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Everything posted by .270

  1. Do what you want heat. But dont try to cast dispersions on me because i dont agree Just a couple of weeks ago denham was all for taking the best tags this state has and handing them over to some guys that think they deserve em more than anyone else. As for me, I will be much more reserved in any "forgiveness" I might have for anyone involved in this. He's gonna have to show how serious he is about penance before I'm willing to look past it. He's only one of a buncha folks that are real dirty and deserve to pay dearly for what they tried. Amanda, I wrote a post critical of denham yesterday and it got removed real quick. It was on this site. This thread. I reread it after it posted. Lark.
  2. He crossed the line. The line you don't cross and expect to come back. He knew what he was doing. He tried a sorry trick because some sorry people bought and paid for him. He deserves no quarter. His smarmy response to the backlash pretty much sums up his attitude toward "us". Lark.
  3. It's amazing what kinda attitude adjustment a drop in sponsors and circulation is. Remember, he was for it before he was against it. I'll bet a lot he was in on it from the get go. He wrote his letter saying what a wonderful thing it was before any of us even knew about it. What does that tell you? Don't be so quick to forgive. I guarantee if it had become law he would still be for it. He was already counting the money he was gonna make. Him and moss. And if for some reason it still happens, he'll like it again. We'll see how long it takes for this post to get nuked. Lark.
  4. That's ok. Now I see how it is. Guys can threaten to kill me on here but I can't tell the truth without it getting it deleted. Guess maybe there is a double standard. Always thought there was. Now I know. Lark.
  5. So they removed my post? Truth hurts I guess. Guess denham has a lotta stroke here too. Lark.
  6. .270


    If you get some like I get you still wouldn't look at em. Lark.
  7. You better believe it can. A lotta Guys with lots of money think they are entitled to things. The po' folk get the crumbs. These guys want unlimited permits so they can shoot all the stuff they want that is tied down by their posse. They aren't hunters. They aren't even sportsmen. All they do is pay guys to sit on animals until they get the time to jet in and shoot it. Only they got tired of only one big bull or buck at a time and got tired of only one rich guy a year getting to shoot stuff that way. They devised this ripoff so them, their kids and all their pals could get in on the fun. Have you heard anything from sci or b&c? heck no. They were on uso's side too. This runs deep. And it has been in the works for years. Lark.
  8. .270

    Weird deaths!

    Bill wrote 'kinda'. I am so proud to have finally drug him down. . Lark.
  9. The guys in the awf have always had a lotta bark on em. I think it's time now to forget about the sfw and start calling these thieves out by name. A little mud goes a long way. Some of these auction tag boys associate with some real questionable characters. That kinda stuff needs to hit the fan too. Lark.
  10. .270

    Weird deaths!

    In a couple years we'll all remember back in 2012 when the azsfw committed suicide. Lark.
  11. .270

    Weird deaths!

    I saw a muley doe bite a bobcat and tree it multiple times. She didn't kill it, but she dang sure tried. Lark.
  12. George, in the words of curly, soitenly! Pbj has lied and lied about this deal. He is all for it and if you could ever make him tell the truth he has been in on this deal since it's inception. Him and Pete are sleeping with the devil and like it. There are also a couple more names of rich guys that will surface before this is over. Just look at the list of sfw board members and donors. You'll see em. Lark.
  13. I can't believe you guys that say you can't believe they are trying it again. Liars and thieves. That's who we're dealing with. Liars and thieves. They won't give up. Hamberlin wants the tags for all his buddies and kids. Look what the sfw plant in Alaska did. There is no limit to the slime they are willing to ooze. Lark.
  14. If you believe these guys that say they didn't know about this bill before hand, you need to think again. Guys like that are all on the payroll. They helped craft it and knew about it and are just liars. Plain and simple. The same guys control the azsfw and the ada. This is about controlling an unlimited amount of the best tags in this state and providing them to folks with unlimited assets. They are selling it to brewer only as a money deal for the state and without a lot of input from us, they'll get it. It's time for pitchforks and torches. This has gone on too far. I held out some hope for the ada, but no more. The ada and the azsfw need to go to he ll. Lark.
  15. Well, I figured the folks involved with this bill were all liars. At least this proves it. Anyone that doesn't speak out against this is for it. And pbj and his buddies are dang liars and this proves it. Lark.
  16. .270

    My new Tat

    Wouldn't a t shirt be cheaper? Lark.
  17. .270

    HB2072 - Letter from AZSFW

    So who thunk it up? So far nobody will take credit for it. It only takes a few seconds to see what is going on. A few guys on that are on the boards of all these outfits buy most of the auction tags every year. They've just devised a way to allow them to buy even more tags and actually go over the bag limit each year, legally. They will attempt it again. Probably soon. Lark.
  18. .270

    Just funnin with ya

    Now dat's funny. Lark.
  19. .270

    ADA statement

    Amen George. Vigilance. Lark.
  20. .270


    Poor misunderstood little Ginger girl. Lark.
  21. .270

    Aggressive Pig Attacks When Called In

    Try to turn one loose that's in a trap sometime. Pigs is dangerous. Lark.
  22. .270

    ADA statement

    Wonder if pbj and little smacky read it. Well, pbj anyway. He used words too big for smacky. This guy said just about zakly what I feel but ain't capable of. Pbj wouldnt want his handlers to know he read it. This guy is really good. We oughta send him a plane ticket to come to Az for a few days to get some ideas and a pep talk. Lark.
  23. Don't eat that gramma, thats bull$h!t. Like i said earleir, there are lies, da mn lies, and statistics statistics wont make it rain and only a politician or a rich guy is stupid enough to think they can legislate the weather Lark.
  24. The answer is to let competent biologists with the best interest of wildlife in mind make the decisions that need to be made. The azgfd is ran by politicians within and politicians on the outside want run it too. Throw in the tag grabbers and it's a regular 3 ring circus. And all of em together can't make it rain. And rain is the only thing that will bring numbers up. Study up on boom and bust cycles. That'll splain it all. Wildlife must be correctly managed. No amount of bills, laws, politicians or rich guy tags can do it. It has to rain and good people must make right choices. Lark.
  25. The biggest problem Az has is lack of water. We haven't had much rain for almost 30 years. It always has and always will be what decides Az wildlife populations. No amount of legislation or tags for rich guys can make it rain. Lark.