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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Win Model 70

    ive got several .300's and have never had a problem with the bullets shaking loose. i've read that analogy a bunch about the neck length, but i've never had any negative stuff with mine. it does look sorta funny with that stubby little neck. a .300 mag's case is 2.62" long and a .338 is 2.5". you can get more powder in the the .300 and it shoots a bit faster. i always wondered why nobody ever necked up the .300 up to .338? o' course then the neck would be really short compared to the bullet diameter. guess a guy could get a .340 weatherby. i have had problems with .264 bullets coming loose and with an '06. my son's .270 short mag tikka had some problems with that too. recoil was pushing the bullets in the magazine back into the case. had to put a little crimp on em. i'd really like to see that rifle. i really like model 70's and this one sounds like something special. Lark.
  2. .270

    Guide license?

    a guy can always work for uso. most o' their guides are high school drop outs who ain't never killed an elk. guidin' is ok if all your hunters are rich, non-jackasses who can walk like a bighorn and shoot straight, don't mind gettin' wood and cookin' know how to set up the tent and have a good 4x4. but i only had like one o' them. it's a miserable existence. Lark.
  3. .270

    Remington .300 Ultra Mag

    so far it seems to be ok. it's sorta wierd packin' around a rifle that has a fishin' pole for a barrel tho. them christensen barrels are odd lookin' things for sure. it's about as big around as a shovel handle. he bought the rifle off the rack at cabelas. seems like they have a mcmillan stock or some deal on em. aluminum bedded. i think he has about 4-5 grand in the rifle and optics and other stuff. i'm startin' to get a little antsy. been a long time since i had an Az. bull tag with my name on it. Lark.
  4. .270

    Remington .300 Ultra Mag

    retumbo is made for large capacity cases. probly a little better with larger bores than a .30, but it seems to work real well. i imagine there are other powders just as effective. all the info i could find on it said it was well suited to the RUM. the load i shoot is a compressed load also, which is supposed to give a little better accuracy than a loose load. when you're loading close to 100 grains per load, another 10 ain't much if it will give you a little more accuracy. just a fraction at 200 yards can be the difference between a good hit and a gutshot at 700 or so. can't remember exactly what the chronograph said, somewhere between 3200 and 3300fps. it's the only powder we've ever even tried in it. it works real well, so i never saw any reason to experiment further. i can't remember the BC of the accubonds, but it is a significant improvement over the partitions and the bullet works vey well. makes a great mushroom and retains at least as much weight as the partitions. the rifle is a christensen carbon fiber barrel with a remington 700 action, jewell trigger and a swarovksi scope with a buncha crosshairs in it. the last one is on at around 950 yards. shoots real well. i'm going to use it on my elk hunt later this year. it has a really good muzzlebreak and the recoil is pretty much nonexistant. i have to have a total shoulder joint replacement later this year and can't take much recoil at all. all my guns kick too hard to be bareable so i'm gonna try this gun o' my boys. it's nice because it only weighs about 7 1/2 pounds with the scope on it too. i think i'll pack it during deer season too to get a little more experience with it. so far it's been a real impressive rifle. there were 4 shots at over 700 yards made on game with it last year. from coues to bull elk. and a russian boar, but it was only a couple hundred yards. Lark.
  5. whatever it costs, it's workin'. that's a plum shiny lookin' gal. imagine if they spent that much on hillary? now that would be some wastefull spendin' there. ain't nothin' short o' some magic alien plastic surgery could help that hag. heck, tequila couldn't halp that hag. Lark.
  6. .270

    Win Model 70

    yep, them are beuhler mounts. not a bad set up. a little hard to sight in, but they almost never get knocked off and there are a lot less places for the scope to leak from. B&L made a lot of fine scopes with no adjustment on them. if it's clear, i'd leave it on it. they just look right on a model 70. i'd love to have one to put on one o' my old ones. looks like an original stock. appears to be a standard grade. featherweights have an alluminum trigger guard and magazine plate and the blue is always a little off colored. supergrades have fancier wood, deeper blue and different checkering. they also have a plastic tip on the forepiece. seems like some of them have a cap on the pistol grip too. does it have an orignal barrel that has been rechamberd? they could have done that with an '06 real easy. or is it a custom barrel? the .300/.338 is an interesting cartridge. quite a bit hotter than an '06 but a little less than a .300 win mag. should be a lot like a .308 norma. probly a bit hotter than a short mag. and being a hair shorter than the .300, it will work a little better in the action. the .300, both the win and h&h's have to be loaded just a little shorter than in some other actions, because the pre64 isn't a big long action. the h&h's, both the .300 and .375, along with the .300 winchester, are quite long cartridges. i always kinda figgerd that the .338, .458 and .264 were made the length they were in order to work well in the action. they're all on the same case. one thing i know for sure, that is one dang fine rifle. i'll swap ya 2 mossberg .22 autos, a three legged dog and whole case o' montezuma's revenge tequila for it. you said it had a lot of twist? you mean barrel twist? how quick is it? maybe they set it up for heavy bullets. 200's and 220's take a quick twist, like 8". i hope ya told whoever gave to ya thanks. that's a neat rifle. Lark.
  7. .270

