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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    best custom built rifle

    why custom? why all the $$$$$$$$$$? any good rifle, a 700 remington, sako, tika, etc, with a good trigger job, floated barrel, good optics and some serious ammo tailored to the gun will shoot better than 99% of the folks shooting anyway. i'd include winchester, but they quit makin' em. i saw a 700 sendero at sportsmans whs this weekend in .264 win mag for a grand. fluted barrel. synthetic stock. all stainless. sorta heavy, but it'd shoot for sure. and they make it in all kindsa calibers. can't get much better for 4 times that with a custom job. and this is real high end off the shelf. another grand or so in optics and ammo building and it'd dot a gnat's eye for sure. i'm real impressed with the tikas with long barrels and hot cartridges and they're only about 600. main thing is ammo that the gun likes, a good scope, a long barrel and lotsa practice. lotsa practice. nothin' wrong with a custom gun, if you have the money and are a good enough marksman to get that extra 1/8" group reduction that them extra thousands might get ya. i'd be more inclined to spend a 'ho bunch on really creative optics and ammo development in a good solid off the shelfer, than to spend enough to put a kid through college on a custom gun. oh yeah, and none o' them stinkin' weatherby's or 7mm/08's. they just ain't right. Lark.
  2. .270

    What was Jim Zumbo thinking???

    i just read zumbo's apology and explanation. i'm even less impressed with him now. he does all the self penitent stuff that anyone in his position would, but he also says he had no idea that people actually hunted with ar-15's and other "black" guns. what a crock. ruger has been making the mini-14 for decades and it falls right into the assault rifle class and folks have hunted with it for years. ruger sells em by the jillions for military use all over the world. that's why the came out with the 7.62x39, mini.30 model. what about all the sks's out there? he never saw or heard of one of those in the field? or anything else? several outfits make custom semi auto coyote rigs that are based on the ar-15 design. i don't buy it. this guy was as involved in the shooting industry as anyone ever has been and he didn't know folks used "assaul" rifles. this joker said what he actually felt. must have had too many shots o' jack and it loosened up his typin' hand. besides, it shouldn't matter at all why folks have "black" guns, they're still guns, legal guns, guns that are owned by a big numer of law abiding people who have no ties to terrorists or cop killers, and he was representing gun interests. i think everyone is better off with sheepskinned coyote out in the open without his camo. too bad they can't take back all the cash he's duped the shooting public out of for the past 30 years. oh yeah, i don't care if he is a "wildlife professional" or park ranger, he couldn't hunt his was to town and back. don't care how many degrees he has, if he ain't bein' guided, he's lost. Lark.
  3. .270

    Monster Bobcat!

    ok guys, first off, there have always been jags in Az. always. my grandad and his brother took several of em years back. a fair number have been taken around white river. one was killed by big lake, in the 60's. the lee brothers caught several of em in Az. there have been quite a few killed in the southeastern mountains of Az. most of what we see here are what you would call transients. there ain't never been very many of em even in the northern half of mexico. they live mostly in the southern half of central America and the northern part of south America. Belize and some of the islands off the north eastern part of south America hold some good numbers too. they really thrive in dense jungles and around a lot of water. they don't have any problem swimming and seem to really like it. this is at least the 2nd time that Mr. Glenn has caught one with his hounds and took photos of it. they have been totally protected for decades in the U.S. along with all the other spotted cats, except the bob cat and lynx. the Azgfd and usfw have caught a couple on trail cams in recent years. one of the infamous outlaws from bowie got in a lot of trouble some years back for having several dead jags. seems like he had one mounted and maybe a couple other hides. also had some of the other protected spots like margays and ocelots. don't know if i ever heard for sure if they thought he got the jags in Az. or not, but it seems like that was the assumption. one thing for sure, they are about as impressive an animal as there is. the get almost twice as big as a lion. a big tom sometimes will go over 300 lbs. what an absolutely beautiful animal. i think what we're seeing is total protection resulting in a few more than the few that have always been around. i saw a deal on tv once with warner glenn narrating a video he took of another jag he caught several years ago. he seemed like he was about to tears because he felt so blessed to get to see one. the glenn's are some lion huntin' sons o' guns for sure. there is a book written by dale lee that has a lot of stories about hunting jags in south America. him and clel pretty much lived there for years guiding jag hunters. they probably had more experience with jags than anyone in history. according to them, they are one mean, dog killin' animal. Lark.
  4. .270

