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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Poaching in Arizona

    Az. doesn't have a poaching problem. that's a utah tradition.
  2. i kinda doubt i'll ever hunt there, mored. too 'spensive. too much work. and i know you're bein' a little 'feces'-ious, too. i've never been there and felt real comfortable. since fox has become president, the graft and junk has been cut way back. but there's still too much stupidity there for me. hear too many horror stories about guys gettin' pirated while bass fishing and hi-jacked while hunting. couple years ago 2 guys from my old hometown got killed in a car wreck down there. they were bass fishin' it seems. the mexicans basically kidnapped the bodies. their families had to pay off every sob from where they got killed to the border. had to pay to have em embalmed multiple times. had to pay for for crappy coffins. one of em's wife was a mormon and somehow or another the church had enough ties to finally get em back. if you'll kidnap a dead guy, well that's just pretty low. i'm glad guys get to go and have fun. there are some magnificent bucks taken down there every year. and the people are great folks. don't get me wrong there. folks are folks, everywhere. just some of em end up in real poor "systems", like mexico has. but it also seems that gates and his buddy woulda been better off paying a little more attention to a couple details. Lark.
  3. i know, i profess to never read magazines, but i fell off the wagon and did a little last night. i like to look at the pictures. all them word deals just confuse me. anyway, my youngest son brung home the trophy hunter last night. a magazine i don't much care for, other than the photos. dang, some guys sure shoot some nice bucks. my only real beef with em is all the "green scores" and "gross score" stuff. to me that's like sayin "BS" and "BS". if you're gonna go to the trouble of scorin' something, have it done right or just say, "hey, i scored it myself and did the best i could". anyway, i digress, whatever that means. there was an article about jay gates, a guy i've heard of before, and some other dude that shot some bucks in ol' mejico last year. one was real impressive and i decided to read the article to see if it said how wide it was. it didn't, but it went into a little detail about em gettin' busted at the border by the mexicans and the feds and gettin' charged with a buncha stuff. sounded like a real bag o' worms to me. anyway, from the article, i gathered that there ain't no way to safely go across the border and bring back a deer. according to what i read, they, (the mexicans) want to change the rules on a regular basis and then don't tell anyone that they did. i read a little about this situation on here awhile back, and didn't understand it real well then. probly because i never plan on hunting in mexico. seems like ever time i go there them jokers chunk me in the poky for some reason. last time i went i got a $500 parkin' ticket. yeah, i parked on top of a mexican, but heck, i didn't see him. anyway, does anyone know what it takes to go to mexico and come back with a deer and not go to prison? why didn't gates' outfitter have everything all hunkydorry for him? or is it as the article claimed, anyones guess as to what the rules are. i would imagine the usfws guys have a pretty set procedure, but it seems they even violated that too. talk about a bummer. spend a fortune, shoot some dandy bucks, and then get hammered at the border. seems if they were tryin' to evade the law, they woulda snuck across and not walked right up to a port of entry and declare their stuff. anyway, anybody got the silver bullet for this? Lark.
  4. .270

    Brand new

    if it's up to the game wardens's opinion, then anything may or may not be illegal. it ain't wise to haul around a loaded rifle in your truck. but if there isn't a live round in the barrel, and you've confirmed that, i don't see where it's a problem. colorado has a no loaded rifle in the truck policy. but they are real bad about not explaining that "loaded" means loaded in the barrel. the magazine can be runnin' over and you're still legal. back in the 50's or 60's, Az. had a no loaded weapon in the truck law. there were so many accidents by guys seeing a warden and their gun going off while hurridly trying to unload it, that they took it off the books. if you're dumb enough to trust a safety in the truck, then it's natural selection at it's finest. sooner or later you're gonna have a real sad thing happen. but i still really disagree with this "it's up to the warden" bs. laws are pretty specific. Lark.
  5. .270

    New way of hunting discovered!!!!

