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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    When will results be posted ?

    i hope they hurry and hope it goes well. i wanna know what i got drood for. Lark.
  2. .270

    federal dot anual inspection

    i was gonna say call casey, but i reread it and it said "anual". Lark.
  3. .270


    it's cool living where critters are in the yard a lot, ain't it Bill? when we're at the nuevo rancho neglecto, every morning when i get up i kinda sneak around and look out all the windows to see what might be in the yard. we had a young bear stay with us for a week or so last fall. anytime you went outside he was there somewhere eating acorns. got a buncha photos and video. we see pigs, white tail, muleys, turkeys, bobcats, foxes, bandtails, etc, all on a regular basis. about a year ago 2 foxes treed a bobcat just below the gate. one of the more unusual things i've ever seen. you best get a tag, he might come back. Lark.
  4. .270

    Texas time.

    i love west texas. it's all great country. some of it ain't what folks think of as pretty, but there is some neat stuff out there. palo duro canyon, the sand hills. that hight desert around van horn. adobe walls. some really big farms. great ranching country. i really enjoy all the old small towns that still have a maint street. before we bought the nuevo rancho neglecto we looked in a texas a lot for a place. Lark.
  5. .270

    Free dog

    another score for the good guys. poor lil ol' puppy. good on all o' ya'll. Lark
  6. .270

    What grain for 30-06?

    with all this emphasis on short cartridges these days, i don't know why folks don't use it? ruger made the 77 in it at one time. if i ever see one i'll buy it. i've thought about having one built on a pre 64 model 70, but never have, yet. it's a lot better suited in a bolt action than the model 100 and 88 winchesters that it was designed for. the 88 would be a heck of a saddle gun tho. Lark.
  7. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    only 99, man you got it easy. one day i'll get a tag, in some state. hopefully i can still walk, some. i'm envious of old buck. i've thought if i ever got drawn i'd use a pistol. i'll keep that goal in mind a few more years. Lark. as far as you buster brown, you seem to only chime in here trying to offend people. fix lower albertas problems before you bother with Az.
  8. .270

    What grain for 30-06?

    nothing if you're the animal. might case a bad bruise. real anemic balistics. if you want a short 7mm, get a ,284. it walks off and leaves the 7-08, bests the .280 by a fair amount. if you want it for a kid gun, get a .243. i know a guy that has a good one, uses it for a boat anchor. Lark.
  9. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    last i looked, we ain't in nevada. Lark.
  10. .270

    Hunt from horse back

    i usually always have a long lead rope coiled up on the saddle on the left side with a band made of old inner tube ,and the other end hooked to their halter. (i never go without a halter under the bridle) when you bail off you can grab the coils and just pull until the tube breaks and toss it in the brush. they won't go far before it hangs up. works every time. Lark.
  11. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    what you're saying is how i feel too. it might onlly change the odds from 1% to 2% but at least only folks that were serious about shooting a sheep would be applying and guys that have been applying for decades might feel a little better about things. i can still get around half decent and can still hang onto my mule, but it won't be able to for many more years. it might be beneficial to give folks a break that apply for the same units year after year after a bit of an edge too. whatever, it's a bad system and it won't ever get much better. between these application pools and stuff there are a lotta folks that want to hunt sheep. and very few permits that go around. i also think they could let out many more tags than they do in a lotta units. bunches more. a couple years ago i glassed up over 40 rams, rams, no ewes, in one herd. there were 4 permits for that unit. before deer season was over i saw nearly 80 rams in various parts of the unit. and i don't think i saw em all. 4 tags is pretty skinny for that many sheep. Lark.
  12. .270

    Bugles in July

    i've heard bulls whistle in every month of the year. sometimes they just feel like it. and cows will whistle too. sounds different than a bull, kinda like a spike, and it's usually a distress deal, but they will cut loose too. never say never in nature. anything can happen. Lark.
  13. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    bingo. but a good place to start is to make folks apply for 10 or 15 years before they're eligible. after that, i don't know what to do? but it's bs for hi point folks to have no better chance than no point folks. Lark.
  14. .270