    Lessons Learned

    i learned there ain't no talkin' javelinas. Lark.
  5. i remember reading some junk this joker wrote on MM. what a jerk. seems like he got plum kicked off. man, i never even got kicked offa there. now he gets caught doing something as stupid as this? this is plum funny. i really like how he has to spend deer season in jail for the next few years. sounds like a creative judge. i ain't one to give bunny cops much credit, but these fellers done good on this one. like John Wayne said, "life is hard. it's even harder when you're stupid". Lark. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/apps/releases...cfm?NewsID=3709
  6. .270

    What was Jim Zumbo thinking???

    ok, nobody got my objectivity lesson. if you're gonna take someone's money, you have to represent them. your opinions and feeling don't mean anything and if they're contrary to the boss's, you best keep em to yourself. if he had those kinds of opinions, he should have never been a hypocrit and accepted the positions. i have my problems with the nra too. i really got yanked off when they weighed in on Azgfd commission appointments. they need to let states take care of themselves and keep themselves involved in federal firearms concerns. but "assault" rifle fans are a big part of their business. (i hate the term assault rifle. if you read the federal definition, a .22 auto rifle is an assault rifle) the only way shooting and hunting stays alive is by being polarized. the groups that have taken up the banner have to be diehard, no quarter asked or given, plum mean people to survive and you can't have someone in your ranks, representing you, that isn't the same way. the opposition is just as mean and diehard and doesn't have to use the truth. remington is a tough company and won't take this. so are the other outfits that paid his bills. and they shouldn't be expected too. they don't want anyone else popping up and doing the same thing. look what happened when smith and wesson jumped ship on all the other gunmakers and settled with clinton. they about went broke. the nra cut ties with them. they couldn't sell a gun. didn't take em long to see their error and fix it either. but they're smith and wesson. a big company. zumbo is one guy and he said some things that his bosses couldn't live with. like Gus told Jake Spoon just before he hung him, "you crossed the line". there is a line there and zumbo crossed it. the only thing that keeps hunting and shooting available to us all is tough vigilance. to the point of being mean. and whoever said that zumbo wrote one of the first articles in outdoor life needs to look a little closer. outdoor life has been around since the latter 1800's. zumbo might be nearing geezerdom, but he ain't that old. Lark.
  7. .270

    Last Day Peccary

    there is a record book for pigs? does it take into account for smell? who would actually clean up a pig head to measure it? does snout width and mass count? how about stinkbag nipple length? and for the last time, for cryin' out loud, you gotta put an arrow on the photo or circle your head or somethin' so's we can know what is the hog and what is the bullwidgeon. Lark.
  8. .270

    40% less elk/antelope applicants!

    cool. so now my chances of getting my 2nd pronghorn permit in 40+ years of applying went from .001% to .002%. wow, doubled my odds. man, i'm all 'cited. Lark.
  9. .270

    What was Jim Zumbo thinking???

