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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270


    ok, if there ain't any bigfeets, then what are the ones i keep seein'? they said they was bigfeet. and then what is with the jack link's commercials? that one looks purty dang real to me too and looks just like all the ones i've seen. Lark.
  2. check this out. http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...sl=es&tl=en
  3. .270

    Teachers with Guns

    it's a sad statement when teachers hafta pack iron. i sure hope there aren't any accidents of other foolish things happen. Lark.
  4. 7mm's are ok, if you can't get a .270. unless you're talkin' about the pud round, 7mm/08. they're unethical. Lark.
  5. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    well put redneck. like i always say, opinion are like butts. everbody has one and all of em but mine stink. that's the way folks are getting with public land. and all the time we're fighting with each other, the huggers are sneakin' up on us. Lark.
  6. .270

    coati pic

    no, that's the boy scouts. coati are called a @$%#^$&!!!! Lark.
  7. .270

    new here

    you're gonna be emabarssed when ya hafta tell your friends and ol' fart give ya them blackeyes. Lark.
  8. i know a buncha guys on here like to hunt the upper eagle drainage. the road is locked and open only to foot and horseback traffic, beginning at honeymoon. i've called every usfs person i could talk to and haven't got anywhere. only way they are going to open this road is if folks make it a sore enough subject that they will. one guy said they didn't have funding and told me to call another guy. the other guy told me they had funding but that the first guy hadn't got clearance from the usfws to do the work because of some sort of minnows they say are endangered. it's pretty clear that the recent flooding of the ash from the hota air and chitty fires killed any fish in the creek up there anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to get a permit. it's typical burrocrattic finger pointing. if you want to hunt bears, deer or elk in this area, you oughta call all these guys. anyway, anyone who is interested in hunting the malay, east eagle, dry prong, saunder's cabin or any other area below the rim, above honeymoon or between the rez and highway 191 should be interested in this. following is a list of names and numbers you should call. Lark. frank hayes, clifton district ranger- 928-687-1807 email fhayes@fs.fed.us tom palmer, clifton district recreation guy- 928-687-1807 gary miller, apache sitgreaves transportation engineer- 928-333-6272 bob dyson, apache sitgreaves information specialist- 928-333-6263
  9. come on guys, this is still America. and it will be after the election. i don't think obama has a chance. don't care who his running mate is. i do think that mccains running mate could either help or hurt him. i don't think it makes a difference in obamas case. and i have faith that America will do the right thing. and electing a joke like obama ain't the right thing. Lark.
  10. .270

    Who knew! Pictures....

    amanda needs to replace the running deer on the home page with that second photo and add a little animation. that is too funny. Lark.
  11. anything that takes control away from gov't burrocrats is a good thing. the endangered species act has been a farce since it's inception. science has always taken a back seat to politics and control. and the only scientists that buy into are the ones that are willing to go along with the politics in order to further the control. every time an animal has recovered to numbers even above the original benchmark, the esa and huggers file law suits to keep them on the list. they don't want recovery because with recovery they lose control. just like the bald eagle. it's made an amazing recovery and there so many redundant laws protecting them it that it is a waste of time and money to keep them listed. but they're still there. same with the wyoming wolf. they have more than they ever even hoped for, but it's still there. even tho they've decimated that wildlife in the yellowstone. Lark.
  12. get a decent .22 auto. the cheapest ruger with fixed sights is a good one. Lark.
  13. .270

    new here

    all's i wanna know is if ya shoot a .270? if ya don't, that's ok, as long as ya don't shoot a 7mm/08. have fun, Lark.
  14. bottom line is if these guys woulda thought about this a little more, it wouldn't have been a big deal. i'm surprised mcclendon got off tho. i never heard of anyone guiding millionaires for free. Lark. http://www.wmicentral.com/site/news.cfm?ne...05965&rfi=6
  15. anybody buy a depredation tag? any news on how the first weekend went? we're gonna go see if we can find some. sorta hot to take care o' one. hafta get it by the road and get it on ice in a hurry. but i'm a helluva gutter and skinner. Lark.
  16. .270

    range finder

    there's some things a guy just don't do. i'll shoot a 7mm/08 after i vote for obammer and watch broke back mountain. they all 3 sorta belong together anyway...............Lark.
  17. .270

    i wondered about this

    i was sorta wondering about that too, desertbull. seems like the azgfd has always been of the slant that you should do your best to finish off an animal asap. still, this was a real dumb deal. never get in a situation that needs a tapemeasure to decide if you're legal or not. there are so many ways to get a big bull with the statewide tag. why would you wait to the end of the year and shoot a bull in a subdivision? Lark.
  18. .270

