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Everything posted by .270

  1. sound like bullwidgeon has somethin' agin' folks with wooden shoes? dangit bullwidgeon, now the Az sonoran museum is gonna make it to where you hafta be on a leash when you're there from now on. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/200...18javelina.html
  2. .270

    wolf news

    this concerns the ones they succesfully transplanted in the yellowstone area. you know, where they ended up with several times more than the original target, had a huge success as far as introducing a non-native species (these were canadien wolves, a little different than what was there before) but then decided that even tho they met the requirements that the huggers insisted on to begin with, that they still needed to be endangered and protected against good wildlife management. it ain't about the animal, it's about control. i'm sure obama will strike it and reinstitute the endangered tag. one thing he is all for is control. guns, gas, food, money, freedom, thought. all that stuff that we aren't smart enought to take care of for ourselves. Lark.
  3. well, we'll see how long this one lasts. wonder how hard it will be to get a tag. i'd still like to bbq one. Lark. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/G/GRA...mp;SECTION=HOME
  4. .270

    Kirt Darner sentenced (barely)

    i've known Kirt for a long time. this is really a depressing thing to me. i was a big supporter of his. oh well, guess we can all get fooled. part of his original sentence agreement is that he can "NEVER" own a gun, hunt or fish in the United States again. that is gonna be worse on him than any fine or community service. "never" is a long time. he's a guy that really likes to hunt and spent more time at it than most of could ever even dream of. and with all this other stuff aside, he is a helluva a hunter. this whole thing is too bad for everyone in the hunting public. a guy that was really looked up to turns out to be a lot less than folks thought. i ain't gonna pass any judgement on what his sentence is, that's up to the courts. what is really the $h!t$ tho is that there are guys as bad and worse still out there. and a lot of em are pretty famous. i saw a guy in a magazine the other day that is snakier than a rattler. they were braggin' all over him. i don't feel sorry for Kirt. he did this. and what about the stolen sheep heads? i don't think any of this sentence has anything to do with them. wonder what is gonna happen on that deal? Lark.
  5. .270

    so mad!!!

    ok, i can't turn this one down. don't hunt with a bow anymore. bad knees, can't run. bad shoulder, can't pull one back. bad eyes, can't see sights for $h!t. but i've stacked up a lotta stuff with bows and arrows. you have to be real discriminating with your shots. ok, first, ethics is just somebodies opinion. ask any peta wierdo if a hunter is ethical. don't get hung up on ethics or on folks that like to sling the word around. it's just someone's opinion. second, you didn't hit the deer in the heart or lungs. you somehow angled the arrow into it's guts or maybe stuck it in the brisket. there is also a chance that the arrow went along the outside of the ribs, maybe under the shoulder, and didn't get into the vitals. especially if it was laying down. when they lay down, everything rolls around and nothing is like it is if they are standing. if you got it in the lungs or heart, you would have found it. end of story. they can't live. their lungs fill up with blood and they pass out because they can't breath, if you get a lung. even just one gets em in a hurry. and a heart shot is always fatal and in just a few seconds. always. no options. a good liver hit will make a buck real sick, real quick and if you keep after him he'll either lay down and die or you'll jump him up and then you can let him lay down again and maybe get another shot. but a good hit in the liver will get em quick. don't let it get ya down and don't pay too much attention to other folks. take the shot you feel like you can make and live with it. but a 95 yards shot is a fair distance for a rifle. in my opinion. learn from it and go on from here. good luck. Lark.
  6. i use 52 gr hornady bthp match bullets in anything .22 caliber and they work real well. Lark.
  7. .270

    Lion Sign

    don't look like any lion sign i ever seen. might be "liein'" sign. them look like finger marks to me. i've only seen one lion eat a pig it didn't kill. the pig died in a trap and the lion ate it the night after it was taken out. in fact i've only seen 2 pigs that lions did eat. they have a real rough tongue and i think it's too painfull for em to lick their butt tryin' to get the taste o' pig outta there mouth. also, i ain't never seen a lion hard up enough to dig up somethin' somebody else covered up. never even seen where i thought one got after another one's kill. when a lion covers somethin' up they drag it up under some brush and cover it with limbs and leaves and other vegitation. some dirt, but just what they scrape up with the other stuff. nope, that ain't no lion coverup. that's pure hooman bean there. Lark.
  8. .270

