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Everything posted by .270

  1. Like I said. This thing has more tentacles than a whole bucket o' squids. There is always a lot more of the iceberg that you can't see. Lark.
  2. .270

    Couple Happy Hunters

    Wow. Fine job fellers. Lark.
  3. .270

    Why Do I hunt?

    What bill said. My wife asked me once, well she actually was yelling at me, why I hunted so much and I said I didnt know it is just what I do. Lark.
  4. .270

    Desert shed hunting advice

    My new I phone does it automatic. I hate it. It won't let me talk proper. Lark.
  5. A 9 won't kill a bear? I've seen a bunch of em bite the dust with a Luger and a p38 and a model 59. You been readin' too many elmer keith stories. In ww2 9mm's killed a buncha folks. The rumor a 9 won't kill was started by s&w to sell more 40's. Unless it's a 7mm/08, it's lethal, if you are. Lark.
  6. .270

    Desert shed hunting advice

    Main thing is to look for horns where the animals are when they shed. And some guys Are antler savants too. They just find em. Lark.
  7. .270

    ADA statement

    I'm sorta flattered anybuddy pays that much attention to me. And why is it my wife's fault and what are bacon drapes? Dont quit after one sucker punch either. At least it gives me somethin' laugh at while up here in nevady. I thought this was a desert up here. I'm about to freeze to death. Lark.
  8. .270

    ADA statement

    Oh no I am so distraught. What ever will I do. Say hi to pbj for me. Give him a big smack right on the lips. Lark.
  9. .270

    Eli's coming

    So I'm sittin' here in Henderson eatin' a gas station samwich and even bought some odouls celebratin' the patriots loss. Yay giants. Great game. Lark.
  10. .270

    Eli's coming

    Remember, elite starts with E-L-I. And loser starts with. t-o-m. Lark.
  11. .270

    ADA statement

    But who's gonna work the convention? Lark
  12. .270

    Eli's coming

    Inbred? Talk about somebody not givin' somebody credit. I bet when he drove off in that new vette they gave him as an MVP trophy it really pissed ya off. 2 super bowl wins. 2 super bowl MVP vettes. Not bad for an inbred. Too bad purty boy with the potty mouth super model and all them illegiteamite kids didn't win. So you could be happy. Lark.
  13. .270

    Eli's coming

    Purty boy qb, jerk coach, commie town, cheaters, etc. Lark
  14. .270

    ADA statement

    Some of the ada's leaders new about it. The lack of an official statement saying they are against it is really a problem to me. All I have seen so far is that they didn't like it but I don't see where they tried to stop it or made an effort to publicize it. And then pbj and all his pr work for sfw and this bill while being in the ada leadership is real bs. Hopefully there will be a lotta hellraisers at this meeting and the Ada leadership will make some adjustments and also tell sfw to go to he ll. Hopefully their "banquet" attendance will a wake up. Lark.
  15. .270

    ADA statement

    the truth is always threatening to guys like pbj. maybe that's what he means. Lark.
  16. why is everbody so scared o' bears. i have had encounters with lotsa bears. all they wanna do is get away. only ones that worry me are the welfare bears that hang around black river and campgrounds. if you are really afraid of a bear carry a .357 with snake loads in it. i ain't never seen a bear stick around after you put a load o' snake shot in em. i have a stainless rossi .357 that i take to black river and i put 3 snake loads and 3 hollowpoints in it. i ain't never got past the snake loads. they hate that $h!t!!! but still, in my opinion, a .22 mag or .22, in whatever kinda pistol you want, is the way to go. you'll use it a lot more and ammo is real cheap. i own a buncha pistols. from .22 to .44mags, .45 acp's, 45 lc's and everthing in between. when i carry one as some kinda backup, it's always a .22. i have a little .22 berlinetta auto that stays in my chaps. but unless you're in grizzly country, you don't have a lot to worry about from bears. when was the last time someone in Az got hurt bad by a bear? you get hurt worse runnin' away than anything. we used to spend as much time fightin' bears as we did fishin' down on the black. after i started packin' the snake loads, the fights get over in a hurry. whatever you get, learn how to shoot it. Lark.
  17. .270