    my dear ol' dad can't walk more that a couple hundred yards. and that will take him an hour, with a cane. he's still sharp and can shoot a gnat's eye. uses his cane for a monopod. only way he can do much is putt around in his ol' pickup and glass and hope he can find one close enough to shoot at. he gets a buck every year. but if you think he likes it better than hikin' the hills, you're way wrong. he gets so upset with himself because he can't get of in the canyons anymore, that it's sorta sad. i'd guess that what he does is road hunting. he generally parks and hobbles off to a vantage point to glass or glasses from his truck. when he sees one, he knows the terrain well enough to figure out a way to get a shot. i ain't gonna bash anyone for seeing a deer from the road. i might be in same boat some day. as for now, it's huntin' boots and horseshoes. it depends on the situation. there are a lot of units in Az. that i'd rather hunt, but i apply with him ever year, for the same place, so i can punk his buck out for him. i always take off the entire season and spend everyday with him or close enough to him that he can signal me. a lot of times he'll let me out to hunt an area and then pick me up on down the line somewhere. but i also feel that able bodied folks oughta get out and hump it. leave the road for those that have no other choice. there's a big ol' world just outta rifle range o' the road, and if you ain't seein' it you're missin' a bunch. do yourself a favor and get off in the wild stuff. while ya still can. my oldest son got to go to the new KC Cabelas this weekend. he came home with a freighter pack that will hold more than i wanna haul. just for his upcoming coues hunt. so he'll have enough room for his camp and for the buck he plans on packin' out when it's over. Lark.
  6. .270

    Record Book Withdrawals

    any of you guys ever met don lewis? he's a heck of a guy. just misunderstood. as far as dahmer and manson, yeah, i think they were ok too. at at least they didn't think the rest o' the world had to think like they did just cuz they said so. Lark.
  7. .270

    Brand new

    it ain't up the warden. laws are quite specific. whoever the warden is is a liar and a jerk. Az. has about the most liberal firearm laws in the country. one of the main reasons to live here. and i ain't some 2nd ammendment crazy either. but hunting rules don't supercede the constitution. a guy can always say he has it there for self defense. when was this? i know a couple years ago there was a big push by the game and fish to stop what they figured was road hunting. i have feelings both ways about it. folks should get out and hunt, if they can. but seeing something from the road shouldn't make it illegal to shoot it. step out of the road, like the law says. i get real yanked off at the truck loads of losers during the early bow season or guys quail hunting from the back of a pickup. write those gusy up. but they were giving folks tickets for having guns in their gunracks and while riding 4 wheelers and stuff. i know a couple guys that got busted and they both prevailed. in fact one of had the game warden come to his house and beg him to give him back the ticket. the guys bro in law is a pretty sharp attorney and they were planning a civil rights lawsuit. anyway, he didn't pay a fine and if i ain't mistaken, even got a little $$$ out the azgfd for fees. it just flat isn't against the law to transport a firearm, and that's what this guy is telling you. the way the state law is written, you aren't considered hunting until you shoot at an animal. from what i've been told, it is this way purposely so that there is a hard definition of what is considered to be hunting so that there is a way other than a warden's interpretation to decide guilt. i'm still gonna pack by rifle in my gunrack. Lark.
  8. .270

