Erickson is out.....

    crap, i gotta splain another joke. i was alludin' to the fact that most who of a grads end up deliverin' pizza for a livin'. usually even the who of a grads get that joke. Lark.
  5. .270

    Taking kids

    they hever tied me to no tree. chef likes to fish. therefore, he lies a lot. the sooner ya start em the sooner they can drag your buck out for ya, get firewood, cook, set up the tent, take the tent down (unless you decide to burn it), gut fish, pluck turkeys (i said pluck casey), pick quail, fix flats, etc. and the sooner you can enjoy yourself more. start em as soon as you are ready, they ain't got any say in it. they are your kids, not the dang villages. raise em the way you want. i have packed a diaper bag on many an adventure because i had a youngun in tow. i can't wait until they hafta pack one for me. Lark.
  6. .270

    Erickson is out.....

    none o' that matters when you're in TUCSON! now bring me my pizza.....Lark.
  7. .270

    Mexican Wolves???

    and when they get here grijalva will wanna give em free college tuiton and food stamps. Lark.
  8. .270

    Mexican Wolves???

    don't waste em. they taste great. wolf backstrap sawtayed in ripple with a spotted owl or a blackfooted feret as a oarderb and make some gravy with the drippin's. mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm. Lark.
  9. there ain't much impresses me as much as a hard working dog. great story. cow dog, sheep dog, hound, retriever, sled, whatever. working dogs are something that desserves admiration. Lark.
  10. .270

    Why Is It?

    alpha midgets? Lark.
  11. .270

    Why Is It?

    i find it sorta funny how mosta the guys with the jacked up diesels need a step ladder to get back in and wear really high heeled boots. why is that? Lark.
  12. .270

    Late Novenber Coues

    two badd it borked offa thet hoerne orn that won syde. i'm sorry, couldn't help myself. nice buck tho. Lark.
  13. .270

    Erickson is out.....

    yeah, rodriguez did such a good job at michigan. he oughta be able to take who of a to new lows in no time. tell me tho, are you guys gonna continue your rose bowl boycott another year? i wouldn't be too quick to annoit rr just yet. if he was such a value, why would he go to tucson? i heard he was shocked when he found out it wasn't in texas. and that was a week after they hired him. asu has some particular problems, but bein' in tucson ain't one of em. Lark.
  14. .270

    Archery Bear

    good job dude. i shot a big ol' chocolate boar with my bow once. a long time ago. it's still exciting to think about it. good job. Lark.
  15. .270

    late rifle bull

    that's a great bull, no matter what season it was taken in. Lark.
  16. .270

    Rifle project opinions needed

    actually the 7mm is a necked up .264, sorta. winchester developed both of em and decided to run with the .264 and remington took the 7mm and put their name on it. them and the .338 win mag are all based on the .458 win mag case necked down. the sendero is a 700 action and the mag well should take .338's fine. as far as advantages of a 7mm or .264, it depends on what you want to do. they both have basically identical case capacity. the 7mm shoots a bullet that is 20 thousandths bigger diameter. i just shoot 100's out of my .264 because i like it to be a hotrod. my son has a sendero in .264 that he has done a lot of other work too and he shoots 130's, with very good success. he tried shoot longer bullets but it isn't twisted fast enough and wouldn't group well. one very critical thing to remember is barrel twist, especially in the .264. if you want to shoot the long bergers or other long bullets, make sure it is properly twisted. Lark.
  17. .270

    Rifle project opinions needed

    ain't the 6.5 remington mag a lot shorter than a 7mm mag? be quite a stretch to resize the 7mm into a 6.5. you could concievably do it, but it would take cutting the brass, resizing it and then drilling the necks for proper thickness. Lark.
  18. .270

    300 weather bee mag

    only thing wrong with it is it ain't a .270. good cartridge. goes fast, hits hard, just ain't a .270. what kinda rifle is it? Lark.
  19. .270

    Why Is It?

    your auto spell or otto spell? if it is auto spell, it's broke. it spells like i do normal. Lark.
  20. .270

    Lightning killed Mexican wolf in Arizona

    it's when they stop puttin' out a signal that they start looking for em. as long they move every so often the monitor works. when they quit movin', they go look for em and retrieve the carcass. Lark.
  21. .270

    Why Is It?

    in the words of the chicken farmer on napolean dynamite, "i got no idea what you just said son?" i usually agree with everthing pine donkey says, but i think ya need to do like me and start lookin' at the keyboard when ya type. Lark.
  22. .270

    Erickson is out.....

    i'm a sun devil fan. die hard. but i'm about sick of the revolving door of coaches. since they run off kush they've never had an identity. samw with basketball after they fired wulk. when cooper was there he really did some good stuff but they let him get away. every other coach has either been an idiot, a crook or both. schnieder got em to the big game and got beat by a kid that he said wasn't good enough to play at asu. since crow has taken over at asu things have gotten worse. love is worse than a joke. leach would be a good hire if they would leave him alone and let him build his team his way. erickson looked like he had things going right. don't know what happened. asu's biggest problem is they let the best kids from Az go someplace else. if they would get the best Az kids to play there and then augment that with kids from other states they would do much better. but they do it backwards and end up with 4th or 5th best players, in state and out, instead of the blue ribbons. leach would be great. but i kinda doubt they'll get him. not with love at the helm. they'll get some bum with nice hair and a good story. but i'll still root for em. Lark.
  23. Sounds like we have 4 votes against dogs now. Lark.
  24. .270

    Waiting at Cabelas on BlackFriday

    from the looks of things in that case it sounds like somebody is in a lotta trouble and it ain't the guy with the dvd. they beat the heck outta that guy. Lark.
  25. .270

    Kaibab 12AW late

    i forgot to ax. which side o' your face is the normal side. the happy side or the pissed off side ? still a good buck too. Lark.