    22-250 brass

    i always screw the die down until it touches and leave i there. i've never heard of brass needing to be broke in. when you shoot it, it breaks it in in a hurry. just about all unbelted brass has a portion near the base that isn't touched in the die. Lark.
  19. one thing i'm pretty sure of, john edwards just got crossed offa obammers list. i don't see him picking anyone who's gonna be a big help. i still look for the clintons to pull a coup at the convention. mccain won't pick romney because he's a mormon, pure and simple. whatever he might bring in ability will be overshadowed because of negative thoughts about his religion. but he'd be foolish not to include him in his cabinet, after he's elected. the guy is an amazing bizwhiz. Lark.
  20. .270

    Your first hunts

    when i was 7 and my brother was 3 1/2, my dad took us bowhunting with him. a long time ago. to make the story short, he snuck up on a coues buck and killed it. we got to watch the whole thing. he gutted it and put it on his shoulders and on the way back i carried his ol' bear "grizzly". we were almost back to the truck and a big ol' bobcat jumped up on a rock. i handed him his bow and without even putting the buck down, he drilled the bobcat too. man, i thought davy crocket and dan'l boone were sissies compared to this guy. i remember that like it was yesterday. Lark.
  21. .270

    anyone elk hunting now?

    we saw some elk. my son had a chance on several cows, but passed. saw some fair bulls friday, but they were too fast and too wild. lots of hunters saturday. there are elk there, but they're wild and it's flat and thick. wind was gusty and hard to figure. we'll go back and i think he can get one. it's just hard to hunt. and hot. lots of road bombers. and quads. took my new ranger. we'd find tracks in early morning and i'd let em out and wait for em to call with their location and pick em up. the new ranger is really nice. talk about a smooth ride. i'm 6'3", my kid is 6'4" and my cousin is 6'10" and we had plenty of room for us all in the front seat. my kid said the middle seat got hot after awhile tho. sitting over the engine. Lark.
  22. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    you're right, the 2% deal is another way to lie without really lieing. 2% go from the range to the packing house. it's the high dollar grass fed stuff you see in the stores. it's more like 30%+ of America's beef that originates on grazing land. a lot of that is also on private land. some places have huge amounts of private land. that doesn't really count, with what we're talking about. we went on the depradation elk hunt this past weekend. about half of the land where we were is private. old checkerboard railroad land. none of it was locked up, and it could all have been. make it a little harder on the ranchers and see what happens. my entire slant is that ranchers follow the rules, or they get hammered. in the past that hasn't always been true, but it is now. and some folks think that just because they don't like something that is perfectly ok, moral, ethical, necessary, highly regulated and completely legal, it should be outlawed. just because they don't like it. public land is the only avenue that hunting and angling for the common man has, to stay alive. it is also the only avenue for a lot of other things. joint use. huggers are predators who take out the weakest, one at a time. they have infiltrated every gov't agency with any authority over the land and change the rules little by little. they are very good at lies and deciet and getting unknowing toadys to be their footsoldiers. it's apparant that a lot of hunters would like to get rid of cattle. even tho it is completely legal. it won't stop there. we're on the list. and when it all comes down, anyone who helps get rid of any legal enterprise or recreational opportunity on public land, through those actions, will eventually be part and party to outlawing sport hunting on public land. right now, every one who enjoys public land, fights each other. even the different groups are broken up into smaller groups. bowhunters, riflehunters, treestanders, saltsitters, houndmen, baiters, etc., etc. a bunch of them only worry about what affects them most. instead of seeing the big picture and seeing how anti's divide and conquer. stay away from the fence. get on one side or the other, so we know who the enemy is and isn't. by closing ranks and fighting for someone who may have a little different view than you is how you win wars. Lark.
  23. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    no, you respect your views. my only view is that i want to be able to enjoy public land and i feel everyone else should have that right, also. just as long as they stay inside the rules. expensive hobby or not, they've forked out the cash to do what they're doing. sorry you see cows and bighorns together. the rancher is just following the rules that the govt' made. too bad you can't understand that. i know a lot of ranchers. it ain't a hobby. it's their job. just like yours. and they have more invested in it than you do. you can't just arbitrarilly decide that because you see a cow in your scope that it's a bad thing. well, i guess you can. but most folks see it a little different. so you killed a lion? i can't even remember all of mine. the worst problem bighorns have is poor management. not cows. ranchers just do what they are allowed. if you don't like it, change the rules. but you'll hafta get on the other side o' the fence to do it. which ain't too bad o' deal, because we don't need huggers on this side. Lark.
  24. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    go back next year and take a photo of the same place, it will most likely be a mirror image. grass on the other side, no grass on the grassy side. that's how grazing works. you move the cows around. it's called rotation. the places that are fenced in are called pastures. it's an ancient concept that still works. you can say all you want about science, but those are the rules ranchers live by and rules the gov't has come up with. the amount of grass on a place is determined by the clumps of grass, not by the height. as long as the individual plants and alive and ok, the size is secondary, because with rain, they return. those are the rules. and outside of cattle and elk, there aren't a lot of animals in Az. that use much grass. we have a few sheep and horses, but not many. a deer's diet involves very little grass. small game, birds and rodents utilize a lot of grass seeds. the stalks have very little nutrition. and forget all the talk about drought. this is Az. we've been in a drought for over 1000 years. it's the desert. it dosn't rain much here. we have dry years and we have drier years. drought has nothing to do with it. it's the nature of the land. we live hear because we can control our environment. we build dams and canals and drill wells. we build houses and roads. it's the way it is. what i'm trying to tell you is that ranchers live within a very set bunch of rules and laws. they don't make them up. i'm pretty sure that as a whole, they would do a better job of managing the land if they had only minimal burrocrattic involvement. and if you want to piss em off, they will lock gates and nothing you do will open em. most of these guys have generations invested in their places. their great great grandads homesteaded the water and creeks and stuff and they own a lot of access to what is now public land. there have been billions invested over the years in improvements. i know of at least one really good whitetail area that is going to most likely be locked up this year because of some game wardens saying some really stupid things. ranchers are here, they have been here, and they are going to stay here for a long time and we're all better off with them here. they live within the rules or the pay heavily. the guy i said that got his permit cut in half, he had to sell out in order to pay his fines. it broke him. and it was his fault. one rancher by wilcox spent a long time in prison simply because he decided he didn't have to do what the judge said. the old spear ranch where i spent so much of my youth was recently sold and all the patented land is being subdivided. it's going to have a real detrimental affect on the west end of the pinalenos. the folks that owned it couldn't make anything on it because their permit had been cut back because of a bat. don't know what bats have to do with grazing, but that was the tool that was finally used to pry em off the land. say all you want. but first thing you need to do is sell your guns and buy some birkenstocks. it sounds to me like you're more than a little on the hugger side. only way any of us are ever going to weather the storm is for everyone who wants to use the land to stick together and look to each other as allies and not as enemies. get off the fence. Lark.
  25. .270

