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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270


    If we all get behind the best guy. A house United. That's hitlerys worst nightmare. Lark
  2. .270


    After 7 years of the Manchurian candidate and you're scared? How in hel l can things do anything but get better than they are with Trump? You've got 3 choices, Trump, a guy that has actually done something. Cruz, a guy brought to dc by the establishment and that has never done anything but talk. And a shrieking gargoyle faced witch that kills anyone that gets in her way. Lark. Ps- I'm gonna predict right now that the lady that's pissed at her because she lied to her about how her son was killed in Benghazi will die mysteriously soon.
  3. .270


    Trump is the only one that has a chance. Others are all bought off already. Lark
  4. .270


    I like the idea of changing gov't completely. Lark
  5. .270


    Low information=too stupid to make up your own mind. Look up roger stone's article on cruz and his bush and other establishment ties. Also look for rubidubi to drop out to try to keep trump from killin' him in Florida and get more folks to vote for cruz. When fdr got elected American govt changed to basically a pyramid scheme with entitlements. Stuff that was really needed and still is. But the funds have been raped by the dc boys and it's about to run out its string. Electing trump will change gov't again, and high time. Lark
  6. .270

    Elk hammer

    Maybe we should petition the azgfd to make a minimum bc requirement to make up for all the guys that are too stupid to realize how important it is. Call skinny bc's "unethical". That one always works. Could even add auction tags with the money going to bc sensitive groups. Lark
  7. .270

    New turkey video to fire you up!

    Saw a buncha struttin toms this morning. Really fired up big time. Too bad it's so long till the season. Lark
  8. .270

    Grand Canyon Bison

    Good luck getting them in a trailer. Wild cattle can be widowmakers. Buffs are gonna flat out kill ya. Darting them ain't gonna work either. Too dam big to load. Lark
  9. .270

    Archery kill or maybe poach?

    I'd guess its from a kill during season. The weather when it was skinned can have a lot to do with how long it lasts. Sometimes predators just don't find things. It also might have a lotta scent on it that they don't like. Found a dead bobcat a couple years ago that was basically a mummy. Nothing had touched it in an area with plenty of scavengers. Just because you find a hide doesn't mean poacher. I'd think a poacher would do a better job of hiding things too. Lark
  10. If federal land is turned into state land the states can sell to whoever they want to. Zakly what cruz's owners want. Lark
  11. I saw a track today. Won't be long until they're all up and around. Lark
  12. .270

    AZ Elk Winter Habits

    No winter this year. Deeper the snow, farther they move. Lark
  13. .270


    You guys really need to drill down deep on cruz. He met his wife while both were working for bush's. He just got endorsed by Neil bush. The brother they don't talk about because of he drove Silverado savings into bankruptcy to the tune of $1.5 billion and then got busted peddling influence for china, all while being being supplied with hookers and other graft. Cruz is owned by oil, gas and other energy outfits. He is as mainstream, secret society, ring bumping dc establishment as there is. They are just trying real hard to keep it glossed over. If he gets elected he will be a nightmare. With him, McConnell and Ryan, the sky is the limit to what WE will hafta pay for. Lark
  14. Do they even teach history or gov't in school? Lark
  15. .270

    Elk hammer

    dont get me started. Lark
  16. .270

    Guide Schools

    A guy I know got interested in hounds and was axin' me a buncha questions about where to get started. I axed if he was married. He said yes. I said get divorced was the first thing. Lark
  17. .270


    If I had that rule I couldn't even hunt by myself. Lark
  18. .270

    Elk hammer

    I hate you. Lark
  19. .270

    Elk hammer

    not if it doesn't have a high bc. Marksmanship don't matter neither. Anymore, getting close is a lot more work than it seems like it used to be. I understand balistics. Very well. But I'm like Bill. Minute of deer or elk is good enough. I also happen to feel that there are many variables in hunting that are much more important than theoretical numbers on paper. And if I was gonna get me another elk rifle it'd be a lapua. Screw bc, fps, all o' that crap. Just shoot it. It's an amazing round. Lark
  20. .270

    Elk hammer

    I don't give one thought about down range energy or proper expansion or bc or fps. I use what works because I know it works. I don't use other junk because I know it doesn't work. Not because of numbers on a piece of paper. And With a lapua you don't worry about anything. You shoot it. Story over. There ain't a lapua bullet with a "bad" bc, whatever that is. The world record was killed with a lever action .308. By an Ol' cowboy hunting horseback in 1968 when there were few elk and you had to hunt your butt off to get one. But, did he have a sufficient bc? Hope so. You act like it's an unspeakable sin if you don't have a high bc. I know a guy that killed a 6x6 with a .17 remington. They don't have much of a bc. Bull bounced like he'd been hit by lightning. I don't even know how many my .270 has put under. Getting to where elk are and then getting them out are the most important parts of an elk hunt. You can kill em with about anything, if you're a hunter. I know, I've done it. I've killed elk as close as 3 yards with a bow to over half a mile with a rifle. Also killed a bunch with a muzzleloader. Bc never entered the equation. Folks keep talking stuff about this and that when none of it matters if you don't do the other, more important stuff. Again, if I was gonna get another elk gun, it'd be a lapua. Anything you put in it, as long as it ain't all copper, is gonna be fine. I kinda think most of the bullets you'd use in one have a "good" bc too. I know one thing, they tip a bull over like nothing I've ever seen. But so does a .30-30, if you're good enough. Lark
  21. .270

    brownies come hard...

    I saw several yesterday that still had antlers. Lark
  22. .270

    Elk hammer

    On the list of things that an elk hunter needs, bullet bc doesn't even show up. Lark
  23. .270

    Hardest hunt in years!

    Nice beard too dude. But why waste a round and shoot over their heads? They wouldn't o' shot over yours. Lark
  24. .270

    Elk hammer

    Whatever. Don't lecture me on elk hunting. If the bull I shot this year is my last, you'll never catch me. Seriously. And for every one that I've shot, I've "assisted" others with at least 10. I've shot multiple Bulls over 500 yards. The one this year was about 60 yards. But I'm real sneaky when I wanna be and had my elephant gun. My longest shot personally on a bull was 910 yds. .300 win mag that I put $thousands into. 165 gr btsp hornady interlock. Across a canyon, heavy crosswind, snowing. One shot. Been on a couple dozen others 500+ All the way to over 1000. Any condition you can think of. Any kinda bullet there is. I've seen Bulls run off after being shot at less than 100 yds with a .338/.378. Barely missed the heart. Ran over 1/2 mile. Using a real high bc barnes. A .243 Woulda put him down right there. Bc is important if you want it to be. Most of the Bulls I've had to track were shot with high bc bullets. And some hit real good. High bc doesn't mean a good hunting bullet. I understand bc and all that fancy stuff. It's useless if you can't hunt or shoot and if you're using a drill bit for a bullet. But again, if I decided I needed a new elk rifle to go with the dozen or so real serious elk rifles in my safe, it'd be a savage in .338 lapua. Really an incredible round and very accurate rifle. Lark