    Need a pistol

    i have pistols in ever configuration there is and in a lotta different calibers. i'm as confident with a .22 as any of em. especially in an auto. you can shoot em real accurate, even at fairly long ranges, they don't blast your ears, don't kick and are easy to carry. and ammo is real cheap. i've killed coyotes at 100 yards with my ruger. several of em. i'd dang sure take a .22 over a .380. you hafta get real good with a big centerfire to do better than you can do with a .22. and you hafta shoot a big centerfire a lot to keep up on it. they will all get the job done, but i really like .22 autos. and don't let anyone tell you they ain't deadly, because a .22 is one bad deal to get shot with, especially when the guy doin' the shootin' knows what he's doin'. Lark.
  9. what kinda dent did it put in the primer? sounds to me like a bad primer more than a weak firing pin. any primer can be bad, even factory loads. i bought a couple thousand winchester magnum primers a couple years ago and finally quit usin' em because of so many misfires. in every rifle i loaded em in. went to nothing but cci's and have had no problems. if it put a decent dent in the primer, i'd say that was the problem. another thing to try is to just open and close the bolt and see if it will go off the second time. i know that ain't what a guy would do shooting at game, but if you still have the round, try it again. 2 years in a row i tracked down bucks and jumped em up and had to shoot offhand at em running. both times the first round failed. i killed em both with following shots, but it sure ticked me off when it happened. i have a buncha loaded rounds now that are just for the range. Lark.
  10. .270

    The CWT Band

    dang casey, i apologize. i didnt' know folks was gonna get so mean about you bein' all inbred and stuff. c'mon guys, he can't help it. besides, he's gonna work for the border patrol now. he's gonna hafta git him one o' them big fat mariachi guitars and a sombrero. Lark.
  11. .270

    Wolf Program Faces Challenge

    i like how they blame the failure of the program on folks shooting wolves and gov't trappers. doesn't say anything about them being a half tame curr that will never have the guile to be a true wild predator and about how the program is administered by a buncha wannabee ecologists who don't have the sense to come in outta the rain. i sncerely hope they never prosecute even one person over shooting em. oh well, bad news for the program is good news for everything else. john oakleaf? wonder how long it took him to come up with that name? doesn anybody know how wolf tastes? wonder if they are better than condors or bald eagles? Lark.
  12. where is "C"? ain't it the southeast part of the rez? used to hunt the rez a lot years ago. still have occasion to at least cross it on my way to eagle creek several times a year. one thing it has for sure is pigs. if "C" is where i'm thinking it is, hunt southeast of arsenic tubs, anywhere. find some tracks and follow em. wherever the tracks end, there will be pigs, guaranteed. i've seen pigs at dry lake, malay gap, freezeout, all over the nantac. there's pig everwhere on the rez. have fun. Lark.
  13. what i don't understand is why folks have a problem with a guy who broke the law gettin' hammered? does the amount of money a guy has have something to do with how folks interpret the law? this guy had legal representation, got tried in a court of law and was convicted of breaking the law by a duly appointed judge. seems to me like the system worked. he can appeal it if he wants. but it doesn't seem he wants to. oh, and Merry Christmas everbuddy. Lark.
  14. this guy could hunt any public land in Az for one year. he could shoot any elk he saw, anytime he saw it, anyplace he saw it, for one calendar year, starting aug 1. so he waited until the last few days of the year long season and shot a half tame bull in a subdivision. a bull that was on it's way onto public land to bed for the day. a bull that he could have waited a few minutes to shoot and nothing would have happened. he deserves at least what he got. this ain't a hunt. he paid big bucks for information as to the whereabouts of the elk, flew in and shot it. like i've said all along, if you have to rely on a tape measure to know if you're legal or not, you might oughta think twice about the shot. this is one time i'm on the azgfd's side. and that ain't often. he could have done any one of dozens of other things and been legal. he could have hunted earlier in the year. he could have hunted in some wild country and had a real experience. he could have hunted anywhere in the state. during the rut, in the winter time, late winter, any one of innumerable ways and places. real hunts. instead he shot a bull in a subdivision and got pinched for it. and did a completely miserable job of shooting. no hunting was involved here. no skill was used. another guy with a lot of money that thought the laws pertained to only the little people. this is another good reason to do away with the auction tags. Lark.
  15. first viagra feeder i ever seen..........Lark
  16. .270

