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Everything posted by .270

  1. is this all there is to the bill? any specifics? heard that nevada was going to outlaw guiding all together. that's a kick in the gonads to a bunch o' guys. one thing that has kinda got me wondering is the deafening silence from other guide and outfitter services on this whole subject, especially those based in Az. i kinda suspect that maybe their might be some silent support for uso's side, because they know it could increase their revenue (the other outfitters), too. something tells me that if nevada succeeds, and outlaws guiding, that there might be an increase in vocalization. anyway, at least nevada ain't sittin' on their hands like Az. did. the best defense is a good offense. Lark.
  2. rembrant, just 2 yards spooked ya? ain't ya ever went elk tippin'? when i used to bowhunt a lot, i was such a bad shot that i had to get within 2 yards to hit em. and what's this "Lark story" stuff? i only tell the truth, as i remember it. once i shot an elk with my bow that was so close when he whistled, snot was landing on my glasses. true story. poked a hole in him and as he ran off he stepped on my buddy, willie, who was laying on the ground a few yards away, cow calling. hunt elk in the rut enough, and you will have some scary stuff happen. i have a buncha stories about that. Lark.
  3. .270

    Big dead elk

    2 years ago i found a dead bull in u1. hadn't been too long. couple weeks. the way things looked, i sorta thought it was shot during a cow hunt or maybe by a depressed deer hunter. definitely was fresher than the archery or early rifle bull season. i'd heard that the g&f made some new rules about picking up heads. had a cell phone and it would work from where i was so i called. they told me the rule was that if it still had hair on it, you couldn't pick it up. ran into the only game warden that will still talk to me, later that day and told him about it. he told me to go cut the horns off and don't worry about it, so i did. just a mediocre 6x6, but i like horns. if what they said is the rule, then this bull looks like it would be ok to pick up. unless you call the leftover velvet hair. Lark.
  4. .270

    23 coues

    hey rembrant, they don't know you're funnin'. Lark.
  5. .270

    stinkin' %$%^E# azgfd

    we got taulmaned, now dat's funny. i sent an email to the DBSS and a guy named mcasland answered. which sorta suprised me. most "societies" that i've been around don't seem to have time for stuff. anyway, he went to great lengths to explain what happened. said the azgfd's sollution was to eliminate all limits on bighorn permits and open it up like they did elk and deer north of the colorado. he felt that if they were allowed to do this that maybe as many as 50% of the sheep permits would go to nonresidents. i assume because of the hunter pools saturating the applications. there aren't a lot of folks that apply for sheep period. for whatever reason, not a whole bunch of residents even apply. so it wouldn't be hard for the nonresident to get the biggest piece o' the sheep pie. so all you guys need to apply for sheep every year. really. you get the money back. i've been doing it for about 30 years. it's easy. even if you don't have a clue what to do when you get a permit. i'm sure you can figger it out. they're sheep, for cryin' out loud. he didn't come right out and say it, but i derived from the email, that the DBSS had a lot to do with the 15% limit. he didn't explain why they set aside 15% just for nonresidents, instead of just a limit up to 15% and letting the luck of the draw decide on what the final number is each year. nobody seems to want to touch that. but the whole thing boiled down to the azgfd being afraid of uso. he didn't do anything like blame shroufe or the commissioners, like i like to. but it seemed pretty plain that's what he meant. anyway, i was impressed that he even answered my rant, and was more impressed that i ain't the only guy that feels that way. guess if a guy really gives a dern, he ought join the DBSS. think i will. looks like maybe they did do us some good. even if i didn't get an answer on guaranteeing nonresidents 15% of the permits. maybe he forgot to address it. that's the part that really gets my hump up. guaranteeing these guys 15% of the permits. and you know that uso clients will get the majority of those hunters. and then they will contract out to Az. resident guides. etc. i know that 15% of the permits is only a handfull of tags, but it sure gripes me to know that nonresidents are guaranteed a piece o' the pie every year. it's a sorry state of affairs. just remember this, vote for whoever runs against napalitano. she hasn't got to appoint any commission members yet, i don't think. but if she gets another term, they will all be her appointees by the time her 2nd term is up and they will all do her bidding. hunt hard dudes, and vote. Lark.
  6. i can't believe these stupid dang idiots did what they did. check this out. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/s...iggame1014.html they actually went through with it. bighorns were not even part of the uso &^%$ lawsuit but our jackass commission just took at least 5% more of our bighorn permits away. now there are going to be 15% of the bighorn permits guaranteed to go to nonresidents. i bet taulman and his lawyers are laughing there asses off. as it was, no more than 10% could go to non residents. it was very seldom that 10% of them did go to nonresidents. it was the luck of the draw. now they're guaranteed 15%!!!! i feel groin kicked. i can think of a place i'd like to see the chechenian terrorists hit. this is pure BS brought on by a buncha chickenlivered, spineless creeps, i.e. shroufe and his puppet commission. this makes me sick. Lark.
  7. 38? naw, that won't even qualify as a marshmallow roaster. you've still got a lot o' easy years ahead. happy birthday. Lark.
  8. .270

