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Everything posted by .270

  1. hey Amanda, you wanna sell that dog? or trade. i'll trade ya "Bean" the wonder burro, straight across. Lark.
  2. heck yes it's about the dollar. the tax dollar. just a new way to tax folks and the koolaid crowd is too ignernt to realize it. i'd like to put a carbon footprint right on gore's fat butt. so the earth is warming up? really? it's only been doing it for 13,000 years now. did folks just notice it? it's called weather. and it ain't caused by humans. it's caused by, one more time now, the weather. which is caused by the tempreture and current flow of the ocean, the sun and what kind of sunspot cycle it is in and how hot it happens to be, volcano emissions to some extent,etc, etc. but for some reason some folks think it is cow farts and co2 footprints, whatever that is. the anazasi disappeared from this country because it was in a horrible drought, a thousand years ago. did they cause the "global warming" then? the reason that strativarius violins are so sought after is because the earth was in a sort of mini iceage for awhile during the dark ages and the trees grew extremely slow and the winter and summer growth rings were almost exactly the same thickness and the wood they used was from that part of the trees. that's why they have such a sweet sound that can't be matched now by any wood we have. did stratavarius cause the mini ice age? the weather changes all the time. year to year, decade to decade. and even changes dramatically, at times, within all time frames. it's just the dang weather. folks that are too stupid to figure it out really aggravate me. like they used to say on the x-files, the truth is out there. but folks that want your money don't want you to think enough on your own to find it. Lark.
  3. oh man, this is just too good. now they've actually come up with a clinical reference for global warming freaks. maybe they can get disablilty for it. heck, maybe i'll catch it, if i can get some money outta the deal. well, i guess this is the only way to 'splain how seemingly somewhat intelligent folks can take record snowfall, record cold, record ice in antarctica, growing glaciers, and call it global "warming". Lark. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...7-25717,00.html
  4. says that their wolf goals just ain't happenin' the way they wanted em to. poor babies, ain't that a shame. oh well, i'm sure it ain't nothin' that another $20 million and 3 or 4 hairy armpitted females from noo joisey can't fix. maybe casey can get a date with one of em. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/200...olves03-on.html
  5. .270

    New Commissioner

    all you hafta do is look at the name of the guy that appointed him. our governor has his own agenda and it doesn't include us being able to hunt and fish. anybody this guy appoints is gonna be a commie. looks to me like some sort of confict of ineterest for him to be on there anyway. i'd like to know when the last time he shot a deer was. the same for all the jokers on the commission. i don't think there is even one that hunts big game on regular basis. Lark.
  6. this is a bad deal. http://www.wmicentral.com/site/news.cfm?ne...05965&rfi=6
  7. it's visitin' day at the prison, so i guess i'll visit family. Lark,
  8. .270

    New coues gun

    why the heck did you name it chupacabra? did somebody already have one named javelina muskbag? Lark.
  9. heck, when they never do much to ya, why not? the guy is a menace to society fer sure. but everyone seems to be afraid of him. heck, he tried to get everyone on southfork, below greer, to sell out and when they wouldn't he decided he'd just dang up the river and flood em all. they made him take out the dang, but that was about it. Lark.
  10. allright. got my first choice too. Lark.
  11. .270