    if you're gonna live in a glass house, don't throw rocks. and dang sure don't give anyone else rocks to throw. i've never met zumbo, but at the same time, wouldn't walk across a small room to say howdy either. i've never been a fan of his writing, at all. and that is basically what he is, or was, a writer, not a hunter. he might not be either one any longer. he's never impressed me as any kind of wildlife expert or master hunter, but rather someone who relies on a lot of money to hire his way into some really great hunting. but at the same time, he's got to do a lot more of that than i have, and mostly on someone else's dime. seems like good work if you can get it. people say stupid things every day. most of the time, it's stupid people that say stupid things. for him to be in the position he is in (or was) and say anything about any kind of gun control is what ya call professional suicide. the people that read his books, watch his shows, pay his wages, sponsor his very way of life, take a very dim view on this kinda thing and as far as i'm concerned whatever happens to him is his fault and i don't have a lot of compassion for him, one way or the other. he's gonna pay a big price, but i'd imagine he's well enough off that he can still do ok. but if he wants to hunt, he's gonna have to pay for it himself. as far as folks saying that he should be able to have his own opinion, sure he can. but if it is contrary to the opinion that folks are paying him to have, then he $h!t in his own sleepin' bag and doesn't have anyone to blame but himself and has no recourse other than to try and overcome it. like i say, i've never been impressed with his writing or exploits and always felt he was a little on the phoney side, but i don't know him at all. that's just MY opinion. hunting is a very fickle mistress. there are a lot of intertwined personalities, opinions, styles, egos, etc. all stirred together. think about everything and everyone involved in hunting. and all off that stuff is villified to heck by those that disagree with it. but with all this stuff mixed together, there are still a few theorems and postulates that you don't try to disprove, and if it ain't #1, any kinda gun control is one of the very first few. you can think of endless ways to compare it. Lark.
  10. been so long since i've done anything here i forgot how. don't know what i did on that last post there. anyway, take it from a guy who has killed more animals than bovine tuberculosis. a water hose is your best friend. whoever told you fellers not to wash down meat is just plain wrong. in the first place, nothing takes the heat out of meat and starts it cooling like water. you can get all the blood and hair and dirt off of it. you can wash out all the blood from bullet wounds. it is just a good practice when it is available. why would letting dirty meat dry out be a good thing? main thing is to gut it immediatley, not in awhile, right now, and skin it asap. i carry a saw with me and always and split the brisket through the last rib. i know the taxidermist don't like ya to, but if he's worth a dang, he can fix a cut in the cape a few inches long. don't load it in the truck and drive around town for 6 hours. don't wait until the next day, like you see all them know-nothin' foney huntin' show jerks do. deer are a little more forgiving, but still need quick attention. when i get an elk, i head to the closest tree and hang it up and get the hide off. if i have a chain saw, i split it. if i don't have a way to get it up a tree, i skin it on the ground and cut it up to where i can handle it. if you don't at least split the neck and shoulders to the spine with a knife, there is a good chance it will sour. even if it's real cold. keep it as clean as you can. if you get a little dirt on it, or even some gutshot fluid or poke a hole in the bladder, wash it off if you can right then, but if you can't then do it when you get close to a hose. main thing is to take good care of it. if it's warm weather, get it in an icechest with some ice, take it to the locker, do something to cool it off. if you're hanging meat in warm weather, hang it out at night and take it down in the morning and put it in the coolest place available and cover it up with blankets, sleeping bags, whatever you have, and then hang it back up at night. you hafta be vigilant. if your meat turns out bad, it is probably your fault. i have my own grinder and usually take care of em myself. mainly because i like deer and elk cut up thin and i can control how big the packages are and get the right amount of beef tallow in the burger. (pig is just too greasy) but i've taken a lot of em to the locker over the years and they've always done an ok job. just not quite as picky as i am. between me and my kin, we've killed hundreds of deer and i've been in on probably well over 100, maybe 200, elk kills, and in all that i remember 2 deer that were rank. and they were killed in the same place a year apart and we always figgerd it had someting to do with diet. all the other meat i've seen that was bad was the fault of the guy taking care of it. if you don't trust a locker plant, then learn how to cut it up yourself. you can get a decent grinder for 3 or 4 hunnerd bucks. learn how to bone one out in the field so that you can do a good job of butchering it at home. a good one for about $700. and they'll last forever. main thing is to not be lazy and take good care of it. that is 'cept for javelinas. they are just bad. Lark.
  11. .270

    looling for a coyote rifle

    if you're gonna be serious lion hunting and maybe shoot a varmint, take the .243 with 85 or 100 gr bullets. my favoritist coyote gun is whatever i have with me. but a 22/250 or 223 are real good and will never be improved on.
  12. .270

