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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    520hunt, that article is real interesting. Everyone needs to read what he posted. I kinda doubt there are 2 cops in this state that spell their names in a not too common way like that. Real interesting. But not at all suprising. Az has always had a history of letting cops resign and go someplace else. One did it several times until he got sent to the pen for 1st degree murder. This is real interesting. Good find. Lark.
  2. .270


    If you're afraid of snakes I'd find a place called lotta big bulls canyon.
  3. No they won't. Just like boilin' frogs. Turn the heat up a little at a time. You won't realize until it's done. I'm really afraid this is where we are headed.
  4. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    Best idea yet. Be nice to see this guys name in print. While we are it, what about lizards? Just the normal little blue bellied ones that do pushups on rocks? I shot one o' them once with my red rider. I won't be able to sleep if it was a crime.
  5. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    Best idea yet. Be nice to see this guys name in print. While we are it, what about lizards? Just the normal little blue bellied ones that do pushups on rocks? I shot one o' them once with my red rider. I won't be able to sleep if was a crime.
  6. Wait till the EPA and the usfw and the wolfies get done. Most of az got turned into a preserve for wolf/dogs a couple weeks ago. At least everything south of I-40. But if they go north of I-40 it won't matter. In a few years we'll be talking about the good ol' days before you had to check in before you went to the woods to get permission so you won't bother the wolf/dogs and when we could hunt animals and stuff before they were all set aside for wolf/dog food.
  7. What do you want it mostly for, for bears? Defense or hunting? If it's defense, get a .22. Seen lots of bears fall to a .22 behind the ear over the years. A .22 is one wicked little gun if you know how to use it. A good DA revolver or .22 auto is hard to beat. Your little lcp is good too. We live smack dab in bear country. Ran one out of the orchard just this afternoon. My wife has an lcp she carries all time here. The only thing is da setup is kinda hard to get used to, but they aren't too bad. Just need to practice and figure it out so you know what to do when you need to do it. You hit close to a bear and they'll run off. You hit one and they'll dang sure leave the country. But if you want to kill bears, or any other big game, for sport with a pistol, you need to get used to loud noise and lots of recoil. I carry anything from a .22 revolver sa to a .44 mag with a scope on it. I agree with a da revolver for defense or hunting. I have a mod 13 smith, 4" with small grips in .357. It's fairly light. Fixed rear sight. Pack in a shoulder holster. But it barks pretty loud and you gotta grip it tight. S&w also makes some lady smiths that are nice in .357. Some are 5 shot so they have a smaller cylinder and alloy frames and are easy to handle. But again, with mag loads they are harsh. Another option just for defense is one of the new ruger revolvers with composite frames in .22 mag and .38. I think they make one with a hammer now too. The ones I've seen are da only with a concealed hammer. Get what want and learn how to use it. Only pistols I don't care for are the bigger da only autos that are so popular. I like a light trigger and a safety. Lark.
  8. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    It's kinda funny that a kid shooting a dam sparrow has dredged up this crap about actual crimes committed by azgfd folks. This kid will do more penance than all the outlaws, that we know of, that are game "wordens". No telling the scope of the feces they've pulled that never saw daylight. We all know they have their trolls on this site. Be nice if one of em would enlighten us as to why that is? We know you're watching from cover. Did anybody ever hear what happened to their undercover creep that got caught embezzling? I'll bet a dollar he's still on the payroll. Maybe that's why the are writing sparrow tickets to kids. Gotta make up for what he stoled that they never recovered. Lark.
  9. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    Now I'm cornfused, I thought this was about the army and marines hatin' each other?
  10. I've shot a buncha stuff with a pistol. Deer, bears, lions, turks, pigs, coyotes, bobcats, a badger, coati mundi, foxes, a ringtail, snakes, porky pines, skunks, squirrels, all kindsa stuff. From a .22 to a .44 mag. I have a 8 3/8" model 29 s&w with a scope on it that is a lotta fun. I'm pretty comfortable to 200 yards with a good rest. I'm gonna try pronghorn with it in a couple weeks. If I can make one suggestion tho, I'd get a single action or double/single action or a revolver. Something with a hammer you can cock. more accurate for hunting than a double action only. Lark.
  11. .270