    Brand new

    standman, you say you have to have a gun or bow in a case in your vehicle? but in the white mt's it just has to be unloaded? there is no law in Az. about having a loaded gun in a vehicle in a case or not, except for the concealed weapon deal, period. and a pistol in a holster or any other case cannot be considered concealed anywhere in your vehicle. you can have one in the chamber and the safety off. not a wise thing to do, but it is legal. you can pack your rifle in a gunrack, laying in the seat, drag it from the bumper. whatever you want to do. you can't drive around with the barrel poking out the window or ride around in the back of a truck with your bow or rifle ready for action. but if a warden is telling you have to have your gun in a case and unloaded, he's a liar. some years back there was a new law that was very vague and the way it was written, it was basically against the law to leave your house with a weapon. only way you could hunt was to leave your house on foot or a horse, the way it was written. extremely vague and extremely broad. don't know if it is in the book anymore or not. there were some folks cited for riding quads with rifles and the azgfd got it packed in a painful place. in arizona you can pack a gun just about anyplace, as long it isn't concealed and as long as the place doesn't have a rule against it. i.e. a bank or bar or any private establishment that doesn't allow it. it's a constitutional right, called the 2nd ammendment. and Az., so far, hasn't been one of the states that have written laws contrary to it. you can even carry a concealed weapon with a permit. whoever told you this is really wrong and could be in for heck if they try to enforce homemade laws. so far, luckily, Az. has left carrying up to the discretion of the citizen. as long as you're not stupid about what you're doing and aren't threatening anyone, it's pretty hard to break the law here. if you're out spotlighting and have a rifle, you can pretty much plan on getting your gun confiscated. even tho it is perfectly legal. you can go to the JP and get it back, but it will be a hassle. refer back to the stupid deal. as long as you're behaving in a non-menacing way, not hanging a gun out the window, threatening anyone, etc., you can do pretty much what you want in Az. like i said, just don't be stupid. but if wardens really told you this, they aren't telling you the whole story. i ain't a lawyer, but i know what you can and can't do in this state, and what you're saying is contrary to what the law is. Lark.
  9. .270

    found bear

    sounds like casey got up on the wrong side maybe. i didn't see where Az. guide said anything derogatory about anyone. just voicing his opinion. worst thing that happens when ya shoot something is ya get all excited. after you get yourself all collected and get ready to look for it, everything looks different. the sun is a little higher usually, you can't decide which way exactly it went. did it go above or below that buncha oakbrush? main thing is to mark where something went and calm down. if you go walk around in the wrong place for just a few minutes, you might be trompin' out sign. i feel almost as sorry for the guy that lost the bear as i do the poor bear. makes a guy sick. get higher than a kite from shootin' a bear and then lose it. bad situation. and bears are a completely different animal to track than any other animal. they think too much. they hide. a deer or elk will usually run till it dies and falls wherever it's blood runs out. an bear will brush up in a thick place. anyway, hunt hard fellers. Lark.
  10. do you still have to pay off everybody and their cousin, like you used to? i've only crossed the border, on land, once in the last 30 years. just walked over to nogey waiting for a highschool football game to start. bought a sombrero and a sarape' and drank a couple o' them good mexican cokes that still have real sugar in em. last time before that was in the 70's. had to pay off about 15 guys to get a mexican drivers license, insurance and tourtista sticker. than had to pay off the federalies out side o' town aways at some check point. dang, a guy needed a whole fist fulla dollar bills. at the checkpoint we didn't have enough singles so they made change. pretty bad when they'll make change on a bribe. anyway, sounds like too much work for me to go hunt down there. sounds like gates' guide really let him down too. Lark.
  11. .270

    found bear

    treestand, i've been on dozens of bear kills. rifle, pistol, muzzleloader and archery. sometimes they pile up quick, sometimes they don't. if they don't, you might be in for some work. in the fall, when you usually hunt bears, they are quite fat and getting fatter, to sleep the winter out. you can blow a heck of a hole in one and it still may not bleed long because fat will plug it up. plus they have real long hair that can trap a lot of blood, especially after it starts to dry a little. they just don't drop blood all over like a deer or an elk that has been hit good. they won't go any farther than any other animal hit in a similar place, but their trail will be much harder to find. they don't leave very distinct tracks like a deer or elk either. their feet are real soft and if there are a lot of leaves or pine needles, almost impossible to track, with no blood trail. you were fortunate that your bear croaked quick. they will usually always find a thick place to lay down and die too. if you ever do shoot a bear, my advice is to stay right after it. don't use the wait 30 minute rule. watch him go down if you can. shoot him again if you can. i've seen bears treed by hounds and heart shot that didn't drop much blood. the fat and hair plugs up the hole. be aware of where he runs, i mean exactly where he runs, so you can look for sign. they can be a "bear" to track. Lark.
  12. .270