    Whats In A Name

    so i'm layin' here nekked in a bean bag chair eatin' cheetos readin' up on you buncha losers and yer names and i'm thinkin' i been gone too long. you dorks need a tune up. .270 is the only good handle out there and it's mine. it's after the only real cartridge ever developed. the rest are just poor imitations and woman guns(beggin' Amada's pardon, if i ain't mistooken, she shoots a .270) and also, if ya drop the decimal (that's the little dot in front of it, for all you fellers from AJ) then it is my IQ. and i see bullwidgeon ain't splained his handle yet. widgeon is ukrainian for feces. if'n ya don't know what feces is, get a dictionary. later, ya buncha maroons. Lark.
  13. .270

    Lark's antelope

    what a miserable buncha reprobates. i leave for a few weeks and things just go all to heck. callin' me a goat an' all. sheesh, what a buncha maroons. i'm a lot better lookin' than any ol' pronghorn. and smell a lot better. and guess whut, i didn't use my famous, never miss, soon to be in the smithsonian, .270. had to give em some sort of a chance. my ol' girlfriend don't never miss. even if i try. shot it with my new .264 mag. slingin' a hunnerd grain hornady handload at 3800 fps. tipped that pronghorn right over. i see where 4x4 coues said i stunk like a runover skunk. guess that's why he was in a hurry to go eat, reminded him o' home cookin'. well, i'm off again for another month or so o' killin' and mayhem. see you rookies in the funny papers. ya notice i didn't warsh my hands or tuck his little tongue back in to make the photo more politically correct neether. i did kick the gut pile outta the way. and it didn't "harvest" it neether. i kilt that sucker dead. hunt on boys. Lark.
  14. i see in todays paper that Glen Adams died. he was an ol' lion hunter who lived in taylor. he was a decent guy and a good lion hunter and i'm sad to see he has passed and just wanted folks to know how i felt. hope his family copes well with their loss. i sold him a mule once. when he came by to look at it my daughters were braiding it's tail. Glen was so impressed at how gentle he was that he didn't even want to ride him. the fact he was letting them crawl all over underneath him was enough of a test. dang, that was a good mule too. anyway, you go to heaven a hollerin' Glen. that way they'll know you're a-headin' that away'. Lark.
  15. only problem there is she ain't got enough tits to feed em all. that's what ya call no tit for tat. (ok, 'teat', i was raised in the country) i've seen triplets a few times. mostly with muleys tho. can't remember seein' triplet whitetails. Lark.
  16. .270

    sighting in problems

    anything to do with shims will just make it shoot lower. i can't hardly believe that a high dollar scope only has about 9" of elevation adjustment. i'd be taking it to whoever i bought the scope from and gettin' my money back. i said earlier that i only had one 50mm scope. i forgot that the last rifle i bought, a model 70 .264 mag, has a 50mm weaver on it. it has high rings and it has enough space under the scope that mediums might work. i was afraid that i wouldn't have enough adjustment, but it has a bunch left over. it also has leupold rings and bases. how many clicks did it go before it bottomed out? one other thing to look at. (i'm not sayin' your ignernt or anything, but i've seen this happen) some rifles take a higher rear base than front base, in order to level things out because of differences in the action height, from the front to the rear. ya didn't get confused and vice versa the bases did ya? usually the holes don't line up anyway, but i'm real perplexed as to why this thing won't work. some scopes are built real heavy, and swarovsky is about as heavy as they get. there is so much more metal in the tube and the front adjustmants, that the overall outside diameter of the scope is much more than some other scopes. is it a 30mm tube? there's gotta be a problem somewhere, i'm thinking. shimming up the back isn't a good idea unless it's the only option. with the tight tolerances of leupold rings, there's a real chance you can bend the tube when you tighten it all up.
  17. .270

    sighting in problems

    welcome the world of 50mm scopes. you can cut up a pop can and make some shims, but it will just make it hit lower. the higher you raise the scope, the lower you're gonna hit. do you have any room between the scope and the barrel? if you do and it is somewhat substantial, get some lower rings. i'm surprised that a high dollar scope like that doesn't have more adjustmant in it. the higher your scope sits, the less elevation adjustmant you have. one other thing, and i ain't bein' sarcastic, are you sure you're adjusting it the right way? i've seen a lot of guys get all backassward and cornfused when sighting a gun in. on all of the older scopes, the adjustmant arrows showed which way you were moving the reticle, which is 180 degrees from what it's doing to the point of impact. i only have one 50mm scope, on a target rifle, and i had problems with it too. Lark.
  18. .270

