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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    He ever hear of antiperspirant? Wait, he's in Tucson. Never mind. Lark
  2. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Not the who of a ones. That are useta Tucson. Gangs, guns, thuggery. So what's the deal with the sweaty coach? Was he hungover? Looked like he was wearin a clear raincoat. Lark
  3. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    That's a first. Cats suck cuz the refs ain't mean enough? Nice spin. Can I get a large deluxe with breadsticks? Lark
  4. .270

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    Yeah, that is one fat lion. Lark
  5. .270

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    Maybe that lion was a trophy hunter instead of after modest meat bucks? Lark
  6. If you're gonna take your wife to cabelas, when you're done, cruise on east on glendale ave a few miles to cerretas candy factory. Seriuosly. Your wife will get a kick out of it. Lark
  7. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    And the who of a players are checkin' the want ads for pizza delivery jobs. The reason who of a gave jared an honorary phd is because he put so many of their grad students to work at subway after they graduated. Lark
  8. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Hehehe. Jared will be sad. Lark
  9. .270

    Game time at McKaleNorth

    Who won? Lark
  10. .270

    Wear the green

    Don't fergit the wearin' o' the green today. Go down to rulabula and have corned beef and cabbage. I even fed my livestock green hay today. The turkeys gobblin' on the hill above the house even had an arsh accent today. Lark
  11. .270

    Huntin' Jokes

    Casey Lark
  12. .270

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    Big lions like that eat more deer than anything. A rabbit ain't worth the calorie burn to em. A decent sized doe will last a few meals. Depending on the weather. They ain't very tolerant to spoiled meat. When a lion makes a kill they will eat so much their belly will literally drag the ground. Then lay around a day or so and do it again. If you find a really fresh kill, look around, the lion is gonna be right there close. Probly trying to digest 30 lbs o' venison. Lotsa bucks get killed by lions because a buck will try to fight em. Don't know if this guy killed any 200 inchers, but I bet he ate several potential 200 inchers. And the Navajo rez is 200 inch country. Spend some time in the chuskas some time. Lark
  13. .270

    Wear the green

    Yah fer shore, yumpin' yimminy, we all be arsh today, yah. Lark
  14. .270

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    Between remarks like 'round eye' and then the roid accusation this has become a sorry thread. I love seeing guys that deserve it, get bashed flat. Love it. Making racial comments and roid accusations about a guy with a bow is real low. If the tribe was gonna roid up their animals, they wouldn't let joe hunter in the roid areas. They'd do the "ethical" thing and save em for the rich guys with possees. Lark
  15. .270

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    You're the one that floated it here. Give the kid some credit for killing a bigger buck than you ever will. Don't start roid rumors. Lark
  16. .270

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    There are more 400 Bulls killed in Az every year off the Rez, than on. All the rez's. Az is big bull country. As far as steroids on the rez, bull$h!t. Do you have any idea what kinda program that would take? You don't just give a deer roids and it grows big antlers. These ridiculous things on deer farms are from inbreeding, line breeding, cross breeding, supplements, maybe roids, whatever you want. They are pen raised, hand fed freaks that have no right to be called a deer. This roid on the rez crap has been going around for years. You think they coulda kept it a secret this long? Guy kills a nice buck without a posse and its on roids. Wonder who started that rumor? Lark
  17. .270

    Wear the green

    Oooo, good stuff. Lepercons'll be at yer place. Lark
  18. .270

    grilled cheeze-hold the bread...

    I've seen a buncha Bucks this week. All still have antlers. Might be a little early to find many. Lark
  19. .270

    Pending New Record Archery Coues

    What's round eye? Why can't rez animals be in the book? Only thing separates em from the rest o' world is barb wire. Lark
  20. .270

    Jared Fogle

    Cool. Hope he's a devil fan. I still think Jared is affiliated with who of a. Didn't they give him an honorary phd? Lark
  21. .270

    Jared Fogle

    Ain't he a who of a grad? Lark
  22. .270

    My Wife's Buck

    Excellent buck. Lark
  23. .270

    Need A Longer Pole...

    Old timey lion hunters did a buncha stuff folks today would call bs. Cowboy brown got in a buncha trouble for bringing a live lion into bill's bar in showlow. Like mentioned, cats choke down real easy. They could've choked this one down and took the trap off a lot easier. You can also choke one to death real easy if you ain't carefull too. This lion looks like it's caught in a coyote set. Trap looks like its a little smaller than what you'd use if your trying to trap a lion. Don't see a kill either. Lark