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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Couple questions

    they're both great old rifles. do you know why it has the corkscrew looking deals in the mag tube? Lark.
  2. .270

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    cool. been there, done that. it's more exciting than you can imagine. good cat too. a couple of the photos are really good. lucky the dogs didn't get cut up. good job. everbody needs to bay a lion at least once. Lark.
  3. .270

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    real interesting. if they are gonna use the beefalo excuse then maybe that will open up an avenue to get rid off the dog/wolf curs they are trying to pass off as mexican wolves? real interesting double standard the gov't takes on things. we have condors from california, chukars from iran or turkey or wherever the he ll they're from, cur dogs bred with half breed wolfs, elk from wyoming, bighorns from the rockies, trout from germany, any number of species brung here from some foreign place and they wanna shoot all the bison because they are part cow? and the wild donkeys and horses are completely protected, even with all the data that shows what a detrement they are to native species? real interesting. guess that's where the term "government mule" comes from. (mule=1/2horse+one half jackass) all the gov't guys are at least half jackass. Lark,
  4. .270


    the only thing in hunting that is truly unethical is the 7mm/08. Lark
  5. .270

    then and now! ?

    i think deer have some natural cycles that even biologists don't understand. like "global warming". folks make too many assumptions without enough good info. my grandad said when he was a kid they seldom saw a muley, in what is now 31 and 32. lots of whitetail, but would go years and never see a muley. then later in the century, up into the 60's, it was the other way around. abundant muleys, whitetail hard to find. and there were several times fewer folks then. i can remember when Az passed a million in population. now where are we, 4 million? 20 odd years ago there were so few deer in unit 13 that they didn't even let out tags for a couple years. biologists were really worried about it. they still don't have near the herd they did in the 60's, but look at the size of the bucks they shoot every year. the posse mentality, game cameras and chute planes might have a lot to do with it, but still, they are shooting some monsters up there. the biggest problem Az has is a ballooning population and a down cycle in precipitation. unfortunately, ain't a lot we can do about either one. when you guys are my age and older you'll talk about now being the good ol' days. Lark.
  6. .270


    how 'bout an antlered doe? or a spike bull that broke off both antlers so low you can't tell it ain't a cow? or a young lion? or coyote pups? or a young bear? i won't shoot a spike buck. but i'm all for anyone else doing it. i won't even apply for a cow elk tag. but i'll dang sure help somebody else shoot one. i shot my last bear 20 years ago and will probably never shoot another one. could have shot a dozen of em this past year. but i have no problem with anyone else shooting one. i'll even show em where to go to find one. if that's your "opinion", then don't do it. just don't obsess about someone that does or disparage someone for doing something that's legal. i don't drink or smoke, but it's fine with me if you do. even if i think it's unwise. if it's legal, i'm fine with it, even if i won't do it myself. if it's something i can't abide by, then i'll go someplace else where whatever it is that bugs me so bad ain't taking place. i ain't too sure what the rules even are about blinds and cameras, but if someone leaves a blind or a camera in the woods, but it's legal, fine. that's my opinion. Lark.
  7. .270

    Gun Prepper (being prepared)

    i just live past the middle of nowhere and don't worry about zombies and weirdos and the apocolypse. when it happens, it happens. Lark.
  8. .270

    Couple questions

    the .30 remington is a rimless variation of the .30/30 winchester. .30/30 load data can be safely used to load the .30 remington. if you look in a lot of reloading books it will have a footnote saying that. are you loading for an old pump like a model 14 or 141? anyway, you can use .30/30 data with no problems. Lark.
  9. .270


    you can't legislate ethics. if you try, then we'll all hafta get another hobby. because there are a lotta folks that think hunting is unethical that will pitch in a buncha money and time and effort and legislate us, ethically, right outta the woods. call the cops sometime and tell em you saw somebody being unethical. see what they say. it'll be sorta like this, "well, did he break the law?" you say no, but he was unethical. and they say "well, that ain't against the law, therefore there ain't anything we can do. if he breaks the law, then call us back". people think other folks religions, clothes, tatoos, peircings, political leanings, dogs, etc, any number of different opinions, are unethical. just because they don't like what they do. i know folks that think bow hunters are unethical. i know other folks that think salt or bait is unethical. i know folks that think hounds are unethical. i know folks that think trapping unethical. people need to do what is right. it's usually real easy to determine if you're doing the right thing. if you ain't sure, then don't do it. but if it's legal, then do the he ll ouf of it and don't worry about it, unless you think it ain't right. and why does age make a difference if something is unethical or not? again, ethics is your opinion. hold your opinions sacred to you. but don't get whiny if somebody doesn't agree. Lark.
  10. .270


