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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    anyone else having this?

    i have a hard time keepin' my mind on anything. especially.........wait, what were we talkin' about? man, what stinks? dangit, not again.........Lark.
  2. i think sci even recognizes reproduced racks too. they also recognize uso as the good guys and that pretty much says it all too me. those are nice bulls. huge bulls. but they're pen raised and atrificial. with all the misgivings i have with b&c and their rich boy country club attitude, they're way above sci in integrity. in other words they don't lie, cheat and steal as much as sci. to be an official sci scorer it takes a 1 hour class at an sci convention. whatever, big bulls, but they just as well be made outta plastic resin, because they're phony. Lark.
  3. .270

    Unit 28 Bull

    glad you found a couple dead ones. i'm sick o' kickin' em outta my way in deer season. elk and them stinkin' stupid sheep. did you show em to Chris? he'll be happy to know there are a couple less elk. the azgfd really needs to do something about elk in the desert. but that is a heck of a bull. Lark.
  4. .270

    camping in elk areas

    a two tracker, heck, a couple years ago some guys pitched a camp in the middle of the main road where we were pig hunting. i mean a busy, bladed, county maintained road with signs and culverts and all o' that stuff. had the tent pegged dead center in the road and a big ol' rock ring for their fire. they got all distressed when the back bumper o' my pickup accidently hooked one o' tent awning ropes and i accidently drug their tent about 50 feet down the road. i woulda drug it further but the dang thing hung up on the VW bus they had parked in the road using as a kitchen. it was sorta funny cuz there was a guy in it for a few yards, before he could jump out. this is a true story too. they got all yanked off and made some threats then the rancher came by and ran em the heck off. oh yeah, did i mention that where it was also happened to be where the road crossed private property? some folks are just born stupid and never get any better. as far as campin' in elk country, heck, elk are everwhere. move a half mile and they'll be there. but it is stupid to drive back in the middle of a good place and set up quarters. but ya see it all the time. probly just some flatlanders out for the weekend. Lark.
  5. .270

    long long distance shooting

    mored, 1925, when winchester introduced the model 54. Lark.
  6. i'll say he scores somewheres between "DANG!" and "@#$%!!!". Lark.
  7. .270

    I got one too

    did you get a javelina and an elk? looks sorta like a javelina holdin' them horns up. did the guy who's garden ya tore up to get that thing out get mad? or is that a foodplt? Lark.
  8. .270

    long long distance shooting

    if i aint' mistaken, the reason they use the lowly .308 at them 1000 meter matches (meters is the deal now. not yards. yards ain't commie enough for the rest o' the world) is because that's the rules. most of this long range stuff is done with military rules and military ammo. the .308 is also know as the 7.65 NATO. as the .223 is known as the 5.56 NATO. 7.65 and 5.56 denoting the metric designation of the diameter. NATO means north atlantic treaty organization. another sorta U.N. outfit. they all adopted these rounds as their standards so when they got in a fight with the commies they'd all have the same ammo. that's a big reason the U.S. went to the 9mm for a sidearm and dropped the .45 acp. so they'd fit with the rest of em. at matches the ammo is usually provided. i mean folks use all kindsa different cartridges for target shooting, but there are like dozens of different classes to shoot it. but snipers and other folks all use the .308 now because it is the standard. used to the '06. know what .30/'06 means? .30 caliber, 1906 version. there is a rifle called a springfield '03/A3. it originally shot a rimmed cartridge called a .30/'03. exact same cartridge as the '06 only it had a rim like a .30/30. they changed it to rimless because it worked a lot better in a bolt action thataway. the .308 is a sawed off '06. don't know for sure why the military went to the .308, from the '06. i think it was before the NATO deal started. but anyway they did. maybe it works better in an auto. the .308 is a very accurate cartridge. velocity and all that don't mean much, because you know exactly how far you're shooting and you elevate for it. just because a gun shoots real fast don't mean the guy holding it can shoot good. it's all in the man. when you're shooting at 1000 meters and have your gun dialed in, a good shot should be able to do pretty well. the difference between the winner and the other guys is very little. as far as shooting game, do whatever ya want. i prefer getting close but have taken some animals at some rediculous ranges. farthest i even connected on a shot was 686 yds. at a running muley buck. biggest desert buck i ever shot. i was trying my best to hit him, but figured i didn't have a prayer. when he rolled over i honestly thought he musta tripped. hit him in the heart. a year later i went back with a range finder, found my brass and shot the lazer across the canyon. 686 yds. shot a coyote once that had to be close to that, but don't know for sure. anything inside o' 500 i shoot with the rifle backwards over my shoulder and sight through a mirror. don't ever sell a .308 or an '06 short. there's lotsa dead commies that did. and there's some guys like Carlos Hathcock and another guy named Mawhinney that could prove ya real wrong. Lark.
  9. as popeye would say, "Gar-shk!" Lark.
  10. .270