    Rain for the next 3 days

    9/10" at the Nuevo Rancho Neglecto so far today. Weathermen call for 6-10" in the mountains. Report I saw said significant chance for loss of life and all kindsa stuff. Weathermen tend to err waaaay to the bad side so they can't be liable. Be interesting to see what it does. In the fall of 83 it rained stupid for weeks. Then it really started raining. We actually took my aluminum boat up the river from Crosby xing and floated a bull out, the creek was so big. It was one wild ride. We put the head up front like a Viking boat. Maybe we'll get another one like that. Clifton better hold on if we do. The frisco about washed em away. I'll say one thing. When it's over, the elk hunting will be red letter. Lark.
  12. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    It's sorta like when the judge asked the axe murderer why he killed everybody in the house. "well, they wuz home".. It was there. He's a kid with a shotgun. Things happen. I killed enough of em with my red rider that that worden woulda charged me with a felony. He shoulda said he packed it out because he respected it. That seems to be the ticket with some folks. Lark.
  13. .270

    Would YOU get one?

    Do they make em with scent killer? Lark.
  14. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    What the he l l does respect have to do with it? I aint scared o bears so i don't respect em? How do you figure that? Because you have so much respect for bears it's ok to say that all the folks that ain't scared are just bein' "macho". Like their experience and opinion doesn't matter. But now, just cuz you say so, nobody respects any animal? You shoulda added "I'm really cereal". Why is your opinion the only one that matters? Last time I remember a fatality from a bear was the poor older gal that got mauled by a dumpster diver in pinetop. Another welfare bear. I don't recall anything since then. Dang sure no deaths. Folks creek fishing get their trucks broke into a lot by welfare bears. But not by wild ones. A couple years ago we had 3 hunter on hunter fatalities. 2 on the Rez within a few days of each other. I haft agree that humans are dangerouser than bears. So jeremiah, in my opinion, which I have formed over 5 decades of being close to bears and observing and hunting them, I feel that it is perfectly safe to hunt them. Don't worry too much about it. Just dont put your grub in the tent with ya and be careful if ya gut shoot one. I'm really cereal. Lark.
  15. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    Au contrare. I'm the happiest guy I know. Get up happy, happy all day, go to bed happy. Happy, happy, happy. I'm rich, good lookin', tall, tougher than the back wall of a shootin' gallery. Good lookin' wife, sharp kids, buncha grandkids, lotsa friends. Live in paradise. I just don't let folks talk $h!t about me. Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm a genious too. And humble, real humble. And very thankful. Lark.
  16. .270

    Cited by AZGF

    I know a guy who's last name is worden. They actually cited him for a sparrow? A dam sparrow? Wasn't there a big stink about some wordens killing an elk and putting another wordens tag on it in bow season awhile back? And no citations. Didn't their head undercover guy get busted for embezzling his undercover money awhile back? Last I heard he hadn't been charged either. There's a lotta stuff out there they really need to take care of. A kid shooting a sparrow is one o' them deals where you give em a heart to heart and tell em don't do it again. This just a waste of time and money. Lark.
  17. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    A guy with little experience with bears asked about em. A few folks gave their opinion. Some with a lot of experience. Some with little. My opinion is that you don't have to be scared of wild bears. Guess I don't have a right to an opinion that comes from over 50 years of experience with bears because Your opinion is that my opinion doesnt count. Just like you've expressed elsewhere on here. "respect" for bears has nothing to do with it. You pull that word out to show your superior opinion. I haven't killed a bear in 20 years. I'd much rather watch em and laugh at their goofy antics. Still buy a tag every year in case the need arises. And I don't care if others wanna shoot one. In fact, i encourage it. Experience the opportunity. But I don't care to ever again. Just this summer I've seen enough bears I can't remember em all. And I was in Kansas for a month. None of em tried to eat me either. I've had some scary moments with bears but it's because I put myself in that position. The bear didn't hunt me down. If you dont want to get called out, don't say derogatory things about people. Lark.
  18. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    Because bears dont scare me I'm just being macho? You need to just shut up. You have no clue what kinda jackpots I've been in. I ride horses more dangerous than any bear. If you wanna run around scared of something that will probably never happen go ahead. Hope I didn't offend you. If you lived where i do you'd be up cryin' all night, scared a bear was gonna get ya. Wild black bears are about the least dangerous animal there is. They just want to get away. Don't fear monger. Anyone that wants to hunt should never alter their plans one bit because of bears. More people get struck by lightning. You gonna stay home because it clouds up? Lark.
  19. .270

    Would YOU get one?