    how stron are genetics

    genetics play a big part in everything. coues deer are subject to the "sky island" syndrome, like a lot of other SE AZ. animals. their ranges don't cross with other coues and each mt. range sort of develops it's own little subspecies of coues. as well as amphibians, rodents, mollusks, etc. just about everything that can't cross ranges with other animals similar to them. that's why there are so many different little patches of "endangered" species in the southwest and northern mexico. they find these populations of an animal that is minutely different from other real similar animals and then find that it only lives in one creek or on one hillside and all the sudden it's "endangered". even tho it's been getting along fine for eons, right where it's at all by itself. it's real common for the coues deer in a certain area to have similar antler traits and so on, because they don't get much fresh blood in the gene pool. sort of like the ol' movie "deliverance". i've never seen any banjo pickin' whitetail, but i've sure been able to see where they look a lot alike. besides, take a look at bullwidgeon. he swears it's been several generations, but you can still see the squirrell monkey in him. Lark.
  9. hey couse addict, stay away from me. you sound dangerous. you should know to always have your wife dump the gas into the carbonator. after all, she shoulda been the last one to rebuild it anyway. sheesh, these californy guys. you probly don't even make her clean fish niether. Lark.
  10. .270

    Grunt call for Eastern Whitetails

    ethics? what's that? ya killed him didn't ya? personally, i like a straight on shot, with a bow or rifle. as long as the range is reasonable. hit the hollow spot where the windpipe goes into the ribs. arrow disappears inside em. with a rifle, it doesn't matter. ethics are just opinions. whatever works, works. the only unethical shot would be an on purpose gut shot. and nobody is gonna do that. and what is "blaating"? all this talk about gruntin' and blaatin' sounds like the last time we had chili durin' quail season. one thing that intrigues me about grunt calls, is in all the whitetail shows on tv, it never shows a buck grunting. i've never seen one where it has an actual buck recorded grunting.
  11. how'd ya guess treestand? me and my cousin gary, he's the one that drools a little and has the wierd eye, we got our butts thoroughly kicked by a wounded 4x4 mule deer once. i've had a couple bowshot bulls come at me. had to fight a bear over my fish at blackriver once. got swatted by a bobcat when i was a kid. he just happened to be hidin' under the rock i stood on. it slid down the hill a bit and was squarshin' him. he reched up and popped me on the ankle to let me know he was tired of it. sacred me so bad it caused me to flunk 6th grade. again. i heard a good story this weekend. a guy was pronghorn hunting in wyoming a couple weeks ago. shot a nice goat and was tuggin' it to the truck. he said, dang, this thing is gettin' heavier. he turned to see what the deal was and it was standin' up pullin' agin him. finished it off with knife. and besides, how can you ever get attacked by anything while you're loungin' in a tree? Lark.
  12. the key word is "gentleman". ain't nobody ever cornfused me with one o' them wierdos.
  13. so Amanda, how old are ya? my last birthday, when the kids lit the candles, the smoke alarms went off. once we had a birthday party for my mother in law while we were campin' out. i told her to blow out the campfire, because it would be easier than all them candles and besides we were afraid o' the forest circus showin' up to put out the cake. Lark.
  14. .270

