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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    gona spend some cash

    sounds like a good choice. after tinkering with my kid's wsm, i'm convinced the .270wsm is a real good cartridge and it's pretty much accepted that a kimber is a fine rifle. a bit 'spensive, but that's ok too. is it the model that is based on the pre 64 model 70? if so, then even better. i really like them ol' winchesters. just remember one thing. just because they call something a magnum doesn't automatically make it an elephant rifle. magnum is actually a size of wine bottle, if ya didn't already know that. the word magnum is the worst use of a term i've ever known. every new cartidge is called a magnum. they call the new .17 cal hornady rimfire a magnum. if you're gonna shoot big bullets, get a gun with a big bore. anything over 150 or 154 gr in a .270 or 7mm is useless. bullets are just too long to have much performance. too much barrel drag and too much pressure to get flat shooting velocity. if you feel you need a 165 or 180 gr, get a .30 cal. if you need a 200 gr or larger, go with a .338, etc. i think that the .270 is a very fine caliber, within it's own realm of efficiency. and almost any modern (in the last 75years) centerfire is about equal in trajectory out to 350-400 yards. where the hotrods really shine is after 400. and you best be marksman enough to hit at those ranges to take advantage of the extra range. just because the rifle will do it, doesn't mean you can. the weak link in shooting is always the shooter. just about any rifle is capable of shooting pretty good. Lark.
  2. i wish somebody would steal my truck. i need a new one. too bad Amanda. it's a sad deal when you can't feel good about leaving a vehicle for awhile. or anything else. maybe we oughta declare war on mexico again and if we win, they hafta take back tucson. Lark.
  3. .270

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    i still bet you try it when nobody's lookin'. Lark.
  4. .270


    you only get to be young once. don't waste it. don't be stupid. but be young. Lark.
  5. .270

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    it works on either dead or live pigs. ya hafta make a full seal contact with your lips right on their snout tho, for it to work properly. Lark.
  6. .270

    Javelina deaths

    says pets might get sick from contact with their droppings. good thing pigs ain't got no thumbs. they'd be chuckin' "droppings" like monkeys at the zoo when they see bullwidgeon. i'm thinkin' is a roswell type alien deal. space ships have been around a lot lately. ok, ok, i'm jokin'. i ain't seen a spaceship for awhile now. is the article sayin' they get it from undercooked chicken? Lark.
  7. .270

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    hey bullwidgeon, if you blow in a pigs nose it raises up their little ears and from that you can make a real good guess at their age. next time you shoot one, try it and tell me what it's little ears do and i'll tell ya how old it is. Lark.
  8. .270


    i think all o' you wierdos oughta go campin' together. i'm gonna dye my hair and go to havasu and hunt fer sheds and foxes. Lark.
  9. .270


    ok everbody, kwp needs a girlfriend now. anybody got one o' them mail order bride catalogs? yer too serious kwp. man, here's the way i see it. now, i can go to havasu or rocky point and wade in bikinis (or half bikinis) and foxes and go water skiin' and get in fights and all that stuff. or i can go camp in a tent, get rained on, eat beans and hunt fer horns n' coyotes. heck, now that i look at it, it is a hard choice. Lark.
  10. .270


    ok, in that case you can go huntin'. don't tell nobody i told ya to go to havasu or rocky point. i don't need arrested fer contributin' to the dee-linquincy of a minor. Lark.
  11. .270


    hey younghunter, you need to get a girlfriend. a college kid thinkin' o' shed and coyote hunting in spring break seems sorta too serious. take it from me, go to havasu or rocky point for spring break. there'll be lotsa sheds there. girls sheddin' bikins anyway. there will be lots more chances to go huntin', but you only get to be a ignernt kid once. Lark.
  12. it is about dang time. how long does it take to see this guy is nuts and will trash anything to get what he wants? i really and truly hope he goes to prison. he'll buy his way out somehow, he always does, but i sure hope he sees some can time. if it weren't for a few "goat assassins" like out buddy bullwidgeon, this could have been even more devastating. what'll hang him is dozing the indian ruins. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/n...5johnson15.html
  13. .270

    it's about time!

