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Everything posted by .270

  1. to me, this is an invasion on American soil by an enemy army. this has happened dozens of times recently. mexican army coming onto U.S. soil with guns drawn. it's a very well known fact, not a rumor, that the mexican drug runners are escorted and protected by the mexican soldiers and cops. this is jut another example of it. our governor ain't gonna do anything about it. i bet he won't even contact the mexicans over it. Lark.
  2. .270

    Which Chrono

    i useta just shoot my gun and then run down to the target with a stopwatch and click it when the bullet got there. 7 knee surgeries have slowed me down to where i can only do that with pistols and shotguns. so i bought a chrony. it seems to work fine for me. actually, my daughter give it to me for xmas. i was makin' her do the runnin' and clockin'. Lark.
  3. .270

    range finder

    you think i'm too iggernut to use ear plugs? one thing, it ain't a 7mm/08. Lark.
  4. .270

    He Cometh!!

    bill the priapic, now that's funny right there. Lark.
  5. .270

    highway to payson

    thanks for the info dudes, Lark.
  6. i'm headed up on the rim tomorrow afternoon. is there a buncha construction holding things up at the beeline/highway junction? or anyplace else? can a guy even go up bush highway to the beeline right now? i know it was all jacked up awhile back. lemmee know. Lark.
  7. i really like this. nra spy. i'd like to meet this woman. turnabout is fairplay. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/n...RAMole0806.html
  8. the only folks the nra has a good reputation with are gun owners anyway. and politicians who want their help. i don't see it hurting them any. stinkin' antis torpedo everything they can with lies and deciet. why not get a little double n'ought on em? Lark.
  9. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    you did a good job with this post. i wanted to try and put it in words, but i ain't too good at that sometimes. people always holler "overgrazing". technically, a rancher on public land can't overgraze. they graze things down, which has been scientifically proven to be beneficial to the range. but grazing is a set practice that is governed by all kindsa rules and even if a place looks pretty bare, it ain't overgrazed. they watch it real close. and like you say, what's the benefit to overgrazing? these guys are in business to make a living. hard to do with starving cows. some years back i knew of a guy that really overstocked his permit. it was heavily forested and hard to count the cows. the officials had warned the guy plenty but he just told em to prove it. well, they come in with a buncha cowboys and rounded the place up. he was overstocked by about 2x+. he had a 1500 head permit and he had over 3000 head on it. to put it nicely, he got hammered. he was lucky to keep his permit, but they cut it in half and he had to spend a fortune to fix the riparian damage the cattle had done and in some really hefty fines. 6 figure fines. i come from an agricultral background. farming and cattle. my ancestors built the first roads and fences in this state. my great grandad left his family here to go back east to fight in the civil war. tells you how long we've been here. so i know cattle have been here for at least 150 years. there have been a lot of ranchers who overstepped what the rules allowed, and some of them for a long time, but they all ended up paying heavily for it later. in the rotten little piece of desert we deer hunt in the deer herd has increased tremendously because the rancher piped water everywhere. now there is water close to anywhere there is feed. a thing that doesn't always happen in the desert. he turned some crummy country into a pretty good place to hunt. that wasn't his intention. he wanted his cattle to get along better, but so do the deer as a consequence of his hard work. Lark.
  10. .270