    Brand new

    so it's legal, if you can stand the smell, i guess. thanks for the info. you guys ever kill a bear that's been feedin' on a dead animal? oooooeeeee, you're in for a rude awakening when ya start to take care of it. yuuuuuuuuk. Lark.
  13. .270

    Record Book Withdrawals

    i know don lewis and he is a good friend. he got screwed over just like so many other guys that have spent their lives establishing a reputation, just to be drug down by those jealous sob's that can't keep up, and by those that have to perpetuate the rumors and lies. Lark.
  14. .270

    Brand new

    i mean an animal that a bear has killed.
  15. .270

    Brand new

    if you put out bait, whatever kind for whatever animal, and a bear comes in, did you break the law? or is it only illegal if you shoot one? i ain't tryin' to be cute, just wondering. i know that for years the only thing you could legally bait was a bear during the baiting season. now, from what i've heard, you can bait anything but bears, in Az. can you sit on a kill and wait for a bear to come in? enquiring minds want to know. Lark.
  16. so, did they get their racks back or are they still fighting this deal? man, that one buck was a thug. they were both nice, but the one was really big. anytime i see "lacey act", it spooks me. there ain't no end to what they can charge ya with once that gets started. but it also seems like if you fight it long enough, they sorta give up. as in "operation navajo buck". they busted one o' the klumps some years back and the last i heard they just sorta forgot about him because he just refused to talk or deal anymore. he had jaguars, margays, ocelots, poached bighorns and all kindsa stuff. i think it's a shame to pound on someone who wasn't intending to break a law. ok, fine the guy so he don't forget next year, but this felony crap is too wierd. brings back all them bad memories of chain gangs and mean wardens hollerin', "what we have here is a failure to communicate". by the way, who was the outfitter? was the outfitter and the guide the same outfit? Lark.
  17. no opinion here. just trying to form one. from what i gathered from the article, the troubles started when the mexicans changed the rules and for whatever reason, gates and his friend were ignorant of it. can't really see where the lacey act stuff even applies. it ain't like they tried to decieve anyone. it wasn't an endangered species. it appears they tried to satisfy all the rules. i mean it's pretty apparent that someone (either the feds or the mexicans) feels they broke the law, but i sure don't see any intent to break the law. looks to me like if the mexicans were serious about bringing american $$$ down there they would devise a plan that was a lot less confusing than what they have now. man, i got a headache just reading what i read last night. can't imagine what it'd be like to actually have to try and get all the "papers" that you have to get to shoot a deer and bring it back. also sounds like whoever his outfitter was really screwed em over too. and the feds? who the heck knows what those guys are thinking. they purposely draft laws and policy that are so confusing that no one but them can explain it. they also have a lot of rules that crossover each other some and that really muddies things up. like i say, don't have a real desire to hunt in mexico or fish anywhere but in the ocean. heard too many horror stories about it. just wondering what really happened. the article was sorta vague it seemed. Lark.
  18. .270

    Brand new

    does anybody make a trail camera that has a sattlelite uplink so i can sit at home and watch it on the tv? all that walkin' back and gettin' the camera and then goin' back again and again is too much work for us lazy guys. they need to have a channel on the dish network that is all trail cameras, all the time. i think i'm gonna set one up by the moon valley nudist camp. Lark.
  19. .270

    Record Book Withdrawals

    25-06, it's like the old sayin' about rasslin' with a pig. after awhile, if you ain't too dumb, you realize the pig likes it. adhd and lopemule ain't figgerd that out yet. Lark.
  20. .270

    New way of hunting discovered!!!!

