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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Is it Legal to use a fox pro to call for elk?

    i think it's illegal to use an Elkpro to call foxes tho. if it ain't, it oughta be. Lark.
  2. .270

    5.56/223 for deer? Input welcome

    there you go, talkin' again. Lark.
  3. .270

    5.56/223 for deer? Input welcome

    you can always tell when casey don't know what he's talkin' about. when he's talkin'. unless it's about banjos. he knows a lot about banjos. Lark.
  4. .270

    Best ballistic app

    i hate you. Lark.
  5. .270

    5.56/223 for deer? Input welcome

    folks kill em with bows all the time. i saw a couple on this site that guys killed with bows just this year, so i know they do. and a .223 is heckuva lot better than a bow. if you're a good enough hunter is the question. casey says you hafta plan on over 300 yards because he sounds like a club footed sasquatch with gas draggin' a sheet o' tin. like was mentioned, shot placement is always the key with anything. if you wanna use it, then hel l yes, use it. don't use a .556 tho. i've heard that they are a lot different. Lark.
  6. .270

    rut timing

    the rut will take off when it takes off. always does. be happy with a tag and don't worry about small stuff, like if the rut is gonna happen. the sun is gonna come up tomorrow and the elk will get stupid soon. Lark.
  7. tried to pm. your box is full. pm me. Lark.
  8. .270

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    new zealand. Lark.
  9. don't know if it's a broken antler or not. when a male of the deer family gets a significant injury, anywhere on them, they usually grow a screwed up antler on the opposite side of the injury after that. been a lotta studies on it. i actually got to witness it once. knew where there was a big herd rutting in december. they'd be there every year. quite a few really big bucks. one day me and my oldest son were watching them and one really heavy horned 4x4 had been injured in the left shoulder over night. looked like a bullet wound. later that morning we saw a really giant of a buck about a half mile away and he had blood all over the upper fork of one antler. he had gored the other buck. the next year the same bucks were back and the injured one still had a bad limp and he had a typical 4 point on one side and the side opposite the injury was a twisted up mess of antler with many points. saw him several more seasons after that and he always had the nontypical antler after that. that may be what happened to his little feller. Lark.
  10. .270

    AZ Antelope

    dang, that's a big goat. did it all yourself too. fine job. Lark.
  11. .270

    Best ballistic app

    casey was "testing" dope. that's a good one. this post is about shooting, ya big dummy. Lark.
  12. .270

    Gwen Hughes

    my ol' uncle passed on the 20th. Malcolm Gwen Hughes. sept 5, 1937-aug 20- 2015. fun to be around, excellent marksman, tremendous hunter. born in tennessee. lived most of his life in Az. married to my mom's little sister for 60 year. wonderful husband and father, great friend. was with me when i shot my first dove, javelina and buck. sad to see you leave pard. hang out by the fire with my ol' man until i catch up. go to heaven a hollerin', let em know you're comin'. Lark.
  13. who would do that to bacon? dove, the other @#$! meat. Lark.
  14. .270

    Weather forecast

    Don't matter. Season is now and you hafta hunt the weather that your dealt. Don't worry about it. Go huntin'. Lark.
  15. .270

    Anyone see something like this before?

    That's a Caitlin bull. Suffers from noballitis. Be interesting to see how it ends up. They are always in velvet and always growing. Never shed their antlers. My dad killed a muley like that once. Lark.
  16. .270

    Gwen Hughes

    Thanks for the thoughts. Today is his 78th birthday. Gonna be kinda wierd without him around. Talk to my aunt a lot. She's been taking care of him for quite awhile and she said she feels like she lost her job. We had some lively times. Lark
  17. .270

    glassing the pears

    Az has several kinda pears. the lower elevation ones get big fat and juicy and get ripe about now and will all pop within a few weeks from now. the bears seem like they travel down to them this time of year, and when they're done they will go back up to where the smaller pears are. they don't get as big and sweet, but bears will still get into em. and there is only a couple thousand feet difference in where they grow and the different kinds of pears can be within a few miles of each other. then they get into the acorns and juniper berries. acorns have about as high o' fat content as anything on earth. so do pinons. what folks don't realize, is so do juniper berries. if you look at a juniper berry, it is actually a little cone, real similar to a pine cone and it is full of little nuts. they are real small, probably about what i've heard casey's are like. but they are real high in fat. the bears gorge on acorns and juniper berries to get their hybernation layer built up. from now until the snow flys, they'll be in something fattening. good luck. don't shoot the little ones. Lark.
  18. .270


    hunterjohnny, no there is not. at least not for folks without serious behaviorial disorders. i mean there's others that'll work and sometimes i use em just to keep myself sharp, because a .270 is so far superior that it's kinda like cheatin'. Lark.
  19. .270


    hey casey, you gonna hunt broke back mt again this year? Lark
  20. .270

    Need a Bow for my Elk Hunt

    them 2 wolves are actually a decent representation of these inbred mongrels they turnt loose on us in Az. Lark.
  21. not according to the documentary. go up one post. Lark.
  22. this thread is so screwed up it won't hurt to hi jack it even more. there was a documentary about casey's life on tv last night. it's highlighted in blue. it said he has been in 3 movies. he was the banjo pickin' kid in deliverance. sloth, the guy they kept chained up in the basement on the goonies, (what was amazing was he played both parts with no makeup) and he was the stunt man in broke back mountain.
  23. hey you shut up casey or i'll tell everbody about your younger days as a movie star. and i don't own a 7-08. that would be unethical and caitlynish. Lark.
  24. no, but he does dress like that a lot. Lark.
  25. yeah it does. look at caseys head. Lark.