    Bad Ass "mule"

    .26/06 is a no good liar and i hope all his kids are born nekked. that is not me. not even my mule. the story i was told was that the lion was bayed and then shot when the mule got ahold of it. it wasn't dead yet, but wasn't feeling very well. they also said this partikular macho had done similar things before. there were a lot more photos to it too. whatever the deal, that is one cool mule. Lark.
  19. .270

    What do you think?

    all's i know is i don't think it's me. is it? no, i don't think so. Lark.
  20. dang, i wish i woulda nood about it. i'da won the bellyflop contest. sure looks like a good time. that's the way they oughta do em all. Lark.
  21. .270

    Finally got my First Lope

    cool. i have a pronghorn tag for colorado in october. near the springs. good job. Lark.
  22. .270

    Elk hunting

    shootin' from your knees is good advice. be real careful that nothing hits your bottom cam. i called a real nice 6x6 in to about 10 yards to a guy once and his arrow ended up cradled across it's eye guards, because his bottom cam hit the ground and messed up the shot. the elk sure looked funny runnin' backards lookin' up at that weird lookin' deal layin' in it horns. you need to bugle to locate bulls. even after you are on em, sometimes you need to bugle to get the bulls to tell you exactly where they are. but big ones will usually shut up if they hear an unfamiliar bugle. listen to the cows. when one of em makes a sound that seems to really get em to whistlin', try to imitate it. i like a fairly thick reeded diaphram call myself. i can control the sounds i get a lot better. at least a 2 reed. most of the time a 3 reed seems best. and you can use a diaphram with your bow at full draw or without any movement at all. something you can't do with hoochie mamas and hyperhots and all them others. plus you can call quail, coyotes, hawks, turkeys, foxes, deer, and about anything else with one if ya need to. and don't get into all this chucklin' and gruntin' and stuff. it usually doesn't sound realistic and seems to just upset the elk. it's ok if you're just playin' around. but when you're down to the nut cuttin', don't play around. make noises that you can make sound good while you're outta breath and excited. i use an old abe and sons tube and blow a diaphram through it. if one busts ya, just sit still for a minute and get back after em. they'll forget about it, if you don't show em a human form or really spook em. main thing is be as aggressive as you can without wreckin' the whole deal. they can walk and feed about as fast as you can run. sneakin' ain't gonna get you anywhere, unless you're really close. then get them to come to you. it's easier than you think. if you're tough enough to get there. and wear dark clothes. even if you're in the middle of a meadow, if you hunker down, you just look like a shadow. elk are colorblind, and the best color matched cammo there is sticks out like sore thumb to em. Lark.
  23. .270

    Elk hunting

    get in good shape and run em down. really. you can catch elk quite easy, if you stay after em. they'll leave the open country pretty quick when it gets light, and then they slow up and fight and fart around and whatever. that's where you'll catch em. don't worry a lot about being seen by a herd. they really don't pay that much attention to you, and if you do spook em, they won't go to far. bow hunting elk is an all day thing. stay on em. don't try to call a bull to you. go to him and try to call him away just a little ways. or just follow em and wait for one to make a mistake and walk by you. don't get into all the scent lock and cover up stuff, they are too busy with all the other rut activity to pay a lot of attention to a funny smell. stay as clean as you can, but it isn't that big o' deal. main thing is to stay on em and learn to use a diaphram call, especially to cow call. and learn to make a sound like a cow really makes, not some of these varmint call noises that some of these calls make. and get good with your bow out to about 40 yards. stay with em and let them make a mistake. cammo color doesn't matter a lot either, as long as it's dark. if you're still, you'll just look like a shadow. and make sure your face is covered with something. i'm gonna predict that with the bow season moved back a week that it's gonna be a good hunt and sometime during it you're gonna have a day or two where the elk go nuts. have fun. Lark.
  24. .270

    Bad Publicity

    i wonder if it was ridin' a bicycle when he shot it? Lark.