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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    cute, cuddly wolves

    This is typical for wolves. Always has been. There is all kinds a documentation of a few wolves killing dozens of cattle or sheep in one night and not eating any of them. This is why the gov't eradication program was started. Just wolves bein' wolves. Lark
  2. .270

    youth pheasant hunt

    The smile says it all. Lark
  3. .270

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    Or you can shoot reg'lar ol' copper jacketed lead core bullets and not worry about it. Lark
  4. .270

    Gobbling yet?

    Rockin' and rollin' here. Be done by the time the season starts. Lark
  5. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    Orrrr, you could hunt the entire rest of Az. Lark
  6. .270


    A financial planner once told me that when it all goes to $h!t, the only thing of any value will be guns, ammo and land. And the nuts to shoot first. He was also an American born muslim who converted to Christianity and hated the muslim religion. Looking at gun sales today, I think a lotta folks have his opinion. This loughner joker was a grenade with the pin out looking for a place to blow up. He'd had many run ins with cops at school and in public. They need to make special guns for guys like him. The first bullet fired goes backward. What he did was bad. But gifford and Kelly haven't made many friends with their antics since. Lark
  7. .270

    White one

    Similar. The one I saw was much whiter. Lark
  8. .270


    Uh oh. Desert bull has a chip in his head too. Probly a Dorito. Lark
  9. They might be good for targets, but that's all. After a couple hunnerd yards they'll have a hard time punching paper. Lark
  10. .270

    White one

    Don't know whacha call it. But I'm gonna try to keep an eye on him for a few years and shoot him when he gets a few points. Lark
  11. .270


    It's like reading one o' hitlerys speeches. It's everbody else's fault. A vast right wing conspiracy. Lark
  12. .270


    Jared loughner is suing gabby gifford for $25million. The lawsuit is very interesting. You oughta read it. It's written like a true democrat. Lark
  13. .270

    Too early for big lake??

    If you can't catch fish at big lake, you can't catch fish. My favorite trout lake on earth. Lark
  14. .270

    .25-35 Ammo?

    It's kinda pricey but trust me, resizing .30/30 brass down to .25/35 is a chore and a half. Some guys are into that. I don't mind neckin' '06's to .270 and stuff like that, but I don't like that much hassle. Lark
  15. Somebody will yell at me but I think it's plain that I don't care if they do. But ain't these like the yugo and prius of the .264's? I'd much rather have a .243 than either of these things. The 260 is another attempt by remington to simply neck down the .308 and try to sell it as a wonder round. The creed is just a .300 savage necked down. Even less potential than the 260. These are a couple pud rounds with little development put into them, that don't have the potential to do much after a few hundred yards. The 260 makes most sense because 308 brass is easy to find. But when you're done you have a 2700 fps slug of a round. And no matter what anyone says, velocity matters. If you hafta have a 6.5, look at the hot rods available. Save your money, keep it a 243. If you hafta have a 264, look at some of the others that are available. Lark
  16. .270

    White one

    I live past the middle of nowhere. There are a few places for sale in the area. This deer is about 3 miles from my house. Lark
  17. .270

    White one

    His hair is white. He ain't wearin' a sheet. Lark
  18. .270

    .25-35 Ammo?

    I've always been able to find loaded ammo at gunshows. Lark
  19. .270


    Anybody try taco in a bag yet? Lark
  20. .270

    Youth Left Handed Rifle

    Might look at a lever action. The Brownings are really nice. Lock up like a bolt. Kinda spensive tho. Good luck to your youngun. Lark
  21. .270

    Huge cat on the Navajo?

    So you can tell by looking at a lion how sneaky he is? They don't get that big by bein' stupid. And I never seen even 1 lion that weren't sneakier than a cool breeze. Lark
  22. .270

    Colt Sauer Sporting Rifle

    Slickest rifle through here in awhile. Fine guns. Lark
  23. .270

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Job apps will burn em like holy water on a vampire. Lark
  24. .270

    Rifle related love letter to Kasich

    Feel in' the bern just sounds real creepy. Things that make you go bbblluuuhuhuh. Lark