    Bighorn sheep tag

    good news on the tags. with the amount of info the azgfd supplies lucky sheep tag holders and the amount of info available elsewhere, heck yeah you can take a ram without a guide. one of the biggest desert sheep in Az was taken with a .30/30 and the guy didn't even own binos. it's just a question of how hard you want to work. i'm pretty sure you have to attend a sheep seminar before the hunt that will provide you with a buncha info on your unit. and there are always good folks that will be willing to lend their experience. have a fun time. i'm jealous. Lark.
  15. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    buster, a 10 year old has statistically a 1% percent chance of being drawn for sheep. someone with max points has the same chance. doesn't look like i drew again this year. but i'll guarantee you someone with less points drew the same hunts i applied for. you can troll around here and try to pick fights and call people names all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a mess with the bonus points in Az, especially for sheep. the day after the program was started there were folks good at math that figured out it would only make a difference for a couple of years. now we have this joke we have now. just keep trying to put new paint on a condemned structure. you should stick to lower alberta and let Az folks deal with Az stuff. Lark. one more time, old buck, happy you got drawn. shoot a good one and have a great experience. show us the photos.
  16. .270

    What grain for 30-06?

    the .270 is not a necked down '06. you can make them from an '06, but that isn't the parent case. and the 7-08 is the only cartridge recomended by peta. Lark.
  17. .270

    It only took 47 years!

    when a 10 year old that's never even applied before has the same chance as someone who's been trying for a lifetime, there is a real flaw. should have to apply for 10 or 15 years before you're even eligible. i know guys half my age that have had both desert and rocky permits. oh well. the azgfd has a lotta mistake to make up for. Lark.
  18. .270

    Hunt from horse back

    why do you wanna go through all this stuff with vicks and chicken blood and stuff? i usually just see how they react. maybe tie em up a few feet away with their back to the dead critter but i never do anything that's gonna make em think something bad is about to happen. take your time, calm em down, maybe have somebody hold their head and talk to em while ya load em up. almost always come away happy. you start doing a buncha strange stuff and horses know somethings up. if they blow up, then you might hafta resort to other tricks. had a few minor explosions over the years, but always made it back ok. always had more trouble while riding than packing. as far as shooting around horses, i've shot a several lions from horseback, but i used a pistol so i could hang on with one hand, always kept the horse pointed in a direction that was good for em to run and never shoot over their head. if you shoot a rifle around one, best have him tied up good. Hurly, my ol' dearly departed 1/4 horse, would nose around the gut pile looking for something to eat when you packed him. Leroy, my mule, is about the same way. and they neither one much care if you shoot around em. but they are used to it and trust me. Lark.
  19. .270


    i got kicked outta school because i drew a sheep. the sheep wasn't a big deal, but the picture of my teacher behind it didn't go over well. Lark.
  20. i got hit this morning. wife made beans and fry bread last night. blew the covers off the bed this morning. she hit me. happens all the time. Lark.
  21. .270

    El Chapo

    mexico is an excellent example of what happens when people quit caring about the common good and only worry about themselves. sorta like America under the libs and our muslim in chief have become. when you allow a murderer, terrorist, drug dealing runt to become a billionaire by looking the other way, something is real wrong. he's worth more and kills more than the mob ever has. sad situtaion to the south and it's slowly creeping this way. real sad. worse than a disease. Lark.
  22. .270

    What grain for 30-06?

    just as well shoot a cork gun as a 7-08. and if casey is an example of barnes lovers, i rest my case. they must be even worse than i thought. now, get back to them banjo lessons. Lark.
  23. .270

    What grain for 30-06?

    i've found boots to be your friend with barnes bullets. always turns into a tracking job. at least for elk. i hate them things. Lark.
  24. .270

    Hunt from horse back

    i recomend it highly. all except the training the horses and gettin' em used to things part. the rodeo is half the fun. some friends were camped on a trail head in 27 a few years ago. the other hunters camped there wouild make a point to get up early every morning just to watch the rodeo. horses buckin' through tents, people goin' to the hospital. i love rodeos. Lark.
  25. weatherby's ain't belted? i'm assuming the ammo stills goes off? but there's a noticable delay after you pull the trigger? what does the primer look like? might compare the ones that don't detonate correctly to one that does. see if the primer is dent is equal. if it ain't, could be a weak spring. if it still has a factory trigger, that's where i'd look. they are legendary for problems in the 700. might be a little dirt or gummy grease in the works keeping it from tripping cleanly. if the trigger has been replaced it might not be lined up right somewhere. one thing for sure, you need to fix it. that can be real dangerous. Lark.