    Bear warning

    bullwidgeon wears them kinda bells on his fingers that belly dancers use. he killed a bear with em last year. the bear laughed hisself to death. that's a funny sign. i've heard that griz's used pepper spray as seaoning on tim treadway. Lark.
  11. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    then we can get rid of the farmers. then the developers. then maybe the miners. let's see what else is there that somebody doesn't like? anglers maybe? yeah, lets run them off too. hikers maybe next. campers. yeah, they gotta go too. dirt bikers, get rid of em. birdwatchers. yep, they're harrassin' the birds lookin' at em all the time. get outta here birdwatchers. i guess after we get rid o' everybody, the last guy can just jump off a cliff and turn it all back over to the animals. even tho humans have been here just as long. it's called joint use. and if everyone will work at true joint use, it's a pretty good thing. but when folks who use the joint use want to push off folks who also use it, it's sorta like fighting ourselves. Lark.
  12. wait to start? heck, you waited too long. never to young to start a hound. one other thing, you just as well get a deevorce lawyer on retainer. hounds causes deevorces on a reg'lar basis. sharp lookin' pup. welcome to the club. Lark.
  13. you guys say they are uranus doves? amanda, they gotta be at least as good as Az. doves. only thing worse is javelina. maybe the uranus javelinas is better. doves are like little livers with wings. i guess if a guy never got to eat quail, they might not be too bad. but dang, we got quail. Lark.
  14. desert bull, even if i move, the rancho neglecto goes with me. Lark.
  15. .270

    range finder

    just my eyes are bad, i can still hear real good. Lark.
  16. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/n...ghwayRules.html don't know how much effect it will have on hunting, but it's interesting. i can't wait until they think of saying condors have dust in their lungs. Lark.
  17. read the state statute on it. it's printed on the sign. from what i remember, as long as you pay taxes in Az. you have every right to be on state land. they may be able to hassle you if you don't have a hunting or fishing license and don't have one of their little permits. but you don't have to have a permit if you have a hunting license. the proceeds that go from state land leasing go to the school system. a lot of states call state land "school sections". i'd hafta say the cop was a liar. there is something legal to hunt in every unit in Az. 365 days a year. and hunting without intending to take game, is still hunting. there are ranchers who abuse the heck out of their state leases and if a guy wants to pursue it, you can get em into a fair amount of trouble for locking it up. unless there have been major changes in Az, you can hunt and fish on state land at anytime without any special permit. just a license. and any cop that says otherwise is a liar. that is Az. in colorado state leased land is about the same as private land. the guy with the lease controls who can and can't access it and can lock it up and you can get in trouble if you trespass. Arizona ain't that way. a lot of state land has special regulations, like all the "M" units. you can usually only hunt with a bow in those places. and there is a lot of state park lands that you can't hunt on. but you can get legal access to it to hunt, fish, hike, camp, horseback, birdwatch and any other form of recreation you can think of. if what the cop said was true, you wouldn't be able to go hardly anywhere below the rim. there is state land everywhere. i've had misinformed (lying) cops tell me i was trespassing and threaten me and i told em to give me ticket and we'd settle it in court. they backed off on the ticket threat but insisted they were right, but wouldn't give me a ticket. even after callin' em ever dirty name i could think of, and i know a bunch of em. this is copied right off the state land website. "You do not need an ASLD Recreational Permit if you are actually hunting or fishing on State land with a valid hunting or fishing license issued by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. All other recreational activities require an ASLD Recreational Permit. Commercial recreational activities or recreational events that charge a participation fee, i.e. hot air balloon rides, jeep tours, hayrides, horseback rides, bicycle races, equestrian events, ultra light aircraft, etc., may be considered under an ASLD Special Land Use Permit, but not under an ASLD Recreational Permit." don't let anyone, even badgepackers, keep you from using your rights. they are rights. nothing is more sacred in this country. Lark.
  18. .270


    some of my best are about runnin' into treehuggers and peta anal orifices whilst out huntin'.........Lark.
  19. .270