    How do you train a dog for hunting lions

    helps to get divorced first. just as well git it over with now. because if you git addicted to hounds, it will most likely happen later. the rest is purty easy. Lark.
  17. .270

    Draw results out

    we got antlered javelina, again. crap, you know how hard it is to find one with horns? and they hafta have a fork. but that ain't a bad thing, becuz i never shoot one anyway. unless it's a talkin' javelina. but we did get turkey tags, but it says they hafta have a beard and a spikey mohawk and earings. you know how small turkey ears are? how'm i ever gonna see a ring in one? man, i always get screwed on the draw. i ain't never puttin' in a 6th choice again, that's for sure. Lark.
  18. .270

    Short Lion hunt close to home.....

    all i see is red x's, but thanks for shooting lions anyway. the deer appreciate it. Lark.
  19. .270

    Up hill shot aim low?

    if you're shooting steep, up or down, your trajectory will be high. how high depends on your rifle, the angle, the velocity and weight of the bullet, just about everything. at 200 yards, i wouldn't worry too much about it, if your using any kind of modern rifle with a fairly quick velocity. when you get at extended ranges, it gets real tricky. Lark.
  20. the best fishing in the gulf is around the oil rigs. absolutley some of the best trophy muley country is around cortez colorado, in the middle of a gas field. the alaska pipeline has had no negative affect on caribou, or anything else, other than griping the heck outta the anti's because it hasn't. there are so many bighorns in the morenci pit that they are a nuisance and folks shoot trophy coues along the edges of the mine work every year. if you give elk a chance, they will move into agricultural land and stay there. can't run em out. animals learn to work around things and in fact thrive, many times. drilling, mining, logging, farming and ranching are all perfectly acceptable when they are confined to certain profitable areas and stay within what are known to be safe parameters and acceptable practices. i see oil wells in wheat fields in kansas and there are deer all over the place right next to em. wonder why they don't just die? and on that horrible unregulated, unethical private land too. land where they can do what they want without the all knowing gov't telling them what to do. and they farm it, get oil from it and the deer do just fine. how can that be, with no gov't input from educated elites? how does that work? we need to at least develop the neccesarry resources we have now. may not need to use them just now, but they need to be developed and made ready for use. natural resources are what has made this country the independent envy of the rest of the world. we need to use them. wisely, but use them. in order to keep us independent of foreign interests who don't like us and take the money we give them to shoot at us. drilling in utah, even in close proximity to national parks, will cause very little long term impact on flaura or fauna. once the the roads are built, the drilling done and pipelines and substations are established, they will chug along without anyone noticing much other than a lot more folks have jobs. besides, obama, the savior, will nix anything constructive Bush has done, just to do it. we'll be paying $6 a gallon for gas soon and electricity will un-affordable. when you can't afford it, it really doesn't matter how much it costs anyway. Lark.
  21. .270

    Supreme Court

    it's kinda funny to that mcain wasn't born in the U.S. but he was born to American parents in panama, while his dad was stationed there. obama has been skirting around this deal for awhile. be real interesting to see how it plays out. Lark.
  22. .270