    stinkin' %$%^E# azgfd

    fatfoot, you got a boy about 14 or so, that's strong and can work around the house? and maybe be a decent hi school football player? i'll spot ya the price of an Az. nonres elk tag for him. we feed good too. all my lawnmowers grood up and left. this workin' is killin' me. bullwidgeon, i talked with the director of the draw or some deal. he told me that wasn't what happened. said that was bad info. i'm thinkin' you're tellin' the truth and he's a stinkin' liar. i really wish i'da writ his name down so i'd have a place to start. i could kinda tell when i talked to him that he didn't want to talk to me about this subject. and you're right, we can no longer trust the commission we have or shroufe. there has to be a change. everyone needs to go to the next public meeting and raise heck. then need to know that folks ar tired of playing along with their protocol and are ready to rebel. like malcolm x said, by whatever means neccessary. Lark.
  15. .270

    Grunt call for Eastern Whitetails

    the most suitable time will be on the plane trip back there. whenever you want a coke, grunt that tube. i guarantee it will work. remember Jim Varney? better known as Ernest. he did a deal on buckmasters about a grunt call that was one o' the funniest things i've ever seen. laughed til i cried. good luck on the hunt, but i ain't got a clue about grunt calls. i know i see em use em on them whitetail shows all the time and the deer doesn't even pay any attention to it. all they care about is the cornflinger. Lark.
  16. .270

    stinkin' %$%^E# azgfd

    i will. but i don't think you can call this letter advice. more the rants of a madman. you just got lucky this year,111. sending them advice didn't have anything to do with it. they don't even listen to their own bioligists. i'm rebuilding an old horsetrailer right now. gonna make one just like i've always wanted. sturdy and set up to carry all my junk. anyway, it needs repainting real bad, but i probly won't get to that till this winter sometime. too much to do now to get ready for november. i'm gonna paint a couple places at the top of tail gates white and in one i'm gonna write taulman and in the other either griz or shroufe, ain't decided yet. then there's gonna be an arrow pointing to the top of the tailgate. where you'll see a horses @$$. so if you see dirty red gmc with an ugly horsetrailer that has that on the back, wave. and use all your fingers. what's with the one finger deal i usually get anyway? Lark.
  17. .270

    stinkin' %$%^E# azgfd

    yeah, that's all the world needs is a bunch more "me's". hotheaded, ignernt, dimwitted, uneducated. but i am good lookin' and passionate about what interests me. well, i'm headed to the post office to mail off some letters that will probably get me put on the bottom of the back page of the blacklist for folks that ain't never gonna get drawn again in Az. i included my usual rants and raves about how shroufe and all the commissioners should resign and let some folks with some brains and backbone, and who have no political affiliation, take over. sent a note to the desert sheep society to see if they had an opinion on this, but haven't heard back. maybe i'll wait to hear from them to send these letters. also included a copy of the uso press release where boy george declares that there won't be any nonres quotas for sheep. thanks for that resend diablo. sure seems to tie things together. in all the other things that they are going to change, they included at least a small explanation of why they wanted to do it. the sheep change just says they are gonna change it and offers no explanation. i really think they are trying to hide something. i'm firmly convinced these guys are liars. i know the guy that i talked to some weeks back about the goof on the nonres's getting 20% of the sheep permits is a liar. he flat out lied to me. stinkin' pig. are there any game wardens that cruise this site? if so, pipe up. quit bein' sissies. stand up and take your knocks for supporting this crap. well, your odds are all gonna go up next year, because my applications probably won't be accepted. later, Lark.
  18. .270