    Deer & Cattle

    so i guess we gotta revert to caveman days? this is 2008. man has changed his environment to suit him the best he can since the beginning of time. "white men" and cattle didn't displace buffalo. the gov't killed em off to control the indians. they created a market for the hides so that folks would shoot em. they advertised for rich folk to come out west and shoot em all day long from trains. etc, etc. that's a fact. the pioneers who came west shot buffalo when they needed one to eat. they didn't have time to just run around and shoot buffalo. they were too busy workin', buildin' something. and the only reason there is even one dang buffalo left is because charlie goodnight and a couple other cowboys herded a few up and protected em to keep the last few from getting exterminated. that's a fact. and elk never were big time plains animals in modern times. they liked to hang out in the meadows and high praries, that were surrounded by trees, just like they do today. they spent more time in the open, because there weren't roads and people everywhere. but they weren't ever like bison. they were never herded up in the vast wide open like bison. the way they act today is because of human encroachment, not cows. and what the heck do you think feeds us? and provides leather and countless other products? cows. that's what. i guess we could cover kansas and nebraska with cows, but where you gonna plant the wheat and corn? a couple other sorta important staples. guess you figgerd you just got that at the store, huh? and we ain't never had a similar system to africa. never. and the term is "wildabeest", not "wilderbeast". if yer gonna argue at least learn how to spell. sounds like larry the cable guy. there is nothing that is more regulated, monitored, supervised, changed, challenged, tinkered with, etc., than public land grazing. if a cowboy has a cow on public land he has to do more paperwork and put up with more redtape than (not "then", you guys learn some english) than you can even imagine and there ain't even any sense even trying to explain it to anyone who doesn't understand it. what's it hurt if a cow is in a canyon? i don't understand that one for sure. the noxious weeds and other stuff were brought in here by commerce. just like these stupid uranus doves. and crawdads. no we have the quagga muscles. things move around. things change. nothing stays the same. it's called dynamics. and they always have. and fences? there are more fences in any given subdivision than there is on grazing land. how you gonna do away with fences? you need to look at the benefit grazing does for country. and you need to look at how much land ranchers could lock up if they wanted to. heck, one woman with a gripe and a couple acres brought the lower aravaipa to it's knees for over 2 years with one gate. what if all the ranchers, that own virtually every bit of access into the galiuros, decided to lock it up? like they have in the past because of meddling by huggers. the same could happen in just about the whole southeast part of Az. instead of just deciding that some guy with a cow is the enemy. anti's gang up on one group at a time. they pretty much got logging, at least in the southwest. cowboys are next. guess who's next after that? us. like i said, this is 2008 and it ain't gonna go backwards. no matter what you and the rest o' the tree huggers want. i'm real sorry you see a cow in your scope every once in a while when you're glassing for sheep. tell ya what, you give up your air conditioned house, vehicle and gun, go back to nature (and probly starve) and i'll see what i can do about the cows in the canyons. Lark.