    what is USO

    uso is a buncha @#$$&%'s run by george taulman who is a pig?(*&@$#% and a dog@$$#&% and a *&%%$# and anyone who hunts with em is a &^%#@!. they also hate little kids and steal their candy and trip ol' ladies. and it is perfectly legal in Az. to shoot em when ya see em. Lark.
  11. .270


    a couple o' them girls need to shave. Lark.
  12. them are the darkest deer i ever seen. Lark.
  13. i ain't and i'll slap the heck outta anyone that accuses me of it. i'm a conservationsit and true student of the woods. but i believe in the truth and "environmentalists" don't. and TR was a conservationist. don't sully reputation of a good man by throwing him the same cesspool with them wierdos. Lark.
  14. tell him use his imagination and make it all gnarly. is he gonna use one with an electric eye or cut it by hand? i used to be a welder of some fame. like about the best in the world. sorta like i am now with huntin', fishin', shootin' and fightin'. oh yeah, in good looks too. one time i got a little bored and got me some pipe and made an elk rack. it's about a 900 bull. 7x7 with about 85" main beams and and a 7' spread. when i moved i gave it to a friend o' mine. if you're ever toolin' about in springerville take the road that goes behind becker's bulk plant and go south. go about a quarter mile or so and on the right, it's layin' in his front yard. Lark.
  15. taulman was actually cited for using an airplane illegally. never heard how the court case turned out. he was famous for doing that under the rim in 27. they added laws at least twice to thwart him. unfortunately, now they can hassle the heck outta anyone that flies during season. a friend of mine got in a plane with his pal in st johns and flew to albaquerqe, did some business and came back. when they landed the azgfd was there and tried to cite them for flying during deer season. even tho they didn't have a tag or anything. the ranger ended up getting it packed painfully. now you have to quit arial location 48 hours before the season and can't do it during the season. as far as low flying or whatever, they might be able to cite them for harrassment. heck, about 20 years ago me and another guy were sneaking in on some bulls during archery season when a plane dropped outta nowhere and flushed em everwhere. we got the number off the plane and he raised heck with the FAA over it. come to find out it was a guy contracted by the azgfd with a warden in the plane with him! stinkin' sob's. the guy i was with really raised heck with em over for it for several years. another time we wereslipping in on some bulls during the early muzzleloader season and a chopper came right up the canyon and spooked the heck outta everything. it had a big ol' channel 5 sticker on the side. seems they were filmin' all the yeller trees fer the news. we even seen it that night on the news. killed the bull we were after the next day in a lot better place to get him out. but it still pissed me off when it happened. as far as them spooking your elk. he ain't gonna go far. he'll be wherever the cows are. Lark.
  16. .270