    Supreme Court

    he hasn't been able to prove it yet. there is a lot of controversy over it and has been for quite awhile. Lark.
  23. depends on how long they live. a lot are not much bigger than a housecat. some are. in the late 70's my grandad found a place that was full of foxes. he was trapping a dozen or so a day. then what he thought was a lion moved in and was running his traps for him, and eating the foxes. he had experience with lions doing this quite a few times. he found one that it had just started to eat and assumed he had scared it off. he made a lion set for it with a #6 trap and called me and asked if i'd go with and trail it up and shoot it. a guy who knows what he's doing can trap a lion quite easily on a kill and he was real confident he would have it. he sure enough did. only it was a bobcat. he was 53 inches from his nose to his stretched out hind feet and weighed 58 pounds. he sold it for nearly $1000. i'd guess he trapped over 1000 bobcats in his life and his brother probably caught twice that or more. neither one had seen a bobcat like that. they had caught some they were sure were probably over 40 pounds, but nothing like this one. he had a front paw like a fair sized lion. i know there is at least one photo of it. i've shot a couple that were over 30 real easy. but most of them are probably less than 20 pounds. saw a photo of one a guy shot this weekend that will go around 30. Lark.
  24. only good thing about this crap is that maybe our governor will pack all his crap and move to dc. then at least maybe we can get our state back. the nra and sci are ok deals to join, but they are lobbiests. they sway some vote in places and states that agree with them. it won't hurt to donate to them for sure, but where things have to change is in the gov't. i belong to the nra, but i'm still real pissed at them and sci for siding with uso in the big lawsuit a few years ago. heck even the republicans are liberals anymore. everybody is afraid to offend anyone. screw em, if they act like jerks, treat em accordingly. first thing that has to take place is Az. has to get an asskicker for governor. somebody that will seal the border, enforce all the laws, tell crybaby special interests to go to heck and get this state back where it should be. we don't need anymore money spent on teaching kids english, we don't need to waste anymore money on global warming (did you see that alaskan glaciers actually grew last year?), we need to build up our industries, make everybody get a job and earn their way, stop all the whinin' about health care, fire crummy school teachers and administrators, and get back to real live work and makin' an honest living. then we can work on dc. if you are afraid of what these creeps are gonna do to gun laws and hunting, wait till they get ahold of your 401k, like they will do here shortly, and turn the constitution into a relic to be put in a museum. the president is powerless if the house and senate want him to be. that's where the change has to be made. we are a democratically elected republic. that means we vote for guys be our representative. they have our proxy in dc. those are the guys that hafta go first. but with what this last election showed me is that there are a majority of folks who don't want to work and want the gov't to take money away from those who do and give it to them. i don't really know what to say, other that i'm afraid America maybe died 2 days ago. at least the America i've always known. she dang sure had a hard attack and ain't doin to well right now. there were a few positive things that did happen. arpaio got relected and the propostions either passed or didn't in the way i wanted them to. and maybe we'll get rid o' that jackass governor. Lark.
  25. .270

    Loading Barnes bullets

    the sst's are the ones i've seen explode. a guy i was with in colorado shot a muley with one a couple years ago. nastiest thing i ever saw. that plastic tip really makes em pop. i've shot the interlocks for years in all kindsa calibers and have never had one perform poorly. i do sometimes, but not the bullet. the v-max will really blow up too, but they aren't what you'd use on deer or elk. i've had good success with the interbonds too, but they are just too expensive, when the interlocks work just as well. a lot of people use barnes bullets, but i'll never bother with them. they are always trying to improve them to where they will work as well as a jacketed lead bullet, but it won't ever happen. initially, you had to reduce your load way down because they are so much longer and take up case space and have a lot of barrel drag. then folks found out that they didn't kill very well so they've been trying to improve the mushroom, which is about non-existant. now they have the rings cut in em to reduce the barrel drag. as long as we can shoot lead jacketed bullets, that's all i'll use. a couple years ago i guided 4 guys on the late bull hunt. all 4 guys shot 6x6's. 3 guys used .300's and one guy had a .30/.378. one guy had jacketed bullets, one shot in the lungs, ran 50 yards, dead elk. the other 3 guys were using barnes and all made excellent shots, all 3 ran off and had to be tracked down and then punked outta some crappy stuff. any rifle with a jacketed bullet woulda put em down in fine fashion. the barnes just bored holes in em and they ran off. finally died, but it sure caused a lotta work. Lark.