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Everything posted by .270

  1. they can make high bc bullets for anything. stretch the copper way out, put most of the weight toward the rear. tapered jacket thickness. that's how the bergers and others get the high bc's in the .264 and .284 diameters. they also call for some really fast twists to stabililze them. i've seen 165 gr .277's that had a decent bc. but, so? i use 140 gr hornady interloks. horibble bc. again, so? killed everything i ever shot with em. and have made some spangtackiler shots too. knowing your rifle and shooting a lot have more to do with it than anything. folks get all twitterpated over numbers. bc, ft lbs, velocity, etc. none of it really matters. if you make a good shot they go down quickly. if you gut shoot em, they run off and die miserable. the animal can't tell if it's hit with a high bc bullet or not. and a lot of high bc bullets aren't very good hunting bullets. Karamojo Bell killed thousands of elephants with a 7x57's and .303 british. think he worried about bc? everbody wants to think they are a sniper. we're hunters. go hunt. i shot 2 big game animals last year. a goat and a coues. one looking at me and one walking dead away. what most of the uneducated novices would call "unethical" shots. shot em both with a .243 and 85 grain hornadys. one about 60 yards and one a little over 400. the coues in the brush at 60 dropped in his tracks. the goat at over 400 across wheat stubble went maybe 10 yards. knowing your rifle and hitting em in a good spot is the trick. all the fancy numbers on paper you can dream of don't matter if you can't apply it to the animal. and nothing has a very pretty trajectory arc after 500. they all drop like a rock. all of em. dozens of feet at a 1000. if you don't have a range finder and a calibrated scope and wind meter and all that stuff you can't hit at that range consistently anyway. with anything. if you take all of the electronics away from a long range guy, a guy with a rifle he really knows is going to do a better job, at all ranges. i use a rangefinder a lot. eyes are getting weaker and can't guesstimate like i used to. but i'm still good enough if i hafta be. for 99%+ of hunting, bc is a non point. flat doesn't matter. using a bullet made for what you're doing and knowing your way around your rifle does. that or use the cartridge of the Gods. the .270. Lark.
  2. .270 for 2 reasons. the .270 is the cartridge of the Gods. can't argue it. it was divinely inspired with personal input from Orion and Nimrod. and you can neck an '06 down and make a .270. can't do that with the brand x knock off. there are probably more .270's by a 10x margin. even in remington rifles. you have a selection of heavier bullets for the 280, but i've always felt if you need a big bullet, get a big gun. there is only 7 thousandths difference in diameter. that's .007". your talkin' less than saran wrap thickness. if you really think you hafta have something in the ,284" diameter, get you a good bolt gun in the .284 Winchester. runs straight away from a .280 with incredible accuracy. the .280 has never, and never will, compete with the .270 in sales. remington even changed the name to 7mm express for awhile trying to boost poor sales. and the need to increase the case length at the shoulder .05" to keep folks from trying to accidently stuff em in a .270 has always been a drawback. any '06 brass you find can be easily resized into a .270. the .244/6mm remington has suffered pretty much the same way. when they developed it they made the case a little longer with less taper so they didn't get stuck into a .243 and they slowed the twist down to where it wouldn't shoot 100 gr bullets accurate. so then they increased the twist and renamed it the 6mm. made it better, but you still can't resize a .308 into a 6mm. both cartridges were an attempt to get in on the success of the .243 and .270. neither ever did well for some real simple reasons. nothing really wrong with either one. other than it's a sure sign of a behaviorial disorder to own either one. Lark.
  3. paper today said somebody felt sorry for the big fat crybaby and gave him 2 tickets. crap. guess you whine loud enough somebody will feel sorry for ya. Lark.
  4. There all kindsa sorry companies. The ones that piss me off are outfits like hs precision that hire woman/baby murderers like Lon horiuchi or Troy industries hiring his partner in murder Dale monroe. Lark.
  5. .270


    Ain't we talkin' about football? Why do the fast food tech fans always try to compare bassetball to football? Girls play bassetball. Commies play bassetball. Lark.
  6. .270


    One thing about it, when who of a boycotts somethin', they stick with it. What is this about 30 years of boycottin' the rose bowl? Lark.
  7. .270


    for some reason I'm havin' visions of a leppercon with a fork up his butt?? What the heck us that about? Lark.
  8. .270


    Ron white.
  9. It's worse than I thought. Since he had his brain removed Tracy thinks his name is Casey. That's funny. Now tell me, was it worth it just to be a better banjo picker? You guys should all listen to singleshot. His ol' man raised him right. Other than the sissy part. Lark.
  10. I know you don't remember Tracy, but I told you not to donate your brain to science until you were dead. Just accept that I'm right and move along. Lark.
  11. .270


    Big time win for ASU! Lark.
  12. .270


    Crap. The leppercon pulled the fork out. This might be the biggest deflation in history.
  13. Everbody knows you're wierd. For everything you've killed with copper I've shot 10 with lead. I hate the whole concept. Long light bullets that have so much barrel drag you end up with 7mm08 ballistics outta good guns to keep from blowing things up. Theyve had to redesign em 10 times trying to get lead ballistics. Never made it. Do you still hafta load em .0050" off the lands to keep from overpressure? I saw a guy shoot a nice big 6x6 with .338/.378 wby. A dam cannon. His copper bullet hit it perfect. Right where you want. Found it 8 hours later with lanterns about 0130. Ran over 1/2 mile, most of it uphill, before he laid down. I coulda shot him with a .223 and he wouldn't o' made it outta the meadow. That's just one example. I've never seen a copper bullet be anything but crap on big bull elk. I see no reason to use something that ain't never gonna be as good as something else that's readily available. Now go practice the banjo and leave me alone. Lark.
  14. .270