    Qoute of the day

    sometimes when i burp i can see my breath. even when it's 100. man, tuesday morning the season did change. my wife said the elk must be in the rut for sure, after she washed my clothes the other day. they were purty dirty after for some reason i went out to the corral and pissed on the ground and rolled in it. been wallerin' ever afternoon since. yep, the weather changed. Lark.
  17. what a buncha BS. a guy can't even enjoy the woods without worrying about pot farmers and &^%!@**( (illegal aliens) with guns. what a buncha crap. too bad they didn't kill the sob's. Lark. http://www.paysonroundup.com/section/front...ead/story/20421
  18. .270


    you're lucky nobody pressed it. that's a felony. i wouldn't recomend for anyone to take a gun onto a school ground. hey younghunter, sounds like maybe you have a female dog for a principal, but you said you had yer body painted. ya wernt buck nekked were ya? sometimes that'll git ya in trouble on the school grounds. or maybe ya just look real bad without a shirt on. was it camo paint? Lark.
  19. .270


    so if sfw decides to invade Az., then they automatically become the godfather of all the established groups already in Az.? with all of em givin' em 10% of all their money just because? is this like protection money or what? man, i dunno, sounds like a buncha bs to me. all these other groups work for years to get a working relationship with whoever they need to do it with and the sfw comes in and takes over. sounds a lot like the south side o' chicago. Lark.
  20. .270

    My broadhead through tire test

    some years ago i was drivin' down the road by open draw and started losin' air outta my front tire. i ran over a broadhead layin' in the road. i left in the tire just to show the guy i had fix it. but i never seen anybuddy shoot there own tire with a bow. Lark.
  21. .270


    Allen, what zakly was this meeting about? was it just sfw trying to decide whether or not to invade or was it a meeting with other folks and azgfd trying to decide how to the divy things up? heck, even if sfw does does invade Az., nobody has to join do they? i'm sorta confused. seems like sfw isn't even affiliate with Az. but they seem to feel that if they do decide to set up shop that then they're the boss. are all the other clubs and organizations just going to bow down to them or what? enlighten us. Lark.
  22. .270

    Gun Accident

    a 7mm/08 is considerably shorter than a .25/'06. the case head is the same size. the shoulder of the case was way back from the shoulder of the chamber and the bullet was basically hanging out in the open air of the chamber. did i splain that right? anyway, makes sense to me. i witnessed a very similar incident once but luckily there was no eye injury. broken ear drum, messed up thumb and lotsa shrapnel. i ended up with the extractor off of a model 70 embedded in my left cheek. if you know anything about model 70's you know that that is a pretty substantial chunk o' iron. i wasn't shooting the gun, just in the vicinity. be carefull guys. bad things can happen when you're cranking things up to over 50,000 psi. when a rifle explodes you're probably seeing pressures in excess of 100,000 psi. too bad and i hope he gets well. losing an eye would be a bad deal. make sure of what you have in your rifle. as far as liability, the gun wasn't at fault. Lark.
  23. man this female dog just don't get it. counterfitting, crank smokin', threatenin' folks with guns and now 'lectricity stealin'. is there no end to her madness??? oh, the humanity!!!!!!!!! man, this is better'n cartoons. Lark. http://www.eacourier.com/articles/2005/09/...news/news01.txt
  24. .270


    i'll send ya a pm, allen. Lark.
  25. .270


    i still have a real hard time believing that sfw is coming here because it wants to help Arizona. just flat can't make myself believe it. every place they've got a toe hold in they ultimately made some real enemies. Allen, as far as getting anything like in writing, i kinda doubt it and if they do put it in writing it'll be with enough added legaleeze that it won't mean much. Arizona is a pretty big state and has at least a few folks with above average IQ's. i don't see where a buncha outtastaters are gonna be able to be any more intelligent and have any more passion and real caring about conservation than the guys that already live here. and everywhere they've ever gotten some clout, they ended up using it against the joe hunter residents. landowner tags is the next big thing in Az. and i'm real confident that uso is affiliated with that effort somewhere. therefore, i'm sorta thinkin' that maybe uso and sfw have a little in common and are maybe even sorta partners. until someone from one of these "organizations" stands up and comes clean about how they are all tied together, i'll stay pesimistic. and i mean clean too. look at how long it took sci, rmef, even the nra, to take a position on the uso lawsuit deal. none of em would take a stand, either way, until it was pretty clear who would win. anyway, i'm for whatever is best for the state. not just a part of the state or one or more groups. all of the state. maybe these guys are legitimate. jury is still out. Lark.