    I've said it a lot, as far as I'm concerned, if it's legal it's ethical. ethics is just a fancy word for your opinion. if a stand is legal, it's ethical. same with cameras, camping, quads, range finders, etc. if they ain't legal, they ain't ethical. anything of these things that tend to be divisive at times, as long as they are legal, they are ethical to me. there's a lotta things that are perfectly legal that i wince at, like a .25 auto being legal to hunt elk with or folks paying a dozen or so guys to track an animal down for em so they can jet in and shoot it when they get time in their schedule, take a few photos that are posted on line within minutes of the animal croakin' and then jet back out. those kinda things are legal, so i guess they're ethical. trash ain't legal. so it ain't ethical. and i don't think most of the trash we see dumped on the side of the road is done by outdoorsmen. but we sure get blamed for it. and there are a lotta mixed up things with picking up other folks trash. i picked up a buncha beer cans that some slobs were just tossing out the window on and old 2 tracker. saw a game warden later and he said something about me having an open container in my vehicle. i don't even drink. so i quite pickin' up beer cans. after this last deer season there were several campsites around our place that it looked they just drove away. beer cans, cigarette butts, cope cans, full trash bags. they were guys with tags, but not hunters. others were better than they were before the season. there are all kindsa folks. i really agree with hunters sticking together, no matter the difference of opinions. we have a lot worse things going on than cameras and tree stands. trash, human and the garbage kind, is a big problem. now, somebody make me a samwich. Lark.
  11. .270

    Couple questions

    sounds like your bullets did exactly what they're supposed to do. i shoot hornady interlocks for that reason. they don't go through. all the shock stays in the animal. that's what a good bullet does. and they cost half what a "premium" bullet does. why does everyone think you need a blood trail? although, it has been my experience with barnes bullets that you need one, because they always run off and die a half mile away in a thicket up a canyon and you spend all night tracking. a good bullet opens up and spends all it's energy inside the animal. i usually find my interlocks on the offside, under the skin, wadded up in a ball. even on deer. and it doesn't matter what you shoot on a gut shot. as far as .224 diamater bullets, i shoot hornady 55 gr hollow point boat tail match bullets in anything that shoots that diameter. seem to tear things up less. Lark.
  12. .270

    Redneck Hurst!!!!!

    the redneck is the guy calling a hearse a hurst. i thought this was gonna be about pistol grip shifters or somethin'. is kinda funny tho. Lark.
  13. .270

    need wood finish opinions

    really, a 7mm/08 is the last gun Steve's gonna stock? that is just immoral. you should put a .243 barrel on it. that is one good lookin' chunk o' wood. tell your ol' man howdy for me next time you talk. hope he perks up. Lark
  14. .270

    The D Bag Pool

    some of my greatest acheivements in liein' have come from tellin' folks the draw results were up. one time i caused a literal fist fight with a buncha guys tellin' em the results were up and there was only one phone in the shop. this was before any online stuff was available. and i gave em the "NEW" 800 number for the game and fish that was actually a number for dr melvyn rosensteins penis enlargement clinic. after the toughest guy in the shop got to use the phone first and talked to receptionist, well then i had to run. then they started prankin' folks and it snowballed. before the day was over all you got was a busy signal at dr rosenstein's. i also caused a big uproar on april fool's day by sayin' the game and fish had done away with all december whitetail hunts. prankin' folks on the draw ain't a bad thing. unless you fall for it. heck, it's a tradition. Lark.
  15. .270

    need wood finish opinions

    singleshot, did your dad make that stock? i cut down a couple black walnuts on my place. sawed one up into slabs and boards. haven't done anything with the other one yet. got some slabs that are 14 feet long, 2 feed wide and 4 inches thick. and a buncha thinner ones. i'd like to have a stock made outta wood from my place. that is one sharp looking stock you have there. Lark.
  16. .270

    30/30 for elk

    .30/30 velocities are so low i don't see where you'd get any advantage out of partitions or other "premium" bullets. (premium=way more expensive) Sierra makes a .307 diameter 125 gr flat tip hollowpoint that is made specifically for tube magazine .30/30's. i started using them about 40 years ago and that's all i've loaded since. expand well and the extra velocity hotrods it up a little. i'd think it would be a good choice for elk. i assume you're using a model 94? only thing i've used leverevolutions in is .44 mag revolver and .45/70 lever. they'd be a good choice too i think. 170 gr perform really poor. not enough velocity to hit very hard and have an arc like a rainbow. be interesting to see how you do. Lark.
  17. .270

    new toy, what to build..?

