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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Weiers memo

    no..........i don't. when some con man tries to steal from me or someone i know, i don't see anything wrong with going after them. i'll hit em on the break, when they're on the ropes, even reach around the ref and slug em in the throat and kick em when they're down. a fourflusher is just that. these guys are not honorable and their actions are to be abhored. they tried real hard to steal something very dear to the people they claim to represent, and used the money those same folks donated to them to fund it, and then they've lied about it. at least in my defintition of a lie. if someone intentionally tells you something and either embelishes it or holds anything back that pertains to it, even if they give you 99% of the truth, they are a liar. sfw, wiers, bpj, anyone involved in this tried to pull a fast one and luckily for us, they got caught. under cover of darkness, by hiding in the brush and by going around back, just like a coyote. and i don't see where they deserve any amount of pity and would use lanuguage that you can light a fire with to their faces. and didn't do that here. what they tried is dispicable. and they tried to do it to the very folks they claim to support and used the funds they dontated to do it. i think everyone here has used a great amount of restraint in their comments, especially when you consider what almost happened. and i'll bet you a bunch that they aren't done with this. be vigilant. Lark.
  2. .270

    Weiers memo

    great comments. is this another gross misunderstanding, pbj? got another lie to come back with? these guys will try this same thing with a different coat o' pain on it. might even come up with a couple more sentences to add to their feeble first justification. probably use a different rep. or from what i hear, wieirs is done bacause of term limits, so he may try it again on the way out as a lameduck. stay on your toes fellers. and if any of ya "work" a convention, or whatever they call it, be sure pbj and his backdoor buddies know how you feel. the sfw is nothing but a way for gilstrap and his female dog to make money by taking our tags and giving them to their rich buddies. rep wie"n"iers snide comments aimed at us and now pbj's "gross misunderstanding" comment are all anyone needs, to see what their true feelings toward sportsmen are. they are liars, pure and simple. either that or they are so unbelievably stupid that it's hard to imagine. they both have to have a horse in the race. no way anyone would do as much as they have, and continue to do, if they didn't. we are all very fortunate to have a gov that will get in obama's faces and not let him be rude without hearing about it. she has made a lot of progress by making wise choices, with very little fanfare. Lark.
  3. .270

    What animal is this?

    left over part from pbj's lobotamy. Lark.
  4. .270

    Weiers memo

    No we are just grossly misunderstanding them. They are way too smart for us to communicate with. Lark n
  5. .270

    Night hunting for lions!

    are lions the only thing that it is legal to call at night? can you call coyotes, foxes and bobcats? Lark.
  6. .270

    SOLD Polaris ATV Metal Rims and Tires

    will they fit a 700? Lark.
  7. is it against the law now? i mean if you have the proper license now you can have a silencer. but can you hunt with it legally? i've shot them before on firearms owned by folks with the license. still make a fair amount of noise. even a .22. Lark.
  8. .270

    Weiers memo

    "because of the gross misunderstandings that a lot of folks have presented here." pbj, 1-27-12. ok, there is another one of your lies. there is no misunderstanding that you and your lieing sob cronies tried to steal 350 of the best permits this state has from guys who's only chance at ever getting one is through the public draw. we all understand really well what went on. contrary to your lameassed attempts to paint us all that way, nobody here is stupid. everyone can add 2 and 2 and get 4. you and your lieingassed cronies can't understand that because you're too busy sitting around telling each other how stupid we are. there is no misunderstanding that you didn't even inform the azgfd about your intentions, and lied about it. there is no misunderstanding that you tried a clandestine end around under the cover of darkness to keep us from knowing about it and then lied that you did it to keep antihunters from knowing about it. there is no misunderstanding that you seem to feel that unless you "work" a party, you don't know anything about conservation. why don't you just give up and go someplace else? we don't you need you to tell us how stupid we are and about how grossly we misunderstand you and your sob buddies. liar. sincerely, Lark.
  9. .270

    Weiers memo

    just an update pbj, all the money Joe hunter forks out every year for permits and licenses all go to the azgfd also. every dime. and there isn't any smoke and mirrors or back doors involved. we all pay the cash right up front and take our chances with the draw. nobody tried some underhanded attempt to steal tags from each other. give it up. you have no credibility. you got caught and then lied about, are still lieing about it and will continue to lie about it. please leave. Lark.
  10. .270

    Booner Bulls

    cool. hadn't seen some of them. could do without all the posse killed ones, but it's good to see that Joe hunter still has most of em. Lark.
  11. .270