    stinkin' %$%^E# azgfd

    i called the game and fish and pinned down some drawing coordinator and he told me that the 20% deal wasn't right. said less than 10% the permits went to nonresidents. where did you hear this 20% deal brett? i'm in the process of sending a smoker of a letter to the commission and shroufey boy and if what you say is really what happened, then i got lied to. and, 15% maybe better than 20%, but it is half again more than 10% and i don't give a %$#@ why they're doing it. only thing i care about is that they are. sorry dogs. i'd almost bet this is some sort of a payoff to taulman. my letter even asks that. "hey george ol' buddy if you don't sue us anymore, we'll give ya some sheeptags". Lark.
  19. i can talk fairly fluent mexican. i'm thinkin' if i run into some fellers trompin' in the desert with dark skin and not hunting, if they can't answer what i ask em in mexican, well a guy might just hafta shoot em. no sense in takin' any chances. 'course if they are terrorists they'll probably packin' too, so it might get interesting. crap, this is all we need, a terrorist alert for deer season. it's bad enough that they blow up schools and sky scrapers and cause thousands of deaths and billion$ in losses. but if they screw up deer season, well that's just goin' too far. gonna have to do some walker texas ranger on em. Lark.
  20. does anyone have anymore news about that? it was sort of a popular topic for awhile and then sorta fizzled. was there ever an arrest or even a suspect? never heard anymore about it after those first couple of news stories. i'm thinkin' maybe i need to make another scabbard for deer season. one for something full automatic with maybe a grenade launcher under the barrel. this illegal alien/terrorist crap is startin' to piss me off. if it gets to where a guy has to look over his shoulder as much as he has to look for deer it's gonna get me in a bad mood. toss in a few uso guides and this oughta be a real interesting season. guess maybe a guy oughta pack a little foldup army shovel too. Lark.
  21. what are the chicken livered creeps gonna do here? take over another school and terrorize some more little kids. these guys are worse than the arabs. i really hope i run into a buncha outta place looking guys with backpacks on. show em a little Arizona hospitality. dang, what a buncha sissies. that's all we need. maybe they'll show some spine and blow up napalitano. this is crappy news. Lark.
  22. i got my chd, i mean javelina, app. in. goin' after the b&c world record this year.
  23. .270

    draw length and weight for kids

    i'd go to walmart or someplace like it and see what kinda cheap compound they have for a starter. i'm thinking if you get em one with sights and a release and stuff that you'll just confuse em. remember the ol' "bionic ben"? got my oldest son one when he was just a tike. still have it over 20 years later. he shot the heck outta everthing with it. my youngest boy got a walmart special when he was real small too and shot all kindsa stuff with it. shot a squirrel within hours after he got it. i'd say start out real simple and let em fling arrows all over the place. get em some blunts and don't let em shoot anything pointy, unsupervised. i used to put blunts on and then tape maybe a rag or something over that too. it made a big ugly looking head on it, but no one ever got hurt by one. you'll be suprised at how good a little kid can get once he gets used to his bow. at things inside their realistic range, they'll outshoot you. really. Lark.
  24. .270

    Coues Whitetail .Com Record book

    i won't enter anything in it, in protest. don't know in protest o' what, but i'll think o' somethin'. besides, if it has a minimum score above 60, i'll hafta get another deer. only good coues i ever got i broke the skull plate on last spring. actually, i'm funnin'. this is a cool idear. i record book that is actually a "record" book. a record of the deer that folks on this site have taken. not a "record" in the sense of world records or in the sense of bragging. just a record of this neat little deer. a journal. oh yeah, i personally have no problem with a guy having his name next to his buck. in fact, feel it is important. my main beef with how b&c keeps records is that they won't enter an animal taken illegally and seem to have their own sense of truth. it deserves to be in the book, just don't enter the jerks name that shot it. i think you guys are on to something. good thinkin'. best run it by cwd, tho. i'm sure he'll think of somethin' negative about it. Lark.
  25. .270

    Bye Bye 9th District Court?

    i hope you're right treestand, but there is a bunch of usfws guys and huggers that want to try it. it was pretty close to happening when clinton was in office. really. Lark.