    Remington .300 Ultra Mag

    i just loaded a buncha 180 nosler accubonds with retumbo powder last night. they have a fairly high BC. my oldest son shot a bull last year at 804 yards with this load. Lark.
  8. .270

    Win Model 70

    the factory never offered a pre 64 in that caliber. in fact i've never seen factory ammo for it. i've seen a couple custom rifles chambered for it. the balistics are a lot like a 300 short mag. it must either be a rechamber or it has a different barrel on it. there are a lot of custom model 70's out there. model 70's seem to really fluctuate in price. one gun show will have a bunch real reasonable, the next they are all higher than heck. if it's in good shape, not all rusty and beat and up, has a good sound stock on it, it will be worth from $600 on the low end to over a grand. if it's a super grade or featherweight, it will be worth a little more. interesting sounding rifle. does it have the old beuhler scope mounts on it? most of the old bausch and lomb scopes did. all the adjustments are in the bases and there are no knobs on the scope. post a photo if you can. Lark.
  9. this is a rough deal. guess when a guy finds a dead animal he needs to leave it alone. plague is bad stuff. too bad. Lark. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-1...nd-canyon_N.htm
  10. i can't think of a bigger test than havin' obama bin biden in office. Lark.
  11. a couple months ago this was a really big subject on this site. i got called all kindsa names for bein' a nonbeliever. seems to me like there has been a real abscence of any global warming alarmist articles in the news lately. could it be that since all the real science lately has leaned the other way and that the "sky is falling" koolaid drinkers wanna change the subject until they can drum up some more "evidence" that we're all gonna cook? anyway, this is an interesting article and it has real funny comments also. i for one, am ready for a litte global cooling, since it's almost deer season. seems like it always cools off about now. is it because we emit less co2 in the fall and winter? Lark. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/f...es-go-poof.aspx
  12. .270

    Colin Powell

    does this suprise anyone? only 2 things he coulda done, endorse nobody or endorse the terrorist buddy. Lark.
  13. .270

    Mystery Deer

    looks suspiciously photo shopped. Lark.
  14. .270

    AGFD and the Wolf

    i honestly thing a little less of the style of management that seems to be prevalent these days would be a good thing for the wildlife. Lark.
  15. how many swats did ya git? when i turned 50 a guy asked how old i was in human years........he didn't see me for about a week after that. we was around each other, but his eyes was swoll shut for about 8 days. happy birthday, Lark.
  16. .270

    ahhh steaks

    skin it and hang it up at night. each morning take it down, lay it on a canvas tarp or old blanket or a sleeping bag in the shade and cover it with sleeping bags or anything that will insulate it and keep it cool. doesn't have to be real cold or frozen, just cool. you can keep deer this way for a long time. for a week, easy. and they age really well and will be better to eat. main thing is to clean em up real good and don't leave a lotta blood or gut juice ar anything like that on em. don't worry if they grow a little mold here and there. just wash it off or trim it off when you cut it up. late november, about anywhere in Az., you can take real good care of deer. deer, especially coues, are quite small and chill out well and keep well if you take some time and be vigilant with them. elk are a different story. you need to split them or bone them out so they don't sour in the shoulders where the neck and shoulders come together. they'll spoil there even when it's real cold sometimes because they hold heat for so long. if you're around a garden hose, hose the heck out of things. it really takes the heat out and chills them and it's good to clean things real well. and never ever, ever use anything plastic. no plastic tarps or clear plastic or garbage bags. plastic build heat and won't let things breath. again, no plastic. i've taken care of hundreds of deer and elk this way and never lost one steak. Lark.
  17. .270