    Weiers memo

    if sfwc doesn't have any money, will they go away and leave us alone? anyone donating to these jokers really needs to think seriously about what they are doing. Lark.
  12. .270

    Weiers memo

    goo h e l l!!! this bull$h!t just gets deeper. i dare pbj to say anything about a conspiracy theory again. it's just a conspiracy pure and simple. looks to me like the sfw needs to be run outta this state on a rail, after the tar and feathers. too many tentacles. too much hidden stuff. and every outfit that is in with em needs to cut ties and do it publicly and with some fanfare so folks will know they did, or they need a rail and some tar and feathers too. there was definitely a bullet headed right at us and for now we dodged it, but i think these guys will try it again, if they aren't already. Lark.
  13. .270

    Ethical Bow Range

    anti hunters think all shots are unethical. Lark.
  14. .270

    JOC 270 Winchester

    probly. i have a real o'connor gun so i don't think i will. when was still alive tho he looked at his gun and would think, man, Lark has one just like this. Lark.
  15. .270

    JOC 270 Winchester

    nice looking rifle. i wonder how the engraving on the magazine floor looks up close? they are proud of em. 2 grand for the cheap one? you'd think they would have picked one out that the buttplate fit a little better for their advertisement photo. the fancy grade with the steel buttplate looks awful. at least they made it in the best caliber ever. Lark.
  16. .270

    Shame on you

    ron white. Lark.
  17. .270


    sent you a pm. Lark.
  18. .270

    Javelina Question

    you tell em BIll. we can't be havin' none o' them loan pigs. loan sharks are ok. i've seen a lotta pigs. spent my life in pig country. i would bet i've seen lone pigs 100 times. see lone pigs a lot. before the big snowstorm in '67, i saw a herd that had 75 in it once. i've seen quite a few with over 40. but only a couple times since 67. pigs are "always" either alone or with other pigs. i don't think it is unusual to see lone pigs. Lark.
  19. .270

    Shame on you

    janet is a woman? naaaaww. you sure? last time i came home from an extended trip i droov into the gate o' the rancho neglecto and this ol' cowboy's sweetheart was out doin' my chores for me and she looked up at the truck and said, "what'd you bring all that garbage home for?" then she said "oh, it's you". this is a true story. so was the first one, but this one is better and because of it i'm real careful about pickin' up other folks's garbage. late elk hunt, U1. quite cold. there was a big gulp cup sittin' the road where it hit the big lake highway. it was about dark and we were heading in and stopped to take a quick qhiz before goin' to town. i swore a little and picked up the big gulp, which was full, but frozen and set it in the back o' my pickup. forgot about it. went back out the next day. my youngest kid shot a big ol' 6x6, at about 400 yards too, so tradbowboy will be mad about that too. and he was only 13, so i ruint him early. anyway, we got his elk loaded up and ran into some folks we knew and helped them drag one to the truck and load it and headed to town and were right where i picked up the big gulp cup and saw a buddy who had a hunter from new joisy and he had a nice 6x6. we stopped and were bs'in' with them. the day had warmed up good. i looked in the back of the truck the big gulp had thawed out. it was fulla puke. and startin' to run all over. puke slush. i look real careful before i pick up anybody elses garbage. Lark.
  20. .270

    Weiers memo

    are you guys sure this weiers guy's name is spelled right? i looks to me like there should be an "N" right in the middle of it. Lark.
  21. .270

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    cool, how we have even more facts that are contrary to pbj's BS. this is really getting good. the bad guys lost and now they're getting their butts kicked even more. like i always say, stomp a mudhole in their @$$, rest a up awhile and then stomp it dry. anybody else out there with even more unrefutable facts? that's facts pbj, not BS. Lark.
  22. .270

    "Spirit Towers" You and I...

    hey, tofu you too. Lark.
  23. .270

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    poor pbj just can't get a break. he throws BS as hard and fast as he can and folks keep knockin' him over with the facts. too bad we are all too stupid to understand how much good they were doin' us. Lark.
  24. .270

    Shame on you

    i saw a t shirt. it said "new mexico, just like the old one". when you're eastern Az and it's windy, it ain't the wind blowin', it new mex suckin'. if they ever give the earth an enema they'll stick the hose in new mex. i got a million of em. yeah, we all chunk trash everwhere, tear things up with quads and are too stupid to know that auctionin' off all our tags is good for us. Lark.
  25. .270

    "Spirit Towers" You and I...

    crap, no wonder it took me 2 weeks to find my way back to my truck. somebody knocked over all my way points. Lark.