    too bad the charges aren't criminal, because that sob is. what if a guy poached 21 bighorns? be well over $100k just for that. goddard is a puss. plain and simple. he's afraid of johnson, just like he is his own shadow. an AG with some backbone would have charged him with criminal stuff. look what happens to pot hunters. prison. but he can take a bulldozer and destroy ruins and just pay a fine? goddard needs to hear about this. what a punk. Lark.
  14. .270


    what's everbody think about all this rain? my little pasture is so wet i had to buy a lifejacket for my horse. his feet are so soft from bein' in the wet that they're like trimmin' a bar o' soap. my neighbors ducks like it. they have a half acre pond to swim in. i've had right at 10" of rain at my house since Christmas. got 3 1/2" since last thursday evening. had to pump down the cement pond so's it wouldn't run over. the filleree and other good plants are thicker than they've been in years, out in the wild. oughta be a red letter year for poppies and all the other wild flowers. dang, if we can get a little rain this summer, it oughta be a heck of a quail season for a change and antlers should really be something next year. maybe a few records will be busted with all them fat horns that the deer and elk will have. the lakes are fillin' up and the fishin' oughta be great. the little queen creek wash by my house is runnin' a heck of a stream. putted on over to the gila by florence yesterday and it has a big buncha water in it too. that's all just san pedro and aravaipa water too, coolidge dam is catchin' everything up above that. roosevelt should pass the old highwater mark today. they still say it's only like 55% full, because they raised the dam way up, but by this afternoon it oughta have more water than it's ever held in history. it's probly gonna mess up pig season some, but the way i see it, it even lessens the chances o' gittin' one and that's a good thing. they'll be so fulla green that it'll be a real barf-o-rama if you hafta gut one. pray fer rain boys, it ain't never rained too much here. yeeeeehaaaaaa, Arizona is green fer a change. i've always been a little webfooted, so it don't bother me none. Lark.
  15. .270

    Fed up

    that's sorta my opinion too, but apparantly it ain't the opinion of the folks that live in the states that allow and foster that kinda stuff. if it's legal there, it's ok with me. but don't expect me to think it's cool. that's why i say ethics is just someone else trying to force their opinion on others. we can't get into legislating ethics. what about anti hunters "ethics"? they think everthing we do is bad. if folks wanna hunt the lazy way, that's ok. it's legal, so it' ok. i don't hafta like it or wanna do it, but it's ok if others want to. but it doesn't do our sport any good and their ain't nothin' like being on the ground matching wits with a buck. don't see how waiting for a hungry one to come to corn is much of a sport. Lark.
  16. .270

    Fed up

    i ain't gonna get into "ethics". that's a crummy word to me. it's just a fancy word for opinion. to me, if it's legal, it's "ethical". may not be to sporting, may not be my preference, but it's "ethical". when you do things, like have been listed here, you're playing to animals' weaknesses. heck, if you get to use your strongest points against any oppenents weakness, you've got a real advantage. that's why you can't hunt at night, or from aircraft or boats underpower, etc. if you're out on the ground, it's you vs. your quarry. they usually have the advantage in sight, hearing, smell, speed, strength, etc. you have the advantage in your ability to reason and having opposable thumbs so's you can hang onto a rifle or a bow and shoot it. and have the advantage of a lot of technology. it wasn't too many years ago that the only animal you could bait, in any way, in Az., was a bear. from the way the laws were written, even scents like urine, etc. were probably illegal for anything but bear. you could use scent for trapping, but i ain't talkin' traps. now it's just the opposite, you can bait about anything, but bears. you can put out salt or feed or any of the other commercially produced things that are designed to attract game and it's ok. there ain't a lot of it goes on on a big scale, but it's legal. heck, it'd be like tryin' bait in bullwidgeon with barry manilow music. when ya know it's gonna work, it just ain't sportin'. Lark.
  17. readin' all these stories makes me glad i mostly hunt alone. Lark.
  18. .270

    Fed up

    i just think all that crap is bad for hunting. anti's have us all painted as uneducated redneck hicks and then these 'tards just validate what they say. game farms, hi fences, selective breeding, food plots, "senderos" (texan for road you dump the corn in), permanent stands, shooting houses, etc., etc., just really cheap up huntin'. get out on the ground. learn about your quarry and where they live and learn about everything else that lives there with em. it's a lot o' fun. cornflinger boys don't know what they're missin'. except teeth, that is. Lark.
  19. .270

