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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270


    lotsa smiles. bringing more into the fold. fine job all around. Lark
  2. .270

    It finally happened

    now that's a bear. Lark.
  3. i taught davy that trick. you can eat em easy that way and when you're done you have a ready made coat. this sounds to me like this guy didn't escape an attack, sounds like he did keep it from eatin' him tho. Lark.
  4. .270

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    whoa, great bull bob. fine job. Lark
  5. .270

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    I told you he was gonna have a nervous break down. He can't type because o' the straight jacket. Lark.
  6. .270


    Was that a football game or the longest vacuum cleaner infomercial ever? Good night the cards stunk today. C'mon, catch the ball and tackle somebody !!!. Lark.
  7. .270

    So calling works...

    i nood you could do it. good job. Lark.
  8. .270

    13 Year Old Humbly Schools Loudmouth

    glad i don't have a lapooa. if i did i might hafta ax somebody if it was me that lost to the girl. good job there girl. all kidding aside. when i first moved to creen queek, the neighbor girl that lived kitty kornered to us had a full ride scholarship to UTEP to shoot on their team. check into it. might save you some money when it comes time to send her off to school. Lark.
  9. .270

    what's your favorite thing about CWT.com?

    the maroons. and bill's knowledge of eastern whitetail. Lark.
  10. .270

    Growling Elk? Thoughts?

    you forgot the transylvanian vampire deer too. yeah, there are several deer that have tusks still, but i'm thinking elk at one time had some real impressive daggers. be cool it they still did. are the dark spots a remnant also? never correlated it that way, but seems reasonable. Lark.
  11. .270

    10 year old Muzzy elk

    Cool. My boy shot a bull at 10 with a tc cienega. Good job. Lark
  12. .270

    First Ever Hunt

    Excellent. Bringing another into the hunters life is always a good thing. Lark.
  13. Using radios while hunting in Colorado is illegal. So are cell phones. Lark
  14. .270

    So calling....

    Like Lance says, the trick is to call where you know there is a bear close by. and then all the other normal stuff like wind, call location, what kinda call, etc. successfull callers usually have a certain kinda call they really like. all my success has been with a circe magnum with a jackrabbit reed. but that's about all i ever use. Lark
  15. .270

    Growling Elk? Thoughts?

    wouldn't it be cool if elk still had big ol' sabre tooth lookin' tusks? Lark
  16. .270

    How about those Devils

  17. .270

    Them devils

    ASU looks just fine tonight. Flat kicked ucla in the groin. Fine job Devils. Lark.
  18. .270

    How about those Devils

    Yeehaw. Go Devils. Nut kicked the bruins from the git go. Lark.
  19. .270

    Growling Elk? Thoughts?

    Ok. I'll correct you. The bugle comes from their vocal cords. Just like a cow moos, only an elk is high pitched and can sound like a whistle. Later in the rut the larger Bulls that have a deeper voice anyway can get a real rough bugle. Their "whistlers" or ivorys, have nothing to do with it. They are a remnant of a tusk that prehistoric wapitis had. Lark.
  20. .270

    How big is the his bear?

    looks like it has a gland problem. the fatty arbuckle of bears. Lark
  21. .270

    Growling Elk? Thoughts?

    usually they growl because they have rabies. stay away from the growlers. Lark.
  22. wth is goin' on here? anyway, i've used these same binos for years. don't know stephen b from stephen a. these are excellent glasses. my eyes ain't what they useta be, but i can't see any difference between them and the ones with z's in the name. first pair got the focus messed up on one eye while chainsawing a tree outta the way to get in to pack out a bull i shot. sent em in, sent me a new pair, no questions. i'm real hard on stuff, and mine have worked real well. this is an excellent price for top shelf glass. Lark.
  23. .270

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    'Specially when folks post bogus #'s. 😚. But I hafta agree, if you pull the trigger you hafta live with it. No sense in fudgin'. What I really wanna know is if the poor feller had a nervous breakdown before he shot it. I don't know if I ever saw anyone so excited. Lark.
  24. .270

    Obama is PO'ed

    he's always pissed off. it's because he's confused. doesn't know whether to cheat outta what ya got or just steal it from ya. Lark.
  25. .270


    Trout spawn like crazy in lakes. They just don't hatch. Rainbows spawn in the spring time. Browns and brooks in late fall. I've seen crescent lake look like a hatchery at the dam, with giant brooks. Caught huge spawning rainbows in big lake and crescent a buncha times. Some BIG Browns outta hawley in spring and fall. Lark.