    ADA statement

    Chef, this is a really important issue. probably as important as anything anyone will see for maybe a couple of years. probably the most important issue until sfw and weiers try it again, which they will. why are they already putting a time limit on things? why don't they open it up let'r rip? what's the difference if it takes an hour or so longer? i ain't trying to rip anybody with the ada, but this is more important than any banquet right now. i'm headed outta town to work for a couple on months tomorrow, or i'd be there. it's probably a good thing too, because i don't know if i could be too civil to certain folks. i don't even get to watch the superbowl. but i really don't like to hear that it has to be short and sweet. there's a lotta angst here and if the ada wants to dispell any rumors and get back some of the credibiltiy they have lost, they need to jump up and take the lead. Lark.
  18. .270

    novelty wolves

    so the circus just adds more rings. what part o' "carnivore" don't these morons understand? just when you think they can't get any stupider, they do. the stupidity is amazing. maybe they oughta just feed em tofu. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/2012/01/29/20120129experts-tap-wolves-senses-steer-them-from-cattle.html
  19. .270

    novelty wolves

    my grandad's brother was a gov't trapper for about 40 years. i would bet he killed more mexican wolves than any other person. my grandad trapped quite a few also, but nothing like his brother. the mexican wolf is extinct and they need to just deal with that reality and not try to raise up some crossbred, inbred moron of a curr like they they are trying to do. there ain't anyway they will ever get an animal that can take care of itself. Lark.
  20. i just want to know the answer to a couple questions. "they" is anyone in any kind of leadership positition with the ada. did they or did they not know this was headed our way? did they or did they not say anything about it or warn anyone it was headed this way. have they made any kind of official statement saying they are against it and didn't have anything to do with originating this bill? i'm of the opinion that if you aren't 100% against this bill, then you're for it. i don't see any redeeming qualities in anyone who has any kind of position of authority in the sfw and i don't see any reason for anyone to do anything to support them, in anyway, unless they're in on it. there is a line that when crossed, you don't come back from it. sorta like a child molester, doesn't matter one iota how much good they do or how much penance they pay or what they ever do again, they crossed the line and are a pariah that can't be trusted ever again and if you do trust them and you get screwed it is your fault. not their's. sfw and any other folks in on this bill crossed the line. and their actions in alaska and utah should be enough evidence for anyone to make a pretty good judgement with. we don't need to provide anymore, by letting them steal our tags or appoint our commissioners or make any other decisions that affect us. there are some really good folks in the ada, but they need to get off the fence and clear the air and folks need to know how deeply, if at all, they were involved. this has been as polarizing and divisive as anything the sportsmen of this state have ever seen. more so than even the uso tag grab. but it did do one thing, it woke folks up to what some jokers are capable of. be vigilant. from what i can gather from wei"n"ier's statement, this ain't over. Lark.
  21. .270

    ADA statement

    i really like where he says, "i wish you safe and succesful hunting in the future". he must have meant that statement for the rich guys that would get all the tags. Lark.
  22. .270

    novelty wolves

    i've seen the same dog get into porkypines time and time again. i'm thinkin' a porkypine has gotta be a lot more painfull than meat that makes em have a tummy ache. and these things are dogs. go figger. Lark.
  23. .270

    novelty wolves

    heck, they have to round em all up on a regular basis to give em their parvo boosters anyway. these things are a circus act with a buncha midget clowns in a little firetruck runnin' the show. gonna train em to not eat beef? man, tell us another one. what a buncha comedians. Lark.
  24. Sound like it is going forward, only under a different disguise. The silence from those Involved says a lot. No wonder pbj said he was done here. So do we get ready for round 2 now? Lark.
  25. .270

    novelty wolves

    Yup. Somebody is making money on it too. Lark