    try this one. .284 winchester. walks off and leaves the others mentioned. should work well in a mowhawk action. if the bolt is for an '06 sized head, it will work also. just bought a pre 64 model 70 fwt .243 from this site. thinking about rebarrelling it in the .284. always wanted one. Lark.
  18. .270

    Trigger Replacement

    first off, friends don't let friends shoot remingtons, you won't like any trigger that ain't adjusted right. it amazes me at some of the junk folks will tolerate. one time at western drug me and their resident gun guy at the time were tinkering with a new stainless model 70. his trigger scale bottomed out at 20 lbs and it wouldn't trip it. i about bent the trigger getting it to click. after he tinkered with it, it was perfect. most rifles come with a heavy trigger. i figure for liability reasons. in my opinion, if you have a remington 700, or 7 or 600 for that matter, with the original POS canned trigger, you should change it. there are lots of options. even remington has known for at least 50 years their trigger dangerous and next to impossible to adjust. you really have to know what you're doing. and after you change out the POS trigger, if you don't know how to adjust the new one, take it to someone that does and have em fix it up to your liking. i like really light, crisp triggers. no creep. just business. most folks scare themselves when they shoot one o' my rifles because it goes KFB when you touch it. so many folks have triggers that need hit with a hammer to set it off. the best is probably somewhere in between. but whatever you do, get someone who knows what they're doing to work on it. the remington 700 was an attempt to get in on the popularity of the model 70, without the price. hence the model 700. they never were and never will be a pre 64. the model 70 had the best trigger ever put in a production rifle. completely adjustable. travel, creep, weight, every direction is adjustable. but they are very expensive to produce. but not hard to adjust if you have some simple tools, and know what you're doing. when it comes to triggers, don't assume anything. either learn how or get someone who already has, to work on it. your accuracy will improve with a good trigger. just because a trigger is light, doesn't mean anything. it needs to be right. Lark.
  19. .270

    Rest-In-Peace, Kayla Mueller

    cast no apsersions her way. it's real apparent she was a sweet young lady who tried to do good things for unfortunate people in a dangerous place, every day. no matter how you feel about her choices, we should all have her courage and conviction. rest in peace Kayla, peace be with your family, until you meet again. there is a special place waiting for you. Lark.
  20. .270

    Zeiss 15x60B Binoculars For Sale! Rare!

    you need to spend that money on banjo lesson casey. Lark.
  21. i'd love to have a super grade but i'd never spend that kinda money to buy one. i use rifles to hunt with, not look at. most supers are safe queens that are worth a lot more than a standard, but aren't anymore accurate or dependable. it'd be a sin to beat one up like i usually do. don't know anything about remington mountain rifles. i have a couple 700's, a 788 and mohawk. that's about it for hi power remingtons. my boys have senderos and christensens and stuff. they're ok, but no matter how hard they try, they ain't a model 70. no really good adjustable trigger (that everyone tries to copy and should because there isn't one better), no claw extractor, no 3 position hammer safety, no one piece bolt, no controlled round feed, etc. they're decent and accurate, but they just ain't a model 70 and their triggers are plum scary..
  22. .270

    Required Reading?

    how to find giant bucks, by kirt darner. . Lark.
  23. i own a buncha .270's. mostl are pre 64 model 70 winchesters. have standards and featherweights. have a couple rugers too, the rifle i shoot for 90% of my hunting is a standard model 70 made in the late 40's. 24 inch barrel. it has a 35 year old 3.5x10 leupold vari x III on it. i shoot hornady 140 gr interloks with hodgdon 4350 and a magnum primer. Lark.
  24. so i see our ol' buddy jerry wiers is whinin' because the nfl didn't make superbowl tickets "avavilable" to him, seein' as he is glendales mayor an' all. for some reason i think this is real funny. seein' as how he led the charge to steal most of the good tags from the rest of us. maybe he can get the hamberlins to kick in and fix him up. they oughta have a lotta extra cash since they can't buy all the tags they want, like they tried to. just my slant on the deal. i'm sure he'll figger a way to weasel his way in tho. just thought it was funny to see a little turnabout. later, Lark.
  25. .270

    value of guns?

    dress up like a girl and hang out on van buren on saturday nights if ya need extra money. but don't do somethin' immoral like sell your guns. 'specially not ones somebody give ya. Lark.