    many years ago when 3-wheelers were the deal, i was doing my best to bowhunt deer in the woods. sneakin' along slow, wind in my face, in a good area. started hearing an odd noise and after awhile, saw a bush puttin' toward me. some guy had tied limbs and junk all over his noisy, smokin' 3-wheeler and was puttin' over logs and around trees and stuff. he bounced right by me and never even saw me. felt like bluntin' him. had his bow up on a rack where he could get to it real easy. what a joke. what got me is that it looked like he was gettin' the heck beat out o' him on that no suspension junker. quads have there place. like in camp until you need some help tuggin' an elk out. or to run up a real rough road early in the morning and then hunt from there or something. they don't do a lot of damage to terrain in most cases, but it ain't huntin' and it is plum lazy to try and hunt from one. i agree with the shoe leather way of thinkin'. until i get too old to move, then maybe i'll get a quad. Lark.
  21. .270

    Limited op hunts

    never mind, i was thinking of the depredation hunts. can't think of more than about 1 thing at a time anymore. sorry, Lark.
  22. .270

    Limited op hunts

    has anyone here ever been called for one o' these? we applied awhile back, but none of our bunch has had their number dialed. how does it work, excatly? does the warden go with you and tell you what to shoot? just wonderin', Lark.
  23. .270

    Record Book Withdrawals

    did somebody say somethin' or was is just a huge suckin' sound? blah blah blah blah blah..................... guess you're the kinda guy that thinks everyones opinion's are fine as long as they're the same as yours. so you're guessin' i'm Kirt? that's funny, tell me another one. 10,000 comedians outta work and you're tellin' jokes for free. next time i talk to him i'll tell him that. he'll get a laugh out of it too. related? nope, wrong again, dueling banjo picker. but i'm guessin' you're real closely related your family. close friend? nah, good friend maybe. seldom see him. the only person i have to convince is me. and i did that years ago. i get along with myself pretty well too. you oughta try it. and i ain't "claimin'" nothin'. it's the truth. something you have a hard time with. like you have a hard time with science, photos, first hand testimony, etc. live in stupidity. go ahead. i-don't-care. look at your "mounts" and tell yourself how smart ya are. "educated scientist"!?! that's a hoot. surveyors are scientists? probly rich, 10 feet tall, good lookin' and bullet proof too. this ain't worth the effort. see ya'll in the funny papers....... Lark, aka Kirt Darner..........
  24. .270

    American Hunter/USO/Taulman

    crap, you mean i gotta drop outta the NRA now? i will if they keep this up. Lark.
  25. .270

    Record Book Withdrawals

    well, Kirt ain't my hero. he ain't a god to me. never was. i've never even bought or read one o' his books. i have my own way of hunting that works real well. and why do you keep saying he "sold out"? don't understand that one. you think because he was raised up poor that he's a sell out? so he made some money of a marketable skill. who cares? sounds like a lotta jealousy goin' on here to me. he's a guy i know and converse with on occasion. but he did get screwed over by b&c. no 2 ways about it. you believe whatever kinda BS you want. i'll believe facts. and i'll say it again. the man who is the man with c-14, and i might add that he knows a lot more about this stuff than we do, says no way Kirt's buck came from the 40's and that it died in the 70's. Duard Sanford, who is the last guy listed as the rack in questions owner and a man i knew well, told me the rack had been smashed and repaired. Kirt's hasn't. and Kirt has photos of his deer. the 2 bucks are real similar, but they aren't the same. how did it get wider and grow more points? 'splain that one. and i refuse to believe that the child molester that started all this crap did it because he was a good citizen. he did it because he was jealous and a lousy hunter that couldn't shoot anything without a guide. you guys seem to want to inject a buncha rumor and inuendo about other situations into this. go ahead. i'm talking about one deer. nothing else. and i'll say it again, if it went to court, who would win? which direction does the evidence lean? take all your loyal friend crap and flush it. the b&c is a rich boy's country club that has a history of harming folks that won't march to their drum. all they have to do is cause a little doubt somewhere and a guy gets ruined. when their book is full of bogus garbage shot by the worst examples of "sportsmen" there is. screw em. so sit around and look at all your mounts and plan your next taxidermy bill. i'll just keep stackin' racks in the barn and fillin' my freezer. and knowin' that Kirt's buck is his. Lark.