    results are up

    i am truly a happy man. Lark.
  12. mccain has a spine. he just points it in the wrong direction a lot. i'm still putting my faith in the American people to do the right thing and not vote in obama. the press has him winning in a landslide. but they said the same thing about gore and kerry. and they had a lot more going for em than this joker. when it gets down to the nut cuttin' and dirty tricks, i think obama is too transparent to win over the white male vote. and that's what it takes to win a presidential election. you can figure in all the other minorities and classes of folks, but when it comes down to it, the white male vote is what carries the election. and i don't think he's slick enough to win that portion of the country. he has the black vote. luke warm at best with hispanics. the fem's hate him for what he did to their darlin' hillary. blue collar, both democrat and republican, don't care for him. rural America doesn't like him. jews and evangellical christians don't like him. al quida and the taliban and every other militant muslim groups wants him. i don't think there are enough eletists to help him out enough to get it done. and i think the crazy people he seems to gravitate too, like crazy preachers, unrepentent terrorists, convicted crooks, suadi sheiks who loaned him the money for his house, etc, etc, are too much of a load for anybody to overcome. and there is always the good ol' NRA. forget all the hangin' chad crap in florida, by swaying the vote in arkansas and his home state of tennessee, they flat kept gore out and i think they'll have a big stake in this one too. Lark.
  13. this is about as good o' news as we've had in quite awhile. i can't wait for anti's to try and get it changed. this is another thing that the president can put on the "good" side of the list of his accomplishments. without the appointments he made on the supreme court, this would have never happened. and this is a big, big deal. if it had went the other way, it would most likely have been the begining of the end for legal firearm ownership by the general public. this is a good day. Lark.
  14. .270

    Mountain Lions

    i've seen lions jump 20 feet straight up. they can jump so high it's really amazing. Lark.
  15. .270

    results are up

    well. at least it got somethin' goin on around here. what i wanna know is how many o' you dorks actually went to see if they were up? Lark.
  16. .270

    contest idea.....

    if you had a fiddlin' contest, then casey would be interested. Lark.
  17. .270

    Bow or Rifle

    if i can use my .270, then a rifle. if i have to use a 7mm/08, then i'll use a bow. Lark.
  18. when this program first started, i got a complete copy of the proposal and the goals of it from a friend who ran a ranch in the blue area. i read it cover to cover and the first thing that hit me was that the number of deer and elk it would theoretically take to support the proposed wolf population was about the same number as the estimated total deer and elk herd for that area. it was way more than the total number of permits for deer and elk in the affected units. this told me one thing, this wasn't about wolves. it was about doing away with hunting. it's about control. the burrocrats are like commie dicators, if you stand back and look real close at em. they want to be the boss and will burn anyone they can to be the boss. nothing pisses me off worse than for some "hunter" to get all warm and fuzzy over this crap. get off the fence and get on one side or the other. you can't have it both ways. this is the biggest threat we have to being able to enjoy the woods. every minute of every day, we lose a little more access and opportunity to do what we all enjoy. this program is a joke. a sham. a dang lie. along with the condor program. these a-holes keep getting a little more and a little more, and all the time we lose a little more and little more. when it all takes place, we'll all say, heck, didn't we used to get to hunt and fish and camp and stuff? what happened? all the time sportsmen argue with each other, these a-holes are getting stronger and getting more authority. more authority over us. it won't be long until permits will be cut so the wolf/dogs have more to eat. they may have already, and we don't know it. the azgfd, in it's present form, is not our friend. they are part and party to this lie. they've had several opportunities to walk away from it and didn't. they always side with the wolf people. there isn't enough time or computer space to write everything that i know about this. some of the stuff that folks have had to endure at the hands of the "wolf people" is literally criminal. and we'll all have to endure even more before it's over. whenever anyone is at a meeting with the azgfd honchos, try to pin em down on whether or not permits will be lost so wolfs can eat. try to get em to say yes or no. be interesting to see their response. Lark.
  19. interesting article. aspen is gonna re-open next weekend. i'm sure that somehow or other that "scientists" can figure out a way to say it's global warming doing it. Lark. http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?sto...0&catid=188
  20. the azgfd wants it because they get a ton o' bucks from it. and it's politically correct. who's that goofy guy on here that's been sayin' all along that the last thing they want is for these currs to make it? sayin' that what they really want is control and this is just a tool to achieve their goal. who was that guy? oh yeah, it was me. be vigilant. it's on the way. i'm sick of sayin' "i told ya so". get smart fellers. as in get educated as to what the real agenda is. Lark.
  21. it's a sad state of affairs. Lark.
  22. carbon dioxide is also caused by breathing, fartin', rotting logs or any other form of plant matter. it's dumped out by the tons by volcanos. just about any natural process puts off co2. and again, if global warming is just now happening, what happened to the 16,000 feet of ice that used to cover everything north of san francisco? where the heck did it go? or do we not count anything before say, 1980? since the last ice age ended, the world has been warming up. and it will continue until the next one. it's called "weather". al gore and all his koolaid kids together can't change it. and man didn't cause it. it's just a way to create a new tax. when in heck are the dumb folks gonna wise up? heck, anyone with any sense at all knows that smog is bad, recycling is a good thing, getting the best gas mileage you can is good, throwing trash everywhere is bad, etc., etc., etc.. but you can't print enough money to change the weather. you can't make enough laws. or enough hybrid cars. some folks have come up with a scare tactic and buncha other folks who have been letting politicians do their thinkin' for em have bought into it. you have a brain, use the dang thing. the U.S. gets cleaner every day. we've figured out ways to extract the bad stuff from the processes that have become neccessary to provide our life style. russia, india, china, all the african countries, mexico, all of asia, etc, couldn't care less about pollution. but you never hear anyone trying to get them to change. whoever said that these 3rd world countries have been living without cars or electricity until recently is a fool. there are cars and powerplants every where. where in the heck did you hear that? you think they don't have cars or electricity in india? good night. al gore tell ya that? india and pakistan are cesspools. so is hong kong and mexico city. some of the biggest and most beautifull lakes on earth have been contaminated by nuclear dumping in russia to the point that they won't support life. not even microscopic one celled fungus. mexico city is so dirty that nearly every baby born has some form of birth defect. you think this just happened? these places have coal burner power plants with no emission controls. they have smelters and steel mills and refineries with no controls on any emissions. smoke or solid and liquid waste. just dump it where it's convenient. tiajuana has chrome plating facilities that dump their waste in the street and let it flow to wherever. we get a little haze, but it's mostly dust from construction, farming and vehicle moving around and kicking it up. wise up guys. it's just another tactic to get what you have and give it to folks that don't deserve it. and again, what happened to the 16,000 feet of ice? i don't remember my grandad talkin' about it? Lark.
  23. .270