    Fed up

    sitting over a cornflinger in a planted "foodplot" with buckets of other massproduced junk dripping stuff, inside of a high fence, waiting to shoot a pen raised, artificial insemination produced animal, ain't the same as sittin' on a waterhole in the middle o' nowwhere. i know we oughta all stick together, but dang, i don't see how you can call some o' the stuff you see on the tv, huntin'. to me, it just gives anti's ammo to hammer all of us with. i saw one the other day where a little kid, like 5 years old, was gonna shoot a deer from a tree stand. his dad aimed the rifle and pretty much held it in place (the deer couldn't have been 10 yards away) while the kid put his shoulder against the stock and pulled the trigger. he wasn't even lookin' through the scope. it was disgusting. and they're all just a 30 minute commercial. about the only show i like anymore is best of the west. if i am killing a little time watching a huntin' show, if the camera is ever in front of the hunters while they're "play sneakin'" or any other form of blatant re-enactment takes place, i go do something else. Lark.
  20. .270

    winchester silver tips

    are you talkin' silvertips or the new "balistic" deals? the old silvertips are great bullets. shot my first buck with one out o' my ol' .30/30 a lotta years ago. actually i shot him with several of em, but you know what i mean. the silvertip is one of the first controlled expansion bullets. they have a big exposed lead alloy tip that is harder than the pure lead body. it sorta drives back into the bullet, causing it to expand quickly. they're good bullets. i bought some a couple years ago for my kids to shoot outta their .270's for deer. work fine. my reloads don't work well in their rugers, so i just let em use factory loads so they're easy to tell apart. Lark.
  21. .270

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    this is the max it can go to over 10 years. from what i've read, probly no change this year. personally, i've felt that the real good deer and elk permits have been way underpriced for a long time. the foot dr. probly won't agree. the better elk hunts in new mex have been $750 for years. and there ain't a unit or hunt in the whole state that i'd rather have than even a late bull tag in the white mt's. in Az. $3200 is kinda steep, but if you don't get drawn, you get the money back and if you do get drawn you have a heck of a permit in your pocket. it's gonna be a hard deal on some and i sincerely hope that not one person doesn't apply because of the cost. i know a lot of folks from fairly humble financial status that really look forward to deer season and it'll be a cryin' shame if they don't apply. but by far, most of the folks i know will bite the bullet and ante up, hoping for that good permit. i know i will. glad my kids'r growed tho. might all o' hadta growed up with no shoes and crooked teeth so pops could hunt. save up a little and go huntin'. it's still cheaper than gamblin' or drinkin' or hotrods or any other manly pursuits. Lark.
  22. .270

    CWD in Az.

    ok, so the way i read it, the outdoor writer is the only with an opinion that counts? all the rest o' the world is just a buncha rumor mongers. is that the way it is? i guess all the stuff i wrote about not really knowing how Jake got sick was overlooked. Jake got sick, he died. he felt like he got sick after dealing with a sick elk. that's fact. maybe he got it from an elk, maybe he didn't. nobody, not even outdoor writer, can say for sure. but he felt he did. cjd and cwd are nearly identical in all aspects, except know one really knows how you get it. i've always felt like cwd is something cyclic that just sorta bounces around like so many other unexplainable things in nature. i also now know, that the azgfd knew that there may be a problem and didn't bother to say a dang thing to the public about it. and it doesn't suprise me. i won't quit hunting over the deal. if i caught the crap and croaked it'd probably be justice, seein' as how many hundreds and hundreds of elk and deer i've put under, or at least helped on. i've read a bunch on this stuff in the past few days and one thing comes to the forefront, nobody really knows a lot about how this stuff occurs. to say it "never" occurs in certain ways or acts this way or that is real poor information, because nobody really knows. Jake went under, he was 66, it's a bad deal. those close to him will miss him. last time i saw him was during the late elk in Az. if he's right, then about the same time he got sick. i don't see any rumor in anything i just wrote. slingin' acussations back and forth doesn't help anything. saying that somebody is just spreading rumor, when i don't really see it that way, doesn't either. did any one person know that there may be a problem before i said anything? whatever. it's too bad all the way around. too bad the animals get sick. too bad Jake died. too bad some folks think that other folks shouldn't have an opinon. i'm done. Lark.
  23. one thing that i always look at it in this deal is that there were over 400, yes four hundred, people who had negative run-ins with pogue and elms who were willing to testify in this case. the other guys that pogue worked with had a hard time saying anything nice about the guy. what i keep saying is that if these guys didn't have such a history, dallas would have been convicted of first degree murder. they got put on trial. that's the way a good defense lawyer works. look at the oj deal. he was guilty as heck. everyone knew it, even the jurors. but the "dream team" was able to dig up enough dirt on the lapd that they got him off with manslaughter. they put the cops on trial. and sadly there were so many skeletons in the closet that the cops lost. same deal here. if pogue and elms were lily white and well liked, dallas wouldn't have had a chance. if they knew they were dealing with such a badass, they shoulda shook him down a little better and found the other gun. they made so many bad decisions in this deal that it ain't funny. there some real dumb things done after his arrest too. like letting one of the dead warden's brothers into his cell to pound on him for awhile and things like that. that didn't help the case any either. anytime any cop doesn't follow the rules, the case is gonna suffer. all it takes is "reasonable doubt". dallas wasn't some criminal mastermind. he ain't a genius. just a small time crook who got the drop on a couple guys who were used to pushing people around. all the crap about him being some super mt man and how his "way of life" was being threatened was bs. he was breakin' the law and got called on it. but the guys that called him on it made so many mistakes and acted so unprofessionally down in that canyon and in the years before that, that the entire thing turned into a joke. dallas probly deserves a dirt nap, but didn't get it because of past discretions by the wardens. Lark.
  24. well, finally a little dialogue with some thought to it. a little emotion too. i don't think you can lump claude dallas in with ruby ridge or waco. there appears to be some real "conspiracy" involved in both those cases. i think claude was a dumbass who didn't have any respect for laws, private property, other peoples opinions, etc. he was a nasty poacher. poaching whatever he saw all the way into canada and back. he was also a draft dodger and just basic nonconformist. now i'm a nonconformist too, for the most part, but still see the need for laws and rules. the 2 game wardens, especially pogue, were boss hog, "you in a heap o' trouble boy", power crazy, little weener/big gun syndrome jerks who'd been doing exactly what they wanted for a long time, with no one reining em back. they were doing their job and would have been remiss if they didn't check on the reports about dallas. but if they'd handled it just a little bit differently, probably nothing would have happened. when 2 sides met, it was like dumping sulphuric acid and water together. heck of mess. i think if both sides were more reasonable and weren't complete jackasses, this never woulda happened. Lark.
  25. .270