    winchester pre 64

    that's why it isn't as fast. Lark.
  18. .270

    AGFD and the Wolf

    azgfd gets a big chunk o' change from the feds to stay involved. since they are no longer a wildlife management agency and are purely an accounting firm, they go where they money is. this entire program has been nothing but an expensive fiasco ran by "ecologists" with no real direction other than to run folks off the land. Lark.
  19. .270

    winchester pre 64

    parts are easy to get. the one i use all the time was made in '48. you can't wear em out. i have others that are older, but seldom shoot em. Lark.
  20. .270


    you don't see em very often because, well they like, live underground most o' the time. i called one badger in many years ago in u1. thought it was a bobcat the wasy it came slitherin' in. shot it with a .22 pistol. my uncle called one in and shot it, also. also many years ago. i saw one awhile back, but just let it waddle off. neat critter. greasy suckers to skin. best to skin it, roll it up and freeze it. let the taxidermist flesh it. the hide seems to grow fat for about a week. every once in awhile a guy will glass one up while glassing for goats and such. Lark.
  21. .270

    World Record Bull

    this is an excellent post krp. said what a lot of folks have thought but couldn't put in words. posse hunting, i like that. good term. last year the same players in this fiasco had a big blow up in nevada because they had a big bull spotted and figured that because they had a guy with a lot of money that it was their elk and everyone else had to leave it alone. i guess another outfitter took a guy on the hunt and he shot it. there was a lot of mudslingin' over that deal. for some reason some folks think that whoever forks out the most money is the guy that should have dibs on things. a few years ago an old guy that can't even carry his own rifle bought an Az. pronghorn tag and shot a buck that was eventually recognized as the world record. only problem was that a college kid killed a buck the same year, with no guide and barely enough cash to make the hunt, that tied it. a guy i know said there was a lotta mad folks over that deal because this ol' dude had spent so much on the hunt and some kid from nowhere got one just as big. personally, i think all these extra curricullar tags should be raffle only. let everyone have a shot at them and maybe cut out some of this market hunting. if a guy wants to buy a tag for a huge bull, he can always hunt san carlos. Lark.
  22. fishook wilderness in u28. next to the rez. lots of elk. rough country. Lark.
  23. ok, all you jokers read this. it's an article from the nytimes in 1999. way before W got elected. when your hero clinton was in office. now all o' you obama supporters tell me again why this is a republican problem? and tell me again how obama is gonna fix it? once again, the only thing that will fix the economy is hard work and ingenuity by the American work force. the entire world is sitting on their hands waiting for America to fix the problem. and raising taxes, on anyone, ain't the way to do it. raise the taxes on the rich guys and they just raise their prices. that us average joes have to pay. read it and weep. Lark. September 30, 1999 Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending By STEVEN A. HOLMES In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from banks and other lenders. The action, which will begin as a pilot program involving 24 banks in 15 markets -- including the New York metropolitan region -- will encourage those banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit is generally not good enough to qualify for conventional loans. Fannie Mae officials say they hope to make it a nationwide program by next spring. Fannie Mae, the nation’s biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits. In addition, banks, thrift institutions and mortgage companies have been pressing Fannie Mae to help them make more loans to so-called subprime borrowers. These borrowers whose incomes, credit ratings and savings are not good enough to qualify for conventional loans, can only get loans from finance companies that charge much higher interest rates -- anywhere from three to four percentage points higher than conventional loans. ’’Fannie Mae has expanded home ownership for millions of families in the 1990’s by reducing down payment requirements,’’ said Franklin D. Raines, Fannie Mae’s chairman and chief executive officer. ’’Yet there remain too many borrowers whose credit is just a notch below what our underwriting has required who have been relegated to paying significantly higher mortgage rates in the so-called subprime market.’’ Demographic information on these borrowers is sketchy. But at least one study indicates that 18 percent of the loans in the subprime market went to black borrowers, compared to 5 per cent of loans in the conventional loan market. In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980’s. ’’From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,’’ said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ’’If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.’’ Under Fannie Mae’s pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one
  24. these are the kinda folks that anti's need to go after. this joker needs locked up. he's a literal menace to society. pinkeyed goats to kill the bighorns. bulldozin' indian ruins. dammed up the little colorado. dumped crap all over creen queek when the sewer backed up. now this. and on and on and on.......is there an end to what this @$$hole is capable of? this is a very dangerous person. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/n...settlement.html