    If it's camo inside I want one. I hate cleanin' them things. Lark.
  20. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    I have literally been around hundreds of bears. A bunch of em in real close quarters. Treed em, trapped em, called em in, glassed em up. Killed em with rifle, pistol and bow. Ran em off with rocks, bb guns, snake loads, a frying pan. Only had to go Mano y pawo one time and it was a stupid black river welfare bear. One jumped in the back of my truck one night while i was sleeping in The bed. Another welfare bear. About a 60 pounder. Had one tear the screens off the house just awhile back. Seen a half dozen in the past few weeks. I'm less afraid of any bear than I am a doe muley or a javelina or rutted up bull or a stupid dog. These ain't grizzlies. Sometimes a old beat up old boar will woof at ya and maybe bounce around a little or a sow with cubs might pop her jaws, but I've never seen one I figured was gonna attack. Did see one crap on a guys head once. It had been eatin' prickly pears too. Ruined his silver belly Stetson. It was a rotten trick to play. But personally, I just ain't afraid of em. The guys that had the sow after em, I'd bet a lot that it wernt near as critical as it seemed. And if they had a shotgun and it was critical like they said, they shoulda put a load o' pellets in the middle of her. Story woulda been over. Unless you're around welfare bears in a campground or on black river, don't be spooked. A truly wild bear just wants to get away. Lark.
  21. .270

    Wolf in the Southwest

    By the late 40's there weren't very many left. Encroachment had taken a big toll. Roads, ranches, farms, towns, homesteads, mines, industry, just civilization in general. When the gov't decided to eradicate em, there weren't a lot of em left. My uncle always said that the wolf's refusal to fear man killed em off. He told me it was the homesteader with one milk cow and some chickens that did more damage to the wolf population than gov't trappers. Mr lobo never figured out that everyone had a shotgun until it was too late. He didn't have much experience with the Sonoran griz, but he said he figured the same was probably true with them also. The whole thing is a lie and all the folks that push it are liars that refuse to let the truth get in the way of their agenda. No other way to look at it. Lark.
  22. .270

    bear hunting dangerous?

    Treehuggers are more dangerous than bears. And even if one does bite on ya some, it don't hurt that bad and youll have some cool scars to show off. Really. Besides, you have a gun. The bear don't. Lark.
  23. .270

    Scouting and the GFD?

    This ain't just America, it's also Arizona. You can carry a gun, bow, machete, atalatl, bow staff, etc anywhere you want to. You dont even need a hunting license. Don't just support your rights, use em. As far as hunting, coyotes are always in season. Lions too. Lark.
  24. .270

    Wolf in the Southwest

    First off, the yellowstone elk was not reintroduced. The merriam went away and the yellowstone was introduced on its place. Much like the Mexican wolf. It went away and a wolf/dog cross was introduced in its place. But the yellowstone elk, unlike the wolf/dog cross, thrived. Also, unlike the wolf/dog cross, they realeased wild animals that only weeks before had been captured. Being a wild animal and very adaptable, with next to no help from people, they took to the country and never looked back. There are thriving herds isolated from all other elk that escaped from broken down trucks that are still in good shape a century later. In country noone looks at as typical elk habitat. The cost of the elk herds is next to nothing per animal per year. With most of their cost, if there is any at all, being paid for with permit and license fees. Where the wolf/dog cross is somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million per animal. This is just the program cost and accounts for none of the money lost by the people affected by the program. Elk also contribute a large amount of $ to local economies through guide and outfitter services, hotels, meals, gas etc. Wolf/dogs contribute nothing in any form,except to boost the egos of the folks that love em. The Mexican wolf is extinct. Period. Like most extinct animals, It died out because of the times. There are no wild lands large enough to support them even if they had any. And they don't have any. Lark
  25. I went back and reread some stuff. The new fiasco does include new Mex south of I-40. Oh well. I still stand by my other convictions. Lark.