    CWD in Az.

    for some reason i sorta feel like outdoor writer thinks i'm spreading rumor. i know this much. Jake is dead. he felt that he got sick from a sick elk. he wasn't a scientist or a dr either. but he felt like he got sick after dealing with the elk. he didn't have any way of knowing, but that was his opinion. now i know that the azgfd did at least some investigation of it and didn't say a dang thing to the public. i also know that for years the "authorities" said there was no way that madcow could be transfered to people. eat all ya want. it can't hurt ya. well, they changed that story too, when folks started croakin' from it. i also know that canada beef folks are about to go broke because they've found madcow in their beef. i also know that there is some real worry about a link between cjd and cwd, in scientific circles. cwd is one of the several other diseases that are called "variants" of CJD. so don't say they are totally different diseases. they are one and the same, as far as what they do to animals and people who get it. only real difference is that maybe they are transmitted or occur in different ways. maybe. still a great deal of speculation there. they haven't found a direct link, yet, but they basically all do the same thing, they're just not sure exaclty how you get it or if it starts the same way in all the variants. they are pretty much the same disease, they just don't know if they all get started the same way. if you go to any of the different CJD websites (at least the ones that aren't anti-meat websites disguised as cjd websites, talk about conspriacy theories!) they list CJD, CWD, etc as all the same thing, just different variants. "prions" are spooky. in fact, they scare the heck outta scientists. they've subjected prions to tremendous heat, like in excess of 10,000 degrees, and it still won't kill em. most bacteria is killed by boiling it. 212f degrees. bleach, poison, antibiotics, etc. won't touch em. they're just there and they ain't goin' away. but most scientists feel like there is some link between the different variants. they just ain't found it yet. took a long time to even isolate madcow. biggest problem is that they were looking for a bacteria, instead it was this "prion" crap. i'm really suprised that the azgfd had a position and an answer, but didn't feel like they should broadcast it. in fact, no i ain't suprised. i'm sorta done being suprised with the azgfd. however Jake caught this crap, the azgfd didn't do it. but i hafta feel like maybe they're not being real good stewards by keeping quiet on it. one other thing, if there is no link between cwd, cjd, etc. and humans, then why is there a tremendous effort to keep track of it. why worry about it? why is beef industry and a buncha scientists scared as heck of this stuff? i don't see black helicopters. don't put much weight in conspiracy talk. but i think the azgfd could do a lot better in this situation than they have. too bad Jake died. he was a hunter and a tough sob. has family and pals will miss him. but it sure seems to me there should have been at least little dialogue and information from the authorities on this subject. a little info from them could save a lot of "rumors and hearsay". Lark.