    Bug repellant

    you shoulda stayed serious and see if he tried it................that was purty good. back on the subject, if you build a good fire and let it burn down to good hot coals and then get downwind and take a whizz in it and let the vapors settle on ya, it really works good. and i've found that a couple cans o' beenie weenies will repel about anything. too. Lark.
  20. i had some pals come across a pot farm and they burned it. took em like a month to do it. and the pizza delivery guys had a helluva time findin' em the first couple times. Lark.
  21. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    bowsniper, where did you get all that info about keeping elk numbers down for cattle grazing? elk are their cashcows. and that all the commission were ranchers? i'm the last guy to defend em, but i don't know of a one that owns a cow. there was a female commissioner that was from a ranching family some years back, but i don't think she's on the commission anymore. i can think of another commissioner that was a rancher, but that was about 20 years ago. and i know plenty of guys who've had their cattle permit cut to increase the elk feed. i mean a bunch of em. most grazing permits aren't half what they were 30 years ago. just the opposite of what you're saying. the azgfd let the elk herd get completely out of hand about 15 years ago. there were so many elk it was nuts. the elk herd destroyed the deer herd in unit 1 and has had a real bad effect on deer in u2. i hunt the desert and usually see more elk and mt. bighorns than i do bucks. and with the wolf introduction, all the elk are is wolf food anyway, if you read what the usfws papers really say on the deal. it's one thing to cuss folks for something they did or didn't do that was bad or that you just disagree with. but just throwing out generalized statements that don't have any merit doesn't help any of us much. there are lot of units in Az. that no one would be able to hunt if it weren't for ranchers who own private land access, letting folks cross it. i've never seen where cattle had much impact on hunting. they've been here in big numbers for about 150 years and are as much a part of the ever changing habitat as anything. there's been a couple times that roundups have made me change my plans and one time when a rancher moved a buncha cattle into a small pasture, that was private land, just before he shipped em that sorta messed up a cow elk hunt for about 2 hours, until we moved about a mile and shot one. but i don't recall ever having cattle get in my way enough to worry about it. 99% of the waterholes and a buncha the salt folks hunt wouldn't be there if it weren't for a rancher first building it and then maintaining it. Lark.
  22. i aint' never been a fan o' quads. but after using my kid's prowler some. actually quite a bit last year in deer and elk season. i went and bought me a ranger the other day. just got the plain ol' green one, but got a roof, windshield and had em make it street legal and license it. they ride better than a pickup. a lot better. they will go more places. and my ol' man really likes it. plus i use the heck out of it on my place. made me a hula hoe to cut weeds with and big ol' rake to clean em up with. they won't haul as much as a pickup and i wouldn't want to drive one in traffic. i got it streetlegal so's the forest circus pigs can't hassle me. just depends on what a guy wants. i don't have much fun on a quad. but i can cruise along in this thing and have a good time. Lark.
  23. .270

    .270 Questions

    the hornady ammo should work fine in your rifle. i like hornady bullets. they shoot well, work well and don't cost a fortune like the "premium" track em down bullets. i like my trigger so light it goes off i just think about it. you can buy drop in triggers that you can adjust real easy for not a ho' bunch. you can also take it to a good gunman and get it done for not a lot. Lark.
  24. .270

    range finder

    thanks for all the info. my eyes are givin' out on me the and the ol' kentucky windage don't work like it did. if they are way out there, i useta shoot and see where the dust flew and adjust from there. the buck i shot last year, i thought was around 450. missed him a couple times and kept elevating and finally got him. ranged it the next day and it was 635. eyes just ain't what they useta be. the dr told me the other day that the only fix for my shoulder was total joint replacement. it's so bad that when i shoot a highpower rifle or a shotgun, it dislocates. heck, just walkin' around dislocates it. ain't no way i'm gonna get it cut on now, with a deer and bull elk tag later this year. it will still be so sore i'd hafta shoot lefthanded. that ain't a big deal usually, as i'm ampibious, but these stinkin' tags are so hard to get that i wanna make sure when the time comes, i can shoot. i'm gonna end up using my son's christensen .300 ultra. it has a super muzzle brake and there is very little recoil. and he has crosshairs out to almost a 1000 yards. usually i make them kinda shots over my shoulder lookin' at the sights with a mirror, but i'm gonna get serious this year. my boy has a leica range finder, but we may need to have 2 of em, because my middle son has a tag too. from what i see here, whatever brand a guy owns, seems to work fine for em. so i guess i'll get a good one and go from there. thanks again, Lark.
  25. .270

    Aimal attack

    they would get so drunk they'd fall down. ever once in awhile a guy will catch it on tv. i bet it's on the net somewhere. Lark.