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    It still ain't the same thing. Jimson is a nightshade. Common name is downy thorn apple. Produces tropane. Some folks call it loco, but they are 2 completely different plants. Loco grows kinda like a vine and has bladder pods on it. Produces stuff called Swainsonine. They're both alkaloids, but lotsa stuff is. Like psylosibin mushrooms. The 2 plants don't look anything alike. I know what I'm talkin' about. Singleshot's dad taught me all about it in college. I've heard lotsa folks call Jimson, loco, but it ain't. They have sorta the same affect, but loco is much worse. This stuff is dangerous. Wikipedia is a horrible source for most things important. Anybody can edit it. And if you search wiki for locoweed, not Jimson, it'll show you what I'm talking about. Be careful. Lark.
  15. .270

    Will 5.56 damage fox?

    Fmj's are illegal but all copper are legal. Go figger. Foxes come in close, they are small, anything with hotrod velocity will pop em like a water melon. If you're really hunting for groceries and gonna sell em, use a .22 or .22 mag or a 20 gauge with low base 8's. They die easy. Lark.
  16. .270

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    Jimson weed and loco weed are not the same thing. Don't look at all similar. We always called Jimson stink weed, because it does. It gets big green leaves and white trumpet shaped flowers. Loco has transparent bladder pods. It's quite recognizable. Both of them do well in dry years and that's when they're dangerous because there ain't much else to eat. Loco is real hard on horses and they seldom recover fully. I knew a guy that ate some. He didn't recover either. Still Goofy as a pet coon last I heard. Bill, I bought an old ranch under the rim below rose peak. Come by sometime. Lark.
  17. Every year I get conned into elk hunting with someone. I have 2 rules. 1. Do what the hel l I say. 2. No copper bullets. Broadside lung shots always turn into half mile tracking jobs. Every time someone uses copper, it's a fiasco. They just punch a hole. I think arrows are more lethal, and faster. Lotsa folks use em. Not me. Ive bought enough lead jacketed bullets to last a couple life times, just because o' all the garbage that is printed about em. They might not be too bad for smaller animals like deer, or something like a kodiak where you have a buncha mass to deal with. They are absolute crap for big bulls. Lark.
  18. .270

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    After the pod dries out and splits there are seeds in the thick end. They ain't bad. Ate a bunch growing up. Lark.
  19. .270

    Foot Lbs Energy

    What I wanna know is why it matters? It has virtually no relevance to hunting. When you shoot something you hit soft tissue. Ft/lb is dealing with solid hitting solid. If you have 1000 ft/lbs at whatever range it basically means it will move 1000 lbs one foot. Imagine you have a 1000 lb weight suspended by a rope. Of you hit it with 1000 lbs of force, theoretically it will make it swing one foot. It doesn't work that way on an animal. If it did when you hit an elk with 3000 FT lbs, it would knock him 3 feet. They don't even move as the bullet goes through em. It's just numbers on paper and there is no way to calculate what kinda energy it displaces into an animal. Worry about accuracy and using a decent bullet that expands big and stays together. This stuff about needing so much energy at whatever range for different animals is BS. You might use it at some sort of reference, but it has no relevance to killing an animal. Lark.
  20. .270

    Early deer oct hunts

    Vi-eeny snausages, breakfast of hunters. Keeps ya reg'lar. Give ya the squirts so bad you wont even know where it lands. We useta always tell steve he was so skinny if we buried him head first up to his shoulders he'd look like a ocotillo. You could always tell where he was by lookin' for the smoke off his camel. Looked like a little locomotive chuggin' through the brush. He's fairly tough. He got bit by a rattler once and just smoked a camel while his skinny leg sucked all the juice outta the snake until it was just bones and skin. Said it recharged his battery. Then he broke it into pieces and smoked it too. He wouldnt whine about a few gnats and a little heat, that's for sure. Is he still makin' stocks? I cut down an excellent black walnut last summer and sawed it into slabs. Cut down another one a few weeks ago, but haven't hauled to the mill yet. Lark.
  21. .270

    New Mexico Burro Mtn Muzzleloader Mule Deer

    Anybody that's around coho needs to rub his head and get some o' his mojo. Pretty impressive feat. Lark.
  22. .270

    Early deer oct hunts

    Dang, guess I'll hafta put you on the do not tease list. I was actually trying too get a rise outta singleshot so I could tell his dad on him. Anyway, whatever. This is Arizona. We have 2 seasons. Summer and then December, January and February. Sometimes, well most of the time, it's hot. This time o' year the cedar gnats hatch and are horrible sometimes. I had the same hunt. Dealt with the same stuff. Shot a nice buck Monday. One thing you have to deal with everyday, without fail, if you're hunting or not, is the weather. Season lasts till tomorrow. If I still had a tag, I'd go huntin'. Lark.
  23. .270

    New Mexico Burro Mtn Muzzleloader Mule Deer

    Dang, that there beez a hunter, I'll tell ya what. Lark.
  24. .270

    Early deer oct hunts

    So I dont get it, it's deer season, you have tags.....and you're whinin' about it? You been watchin' too many huntin' shows. Is there a girly man only hunt right now? . A 13 year old girl hunting outta our place hung onto a mule in rough country for 2 days and shot a big buck a couple weeks ago. She was all smiles the entire time. Lark.
  25. Well, I didn't do it. I did scratch a wiener on a stick figger in a cave when I was a kid tho. But I was young. Lark.