    Kiabab Shutdown

    zakly, desert bull. ya know, if i think about, i think i've seen more irresponsible folks in 4x4's than on atv's. and i ain't an atv fan. don't own one, yet. but i can see it coming. i've some real jackasses on atv's and dirt bikes too. and jeeps and dune buggies and pickups, etc. but it still don't like to see wholesale road closures either. hard to say just how it's gonna play out, but i don't have a lotta faith in any burrocrat. Lark.
  24. .270

    gould's turkey poacher

    i know a guy that said he had to shoot a maneatin' turkey to keep it from his wife and kids. said standin' flat footed, it looked him eye to eye. he's kinda short, only like 6'5", but that's a purty fair sized turkey. this guy sounds like one o' them serial poachers. the ted bundy of wildlife. the guys that shot illegal javelinas have gotta be some morons too. what i don't understand, is why the bear poachin' horse shooters in the white mountains got of so light? sounded to me that what those idiots were doing borderd of plum dang crazy. but some of the fines wouldn't cover gas money. seems like they hammered these guys fairly hard. which is fine. but why the discrepancy? only thing in all this i disagree with is them sayin' a javelina is worth $500. woooo. Lark.
  25. .270

    Kiabab Shutdown

    a couple jerks on atvs is why the road from honeymoon to malay is closed for half the year. all burrocrats take the shotgun logic to problem solving. i hafta kinda agree with desert bull, the real goal is closed forests, except to granola bars. no hunting, fishing, camping, cattle, logging, off road vehicles, etc. if they just wanted to close roads to enchance habitat or keep jerks on atvs from tearing stuff up, or other good reasons, i'm all for it. but there always seems to be hidden motives and agendas that seem to keep coming up after they get started. another thing that gripes me is that instead of closing a road, i mean take a D9 and put the ripper down and tear it out to where nobody would even want to use it. instead they put up a sign or maybe put a few rocks across the road, that folks just go around and tear up even more country in the process. desert bull is right about the wolves too. they'll be there soon. they have to find a place that will work. it's apparant the the blue range and gila wilderness experiment